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Hip Street HS-761 User Manual page 12

Mp3 video player


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2.2. Photo
This player supports commonly used JPEG, BMP and GIF format images. Press the M4 or pl button from the main
screen to select the Photo function.
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Press the bi or M button to select photo from the image index screen.
Press the M button to view image.
Press the » or M4 button to scroll through the images.
Press the play button to exit.
To delete an image, select a picture from the index screen and press the VOL- button. Select Yes to confirm.
2.3. Video
This player supports MTV video files.
Press the bi or M4 button from the main screen to select the Video mode.
Then press M button to confirm and enter Video interface.
Press the l or M4 button to select the video file and press the M button to play file.
Fast Forward and Rewind: During video playback, press and hold the M4 or » button. To skip to the next or
previous video, press the i or >>| button.
Adjusting the volume: Press the VOL+ or VOL- button to adjust the volume.
During playback, press the M button to select repeat mode and select from the various repeat functions.
Press and hold the M button to exit.
From the video index list, press VOL- button to delete video. Press the M button confirm
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