Viewing Photos Via Usb; Media Browser Settings - SchaubLorenz 22LE5100C Instruction Manual

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Available languages

Available languages

Forward (
button): Goes forward.
Subtitle/Audio (LANG. button): Sets subtitle/Audio.
Yellow: Opens subtitle time correction menu
Press RETURN (Exit) button to switch back to
previous menu.

Viewing Photos via USB

When you select Photos from the main options,
available image  les will be  ltered and listed on this
Jump (Numeric buttons):Jump to selected  le using
the numeric buttons.
OK: Views the selected picture in full screen.
Slideshow (GREEN button): Starts the slideshow
using all images.
Loop/Shuf e (BLUE button): Press once to enable
Loop. Press again to enable both Loop and Shuf e.
Press once more to enable only Shuf e. Press again
to disable all. You can follow the disabled functions
with the change of the icons.
FAV: Sorts  les by date.
TEXT: Views images in thumbnails.
INFO: Changes  lter options.
Slideshow Options
Pause (YELLOW button) : Pauses the slideshow.
Continue (GR EEN button) : Continues the
Zoom (RED button) : Zooms picture.
Previous/Next (Left/Right buttons): Jumps to
previous or next  le on slideshow.
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Rotate (Up/Down buttons): Rotates the image using
up/down buttons.
Loop/Shuf e (BLUE button): Press once to disable
Loop. Press again to disable both Loop and Shuf e.
Press once more to enable only Shuf e. Press again
to enable all. You can follow the disabled functions
with the change of the icons.
RETURN (Exit): Back to  le list.
INFO: Displays help screen.
Playing Music via USB
When you select Music from the main options,
available audio  les will be  ltered and listed on this
0..9 (Numeric buttons): Jumps to the selected  le.
Play This (OK button) : Plays the selected  le.
Play (GREEN button) : Plays all media  les starting
with the selected one.
Stop (RED button) : Stops playback.
Pause (YELLOW button) : Pauses the selected
Previous/Next (Left/Right buttons) : Jumps to
previous or next  le to play.
FAV: Sorts  les by Title,Artist or Album..
INFO: Changes  lter options.
Loop/Shuf e (Blue button): Press once to disable
Loop. Press again to disable both Loop and Shuf e.
Press once more to enable only Shuf e. Press again
to enable all. You can follow the disabled functions
with the change of the icons.

Media Browser Settings

English - 56 -
30.09.2010 14:32:04



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