Raytel LLC AR-716E-RAY-AJ Installation And Programming Manual

Raytel LLC AR-716E-RAY-AJ Installation And Programming Manual

Boxed 2 door controller boxed 2 door controller with door alarms with door alarms


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AR- - - - 716E
Boxed 2 Door Controller
Boxed 2 Door Controller
Boxed 2 Door Controller
Boxed 2 Door Controller
With Door Alarms
With Door Alarms
With Door Alarms
With Door Alarms
Installation and Programming Guide
Installation and Programming Guide
Installation and Programming Guide
Installation and Programming Guide
Raytel House, Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers
716E- - - - RAY
RAY- - - - AJ
20th May 2021
20th May 2021
20th May 2021
20th May 2021
Version 1.1
Tel: (01245) 428510
Fax: (01245) 428515


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Raytel LLC AR-716E-RAY-AJ

  • Page 1 With Door Alarms With Door Alarms Installation and Programming Guide Installation and Programming Guide Installation and Programming Guide Installation and Programming Guide AR-716E-RAY-AJ 20th May 2021 20th May 2021 20th May 2021 20th May 2021 Version 1.1 Raytel House, Cutlers Road, South Woodham Ferrers...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION GENERAL INFORMATION System Overview ....................Page 3 Setting Reader DIP Switches .................. Page 3 Interface Connections .................... Page 4 Reader and Lock connections ................Page 5 Display and Keypad layout ..................Page 6 Identifying Tokens and Cards .................
  • Page 3: System Overview

    SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW SYSTEM OVERVIEW The AR-716E-RAY-V5 Boxed Controller The AR-716E-RAY-V5 is a versatile two door proximity controller that can be used as either a stand-alone or networked device. Key Features: Built in Reader loop for token programming 16,384 User Card capacity.
  • Page 4: Interface Connections

    INTERFACE CONNECTIO INTERFACE CONNECTIONS INTERFACE CONNECTIO INTERFACE CONNECTIO Door 1 and Door 2 outputs can be clean contacts or powered outputs. The position of the slider switches on the pcb determines the type of output for each door. Cable Type Up to 50m Up to 100m Up to 200m Cat5/6E Cat5/6E Cat5/6E...
  • Page 5: Reader And Lock Connections

    INTERFACE BOARD DETAILS INTERFACE BOARD DETAILS INTERFACE BOARD DETAILS INTERFACE BOARD DETAILS LED1 = Power On LED6 = Alarm Relay Door 1 Selector switches for clean LED2 = Battery LED7 = Alarm Relay Door 2 contacts or 12V DC output LED3 = Fault LED4 = Door Output Relay 1 Additional connections...
  • Page 6: Display And Keypad Layout

    DISPLAY AND KEYPAD L DISPLAY AND KEYPAD LAYOUT AYOUT DISPLAY AND KEYPAD L DISPLAY AND KEYPAD L AYOUT AYOUT Front Panel Layout Front Panel Layout Front Panel Layout Front Panel Layout OK (Green) Power (Green) Error (Red) Alarm (Red) In Process (Green) Alarm (Green) LED’s LED’s...
  • Page 7: Identifying Tokens And Cards

    TOKENS / CARDS TOKENS / CARDS TOKENS / CARDS TOKENS / CARDS Identifying Tokens and Cards Identifying Tokens and Cards Identifying Tokens and Cards Identifying Tokens and Cards All Soyal Tokens and Cards have the Site Code and Card Code printed upon them. The Site Code and Card Code are the unique identifier for the Token or Card.
  • Page 8: Programming Tree

    PROGRAMMING TREE PROGRAMMING TREE PROGRAMMING TREE PROGRAMMING TREE 1. Add Card ID 2. Add RF Learn 3. Suspend Addr 4. Suspend 1. Add/Delete 5. Delete Addr 6. Delete 7. Recover Addr 8. Recover 9. Antipass Group 1. Password 2. User Settings 2.
  • Page 9: Entering And Exiting Programming Mode

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Entering and Exiting Programming Mode In order to program any function of the AR-727HB-RAY-V5 Controller you must first access the programming mode by entering the factory master code. This is done as follows:- *123456# To enter programming mode press When the button is pressed after the master code has been entered, the controller will enter into programming mode and the display will show...
  • Page 10: Restoring Factory Settings

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Restoring Factory Settings If for any reason there is any uncertainty about which settings have been changed, it is possible to restore the original factory default settings. It is always advisable to start by performing a factory reset before commencing with any other programming. This will ensure that all settings are started from a known condition.
  • Page 11: Changing Master Code

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Changing Master Code It is recommended that the Master Code be changed from the factory default to keep the system secure. This is done as follows:- *123456# *MASTER CODE# Enter Programming Mode if already changed Press then press Enter the new 6 digit master code.
  • Page 12: Setting Up The Readers

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Setting Up the Readers If only one door is to be used make all connections to Door 1 on the interface board and proceed to checking the Door Output function(s) on Page 12 If both doors are to be used initially connect the 2nd Reader only. Follow the process below to set the 2nd Reader as Node ID=2.
  • Page 13: Checking The Door Output Function

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Checking the Door Output Function Once the reader(s) have been connected, Node ID’s and door relay times have been set the Door output function(s) can be checked. Each output relay on the interface pcb has an LED to indicate when it is operating. To check the output relay function: Link 0V to PB1 briefly, check that the Door 1 Relay LED comes on for the set time.
  • Page 14: Language

    PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING PROGRAMMING Language If, for any reason the language of the controller has been changed the display can be reset to English as follows: Enter Programming Mode Then enter The display will return to English The time duration for which the lock relays are active can be adjusted between 0.1 to 600 Door Relay Time seconds.
  • Page 15: Managing Tokens

    MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Checking Existing Users Enter Programming Mode Press then press The display will be showing F/w Ver : xxxx Users : xxxxx Messages : xxxxx Press any key . . . F/w Ver - is the current version of Firmware installed on the controller. Users - is the current number of Users (Tokens) on the controller, please note that suspended tokens will not be shown.
  • Page 16 MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Using Add RF Learn to Add Single Tokens Enter Programming Mode Press then press The display will be showing User Address : F3: Prev F4: Next Range: (0-016383) xxxxxx Where xxxxxx will equal the next available User Address (On a new controller xxxxxx will equal 000001) Press For a single token the display Tag Units (pcs)
  • Page 17: Adding Tokens

    MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Using Add RF Learn to Add Sequential Tokens Before proceeding confirm that the tokens are sequential, confirm the quantiy and separate the lowest numbered token from the batch. Enter Programming Mode Press then press User Address : The display should be showing...
  • Page 18 MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Suspending Tokens by Address We recommend that tokens are suspended rather than deleted. Suspended tokens can be recovered (see pages 19-20) Suspending tokens also prevents overwriting existing tokens when using “Add by RF Learn” Before proceeding the User Address of the token(s) to be suspended will be required, refer to the table of users at the back of this manual.
  • Page 19: Suspending Tokens

    MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Suspending Tokens by Code Before proceeding the Site Codes and Card Codes of the token(s) to be suspended will be required, refer to the table of users at the back of this manual. Once Tokens are suspended when presented they will show as “Invalid User”...
  • Page 20: Recovering Tokens

    MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Recovering Tokens by Address Before proceeding the User Address of the token(s) to be recovered will be required, refer to the table of users at the back of this manual. Once Tokens are suspended when presented they will show as “Invalid User” at the controller or “Scan Data”...
  • Page 21 MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Recovering Tokens by Code Before proceeding the Site Codes and Card Codes of the token(s) to be recovered will be required, refer to the table of users at the back of this manual. Once Tokens are suspended when presented they will show as “Invalid User”...
  • Page 22: Door Groups

    MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS MANAGING TOKENS Setting Door Groups By default any tokens added to the controller will have access to both doors (if both door outputs are being used) The controller can be configured so that tokens have access to: Neither door, door 1 only, door 2 only or both doors.
  • Page 23: Networking

    TCP/IP (controllers can be connected directly to a TCP/IP network. The AR-716E-RAY-AJ has a TCP/IP connection on the interface pcb, For Networking purposes each controller will require a unique Node ID. To set the Node ID proceed as follows:...
  • Page 24 NETWORKING NETWORKING NETWORKING NETWORKING Setting Node ID ( and IP Address) continued The display will show Show WG Message 0: No 1 : Enable X is the current setting, if x = 1 press if x = 2, press The display will show Enable DHCP 0 : No 1 : En 2: Exit*...
  • Page 25: Setting Node Id (And Ip Address)

    NETWORKING NETWORKING NETWORKING NETWORKING Setting Node ID ( and IP Address) continued The display will show Gateway (IPv4) 192.xxx.xxx.xxx To modify the default Gateway address over type 192.xxx.xxx.xxx with the required gateway address. At the end of this process the controller will restart and the modified settings will be active. If the controller is to be used on a network it should be selected In the LAN settings drop down of 701 Server as: 881/837/82xEv5/727Ev5/725Ev2/721Ev2...
  • Page 26: Alarms

    ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS Setting and Configuring Door Alarms Alarms can be configured for Door 1 and Door 2. For alarms to be configured normally closed door sensing Contacts are required (if monitored mag locks are being used then monitoring contacts are built in to the mag lock) at each door where an alarm is required. The door contacts must be connected to 0V and either Sen1 or Sen2 inputs as required (See Page 4) Alarm outputs are Normally Open clean contacts that close when an alarm condition is met.
  • Page 27 ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS Door Relay Time To set the Door relay times refer to Page 15 of this manual. Door Close Time The Door Close time is the amount of time from the start of the Door Open time until the Alarm is triggered.
  • Page 28 ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS Door Close to Stop Alarm Alarms can be set to either sound for the programmed ‘Alarm Relay Time’ or alarms can be silenced by closing the door. To set the Close Door to Stop Alarm options: Enter Programming Mode.
  • Page 29 ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS Alarm Output Delay Time The Alarm Output Delay Time is the time between the Alarm condition being identified and the Alarm output switching ON. To set the Alarm Output Delay time: Enter Programming Mode. Press then press The display will now show: Alarm Output Delay Time (Secs)
  • Page 30 ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS Arming Password To enable Alarms to be Armed at the controller a 4 digit passcode is required. To set the Arming Passcode : Enter Programming Mode. Press then press The display will now show: Input PIN Code Range: 0000 - 9999...
  • Page 31: Setting And Configuring Door Alarms

    ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS ALARMS 701 Client-Monitoring + Arming/Disarming Doors From within the 701 Client software door alarms can be Armed, Disarmed and monitored. The screen above shows a typical event log with Alarm events, the software shows alarm events in Red text. Controllers can be armed and disarmed either via the 701 Client software or at the controller(s) By selecting G from the 701 Client header...
  • Page 32: Additional Reader Configurations

    READER SETTINGS READER SETTINGS READER SETTINGS READER SETTINGS Setting up and configuring readers When connected via RS485 readers can be configured to provide different levels of functionality. By default we recommend readers are set as per the information on Page 3. This setting (Dip switch 1 ON and Dip switch 2 OFF) enables the reader to transmit data in RS485 and WG modes.
  • Page 33: Table Of Users

    TABLE OF USERS TABLE OF USERS TABLE OF USERS TABLE OF USERS Name of On-Site Programmer(s): ____________________________________________________________________ Installation Company: ____________________________________________________________________________ Tel: ____________________________ DEFAULT MASTER CODE:- *123456# Date: __________________________ Lock Time: ______________________ USER MASTER CODE: Lock Type: ______________________ User Address User Address User Address User Address Users Name...

Table of Contents