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Initial Setup - abc Solo Operation And Maintenance Manual

Pure water system


2. TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) Meter
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are the minerals and salts
within source water that lead to spotting on glass as the
water evaporates. Your TDS meter measures the amount
of dissolved solids using the conductivity of the water.
The meter can test water before and after the system to
determine how it is performing. TDS levels are measured
in parts per million (ppm).
Remove the cap from the TDS meter and fill with the
sample you wish to test. Push the "On" button on the
handheld TDS meter to get a TDS reading of the water
sample. A TDS reading of 0 – 10 is acceptable for
cleaning most windows, though specific conditions and
results may vary.
It is important to rinse out any source water with pure
water to ensure accurate readings. Even a single drop of
source water will cause the pure water TDS reading to
appear higher than it actually is.
Your TDS meter also has a thermometer which reads
temperature. This can allow you to monitor the
temperature of your feed water. Running your system at
feed water temperatures of less than 10 °C (50 °F) will
result in low flow exiting the system. RO membranes
require more pressure to create the same amount
of clean water as the temperature of the water gets
colder. A pump can help to compensate for low source
water temperatures. Do not let the system freeze when
operating in lower temperatures.
2 - The Solo Pure Water System Operation and Maintenance Manual

3. Initial Setup

You can also watch the quickstart video at:
Ver el vídeo de início rápido:
1. Attach bypass hose to the fitting on the side of
The Solo system.
2. Open valve on bpass hose fully.
3. Attach shut-off valve to The Solo system outlet.
4. Attach pole tubing to quick connect shut off and
turn to open position.
5. Attach source hose to water source and the other
end inlet of The Solo system.
6. Turn on source water.
7. Elevate the outlet side of the unit and rotate so
bypass is facing upward until air has been purged
from the RO housing through the bypass line.
Failure to bleed the air out of the system can result
in lower production and possible damage to the
filter housings. Trapped air may also result in the
plastic overheating and pressure rating of the RO
housing dropping. Setting up your system up out
of direct sunlight on hot days will also help protect
the plastic RO housing from heat damage.
8. Once the air has been purged out of the filters,
close the bypass valve partially to begin producing
pure water. Do not close off flow through the
bypass line while usingthe system (some bypass
water should always be flowing out). Your bypass
hose assembly (WF2200-BHA) is manufactured so
that it can't be completely closed. Never plug the
end of your bypass while in operation. See Bypass
Valve Operation section below for more information.
9. Start cleaning windows.

