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What Is Light Therapy - hooga HG300 User Manual


What is red and near infrared light therapy?
Red and near infrared light therapy, also known as photobiomodulation (PBM) involves the use
of specific wavelengths of natural light in the mid 600 and mid 800 nanometer to enhance the
health and function of our cells without any harmful UV rays, excess heat, or negative effects.
How does it work?
The most well studied mechanism of action surrounding red and near infrared light therapy is
increased mitochondrial energy production in our cells. Mitochondria can be thought of as the
energy production plants of all the cells in our body. Red and near infrared light therapy helps
the mitochondria create more of that energy.
The specific photons found in red and near infrared light interact with a photoreceptor within
our cells called cytochrome c oxidase. This interaction stimulates the mitochondria in our cells
to use oxygen more efficiently, which allows the mitochondria to produce more ATP (also
known as cellular energy). When our cells have more energy, they perform all of their functions
better. When our cells are functioning optimally, our bodies function optimally.
What are the benefits?
There are over 3,000 scientific studies and peer reviewed clinical trials that have been con-
ducted on the benefits and effectiveness of red and near infrared light therapy. The studies
have shown that light therapy can have significant health benefits, including but not limited
to: increased energy, enhanced fat loss, enhanced muscle recovery, decreased inflammation
and joint pain, improved health and appearance of our skin, increased collagen production, im-
proved mood and cognitive function, faster wound healing, improved hormonal health, improved
quality of our sleep and much more. The benefits are so wide ranging due to the mechanism of
action: increased cellular energy production.

