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Concerning Compact Discs
pftAd Gm Emj hxjTj «K *th*i H* tkKk [>-
!*e bodEKTi of Pit If>ll
Fkass* nat Nhm a It# spucc pr^dmt
tiL-'Hfj aretfewp few fctffcNj flfifarefKr
serial number_, .
Stipplied Accessories
Check the packing certon tar these accessories.
AD SiHpInr .
... 1 pi;:.
Far Canada
filprop worphenes
For U.5.A.
(RFEV31 rP-KS)
Stereo hBaritthonflifc
j pc
use. rumb*ii nd(Mt«d In [oieitTieses wren asking tor repaLan rsnl pans,
fOniy lor iTe order BCCX&tOHM tfWHiri 1SOQ-3-32-5368 Or wnb mfa
(ft ftp: tlw ww. panaa e n rO. c o mJ.
If the Surface is dirly
Wpc- 1 WTtfl a daTP CCltl anSIhSO Wipe dry Wipe rmm riO e6r"i'- HWWlTOI Ih&SUter circi^mterFnre
Play su rface (shiny surface)
If moretura has formed an a disc
Wten THSEjm "tet formed Decaitee r*v& aw
r. nr- brought sucSdEnly rila
warn rarm trem
cud EmiHiMrA wipe il uTF using & 5l'1 dfj
Hulling precautions
•Or, it* mb* fide ;fae Fwje wim irfangi
On lifli w-'le anything using a pc-idL ball-
ppn! s*i\. frli. EXp 1« SLt* (dpe^ or SaLefc.
•Or, to «C l***"?', wJe
Bbtore cOmeding. operating or adjusting this pnSduCL, ptease read
toeae instnicttorbi compfetety Please Save this maimiaL
When storing discs
A'vtiJ kjtSilEtiftS l4li+ a-*
k;<C3eJ So (ftSECt
to f*ah bucq rf Madiy qr on*.
•Dnrfj bumJ to hedK fmn
fanlirg jtyefr-
•On icp
s egr dasntKMrn nr n#ar the rqvi?
H.rh:ia Kin -.-# r-s'.-t jihr i» <tnp f. faw frTirr
Hrjr*ttr mKl« J>3 reJ,
dHon lO'rH! ftt-
•UfJ ffli *TJCT dDUr- nr
to CD%
inr CDs «ijr irkiKJsed kT-cstjc &orr
■ice o wi cow p«ei«t Hr gathers.
•Do Ort .11# iefs^r-pn^jr pnjtKtp.-^ Qrtmgtz
wirrir 9l#i iKiw; ifjcci'ied ter use wfl- Ihsi
Phhwik Cmpunfi EidWCt CowiMny. Qiwisnn
Mati j in u Efeeuit Corpmivi o* jurenca
-■ S z
cee PaivM-y^: Vr ?
f*r-*ev onm
puwiunic $J
Compeftf. tniwn H Wotsushda EJedric of PJtr^e 3ten Inc. j 'P$C .
*■« 65 * rrrhir lrfMt. ktm, 05 Sir Ofl&W MuttU Fail, Z-jC-tfbi. Puerto. Hep SG9#5
Finaiaiie Chwi no.
S?.'': Anniei1 Du'.ri. Mi ■ ■ -ui^-i -|n| ••• l iMlJ'l
Fi i Dufii i (D;
Beloia using this .mil., bs sure tc renrj (he niJlJN^bk1
Hams pf ths opBrafing irt&lrucliona and Ihass nitty sug-
geslions carefully.
Aftemards fteep ^herr handy for 1l.-1i_re raJar#no# take
Epacia1 CB:Te Ep ;e>Icw the warnings ndictlvd fin ih# umr
dEEf bs wef as in Ire nperalmg insri ucilfine
1. Power Source—The unii should to* wnr*a*d rp
power suppif oniy & it* ype oe«- -,-d m if» oper¬
ating >nstnxAions or as marhed oo me ,j»m' luj# oity
ihe AC B'daoEc- or car adaptor descftPuc m ir:o upei
abng nstnjctorss when redrargiiTg.
2. Polarization— If Ihe unh i-s eqn pp^ ™lt'1 a E»tar2*d
AC power plug (a plug having one btaoe n-d*r ;had
(he otberj, tiaE plug wHl fh info She AC QuKet only one
way. This la a sarery feature. It you .<ie unable tn in¬
sert Ihe plug fury nto tne outlet, try reversing Pb
pug ii the plug shoukt slid ia-H to (It, contact your
eiodnoan to replace your obsc^ete ouhoc. Do not de-
fc'iil Ihu aaloty purpose yf ihu poldruod plug
3. Care 01 AC adaptor-Take cure Lhul the cord Ol Itm
AG adapter should be "omed so thal Ihuy nr« noi
likely to be walked on or pinched tiy rtemtt Placed
upon or Bgairsi them. Never lake hold fil the AC
Adapter il your hand is wet. and always grasp tha
ping body wnen connectng or disconnsctlng ii
Nonuse Periods
Whon Frut in utfij. bp sure tg dl®
cwnat! lf>e AC adaptor Iron fie AC powgr ogtiob
5. Batteries—II the set is not used fur a ong period Oi
time or is jebc cr y from an AC power source. ie-
» Environment
1. Water and Moisture
Do not use this umL near
eater—for enample
near e
swimming pool, cr the ,;ke. Damp basemens Stvoyd
also be avoided.
2. Condeneatiort—UntStue may form on Iriv Ian*, n
The to -owing conditions.,.
* ownediare-y afer a heHter has been tLtred &
* n a sleamy on
hohHl foom
■ wlwi, the ijf«: £. sudtieNy "WOO I'Orn ,i ojlo envi
ran men I to a wa"- one V morstane toms risid#
this unit it nay not operate properly. To oorraoi tot
problem wah about ere hour for the rroatune to
3. Heat—Never use or plsoe this unit near a h#at
source. Do not leave it in an amom-obite evpofMd fa
drect sunlight for a long time 'Ailh ihe doom flod win¬
dows dosed as this may deform the cafiinat.
M Placoment
1- Fdrelgn Materlat—Care should bo laken adliv^-ab
jects do not lail into and llcpjlds are not spilled No
the unit. Do not Subject this unit to excesslvo -.■rrioku.
duel mechanical vibraticr, orsiiock.
2. Magnetism—The unit shoud be situaled awey from
equipment or devices thet generate strong magrAttO
$. Blacking—Do not place any obreciF., on :np of th*
(See page 7 lor details.J
Glean the cabinet, panel anc contro= ft 1h a sod ddth
lightly moistened with mild detergenl scluton
Do nod use any tyoe cl abrasive pac scou'ing powd#r
or solvent such as alccooi cr baruvie-.
1. Damage Requiring Service—The itof fho-Jk? n#
serviced ov Qualified ^nncepersonriet when
Ttto AC yd'JOto'
$ (Tamaged: or
(Pi Objects have Fatten or liquid nas been spilled
into Ihe unil: or
The unil has beer ennosed to rain; or
I d I
Tiie urrt does not appear to operate normally or
B.*h bits a maF-;ed cnange in pariormanoe; or
The urrt nas been dropoed, or the anctoeure
2. Servicing—The user should not adempl To spryiofli
the ynh beyond that described in the operahna Irv-
etruciions. ah other servicing should be referred to
an autnonjod sen'icc personnel
For tfw dtJcfrcs^ ol m auttwrteect servtcentor;
In thif UrS.A. l'SOC-21 t-7262vr web site
(ft tip r.'Vw ww. pa rra son ic. com)
in Canada 905-624-5505 of web site
(•www.Panasonic. caSfdbckea. btm)
move e I tbe la preven1 polenna ,usmngi»
due to possibhe batie-y ea->:a ge Do no: mi*
tod and newt at different lype-F. d bsfl|m#t
TI- 5 manual *as dinted wfth scy huod avt


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