RDC SMX - Transmitter Command Guide

RDC SMX - Transmitter Command Guide

Also See for SMX:


RDC SMX - Transmitter Command Guide

Remote configuration

The SMX can be configured remotely using SMS commands. It is recommended, however, that the PC application software be used for the initial configuration of the unit.

IMPORTANT - Delivery reporting

When sending SMS commands to a unit with 2 SIM cards, users may need to try both mobile numbers. The SMX switches between SIM cards when it encounters a network problem. It is important for users to have 'delivery reports' enabled on their mobile phones to confirm that commands have been received.

SMS sender verify

The unit can be configured to only accept commands and requests from mobile numbers contained in the Message Recipient list. This will not affect the missed call operation.

SMS command rules

Starts all commands
Command pin (4 numeric digits - default 1234)
Separates fields in the command string
All mobile numbers in international format (max 16 digits)

Diagnostic commands/requests

Unit status request - $1234*sts
Returns the following information by SMS: Which
SIM is currently in operation, i nputs status, relays

Swap SIM cards


- $1234*sim*sss

- pri = primary SIM
sec = secondary SIM

Switch to secondary SIM - $1234*sim*sec
Switch to primary SIM - $1234*sim*pri

Request firmware version - $1234*ver
GSM signal (quality of signal) - $1234*rsi
Signal strength ranges from -113dBm (very weak)
to -51dBm (very strong).
70 to -80dBm is considered normal.

Setup commands

Message centre number

- $1234*mctn*msg center number max 15 digits* add/del

- Sets or changes message centre number
n= primary SIM 1 or secondary SIM 2.

Set SIM 1 message centre number to +279119 - $1234*mct1*+279119*add
Set SIM 2 message center number to +271234 - $1234*mct2*+271234*add

Change command PIN

- $1234*pin*new pin
The command PIN must be 4 digits long and must be numeric (no letters allowed)

Change the command PIN from 1234 to 6789 - $1234*pin*6789

This command can cause loss of control of the unit if the new command pin is not remembered.
Set unit time - $1234* syt
The unit time is set automatically when programmed using the PC application. If the units is however not connected to any power source for an extended period (+/- 12 hrs), the unit will loose its' time. Sending this command will reset the unit time from the network.

Remote Command Guide

SMS message commands

Change reporting name

- $1234*uid*name*add
Set name of the unit 16 characters or less

Change reporting name to "Pump Station 2" - $1234*uid*Pump Station 2*add

Auto test time - $1234*aut*set-HHMM*dw-d*add/del
Change or delete auto test time.
set - The auto test feature sends a daily test message. set= time messages should be sent (HHMM).

- Specify days of the week for test auto signals
d= 1-7. 1= Monday, 2= Tuesday, 7= Sunday etc. If dw is not specified, test messages will be sent every day.

Set the auto test for 13h20 on Wednesday and Sunday - $1234*aut*set-1320*dw-37*add
Cancel auto test - $1234*aut*del

warning Note: Message distribution for auto test messages cannot be programmed remotely. If the auto test feature was initially programmed using the PC application, the original message distribution setup will be retained if changes are made using SMS commands. If programmed for the first time, or where the auto test feature is cancelled and then re-programmed, messages will be distributed to all message recipients. Programming custom message distribution should be done using the PC application.
Change vibration sensor sensitivity

- $1234*vib*n
0 = most sensitive 255 = disabled

Set the vibration sensitivity to 50 - $ 1234 *vib*50

Add message recipient

- $1234*usrz*mobilenumber*add*all (mobile number for reporting)
Up to 10 reporting numbers are supported

Add mobile number 0831234567 as reporting - number 3 - $1234*usr3*+27831234567*add*all
Add mobile number 0829876543 as reporting - number 1 - $1234*usr1*+27829876543*add*all

warning Note: Existing mobile numbers are overwritten. Message distribution cannot be programmed by SMS command. All hardwired inputs and Contact ID event messages will be sent to recipients added by SMS command. Programming custom message distribution should be done using the PC application.
Delete message recipient

- $1234*usrz*del

Delete user 3 - $1234*usr3*del

warningWarning: Deleting all message recipients with the sender verify option enabled will result in control over the unit being lost.
Send message recipient list - $1234*usr1*report
(use any usr number)
warning Note: The message recipient list is sent in 2 separate SMS messages each containing 5 recipient numbers.
Change input event SMS - $1234*msg*input*message *add/del
Definable 16 character SMS messages are sent to the reporting number/s when the inputs on the unit change state. Separate messages are defined for high and low states for inputs 1-9.

- ip1h = input #1 high state
ip2l = input #2 low state

Assign message Alarm Active to input 2 high - $1234*msg*ip2h*Alarm Active*add
Delete message assigned to input 2 low - $1234*msg*ip2l*del

warning Note: If the message for a particular input or input state is deleted, no SMS message will be sent for the input/state.

Relay switching commands

Operate relays

- $1234*rlyn*opr

Pulse relay 2 - $1234*rly2*pls
Turn relay 1 on - $1234*rly1*on
Turn relay 1 off - $1234*rly1*off
Toggle relay 2 - $1234*rly2*tog

warning Note: A confirmation SMS is automatically sent back to confirm that the operation was successful. If no confirmation is received, check that the unit has not swapped to the alternate SIM card.
Overwrite command shortcut

- $1234*cscC*kw: S*in: N
C= shortcut number (1-10), S= shortcut command (32 characters max), N= shortcut instruction. (32 characters max)

Overwrite shortcut 2 command with "Open gate" and overwrite shortcut instruction to pulse relay 2 - $1234*csc2*kw: Open gate*in: rly2*pls

Delete command

- $1234*cscC*del

Delete command shortcut 2 - $1234*csc2*del

Missed call relay operation - $1234*mclm*cell number*rlyn-opr*lm-n*st-HHMM* en-HHMM*dw-d*cfm
There are 500 missed call locations. Each missed call can perform 1 of 4 operations on the unit or I/O relays. The number of missed calls accepted can be limited and access can be further limited to a time window and to days of the week.
mclm - Create, edit or delete up to 500 missed call entries. mcl= missed call command m= missed call location number (1-500)
rlyn opr - - Relay number n= 1-8. Relay operation opr= 1 of 4 operations - pls= pulse, on= turn on off= turn off and tog= toggle.
lm-n - The access lifespan limits the number of missed calls before deleting the entry. n= 0-255 missed calls. If Im not present or if the value is 0, there is no limit to the number of missed calls accepted. If cfm is present, the delivery report will include the remaining number of missed calls allowed.
st/en - The operational time window sets an access start and end time (HHMM). It defines the hours that the caller will be able to use the missed call feature. If no parameters are present, there is no limit.
dw-d - Select certain days of the week d=1-7 1= Monday, 2= Tuesday, 7= Sunday etc.

- If cfm is present a confirmation SMS is sent.

Add missed caller 35 to turn on relay 1 - $1234*mcl35*+27825551234*rly1-on
Add missed caller 200 to have access from 06h30 to 07h00 from Monday to Friday, with a 25 count lifespan. Relay 2 must be pulsed and have confirmation SMS enabled -

Delete missed call operation

- $1234*mclm*del

Delete missed call location 90 - $1234*mcl90*del

Query missed call location

- $1234*mclm*???

Query missed call location 20 - $1234*mcl20*???

Set timer relay operation - $1234*tmry*id-ABC*rlyn-opr*tm-HHMM*dw-d*cfm
tmry - Sets 64 independent timers to operate once a day until deleted. y= timer number (1 - 64)



- ABC= Timer label (16 character max)

- Relay number n= 1-8. Relay operation opr= 1 of 4 operations - pls= pulse, on= turn on, off= turn off and tog= toggle.



- Set time in 24 hour format (HHMM)

- Select certain days of the week d=1-7
1= Monday, 2= Tuesday, 7= Sunday etc.

cfm - If cfm is present a confirmation SMS is sent.
NB: Please read GSM Warnings and General Trading Terms and Conditions (including an indemnity) available from your supplier

Set timer 4 to turn a light off using relay 1 at 12h00 each day - $1234*tmr4*id-Light*rly1-off*tm-1200

Set timer 10 to turn relay 2 on at 23h00 on S aturday with label Geyser" " & a confirmation SMS. - $1234*tmr10*id-Geyser*rly2-on*tm-2300* dw-6*cfm

Set timer 9 to turn relay 1 on at 06h30 on Monday, Tuesday and Friday with label Pump " " - $1234*tmr9*id-Pump*rly1-on*tm-0630*dw-125

Confirmation SMS's cannot be sent to individual reporting numbers.
Confirmations will be either on or off for all reporting numbers.
Delete a timer

- $1234*tmrn*del

Delete timer 16 - $pppp*tmr16*del

Air-time and balance commands

USSD network commands can be complex and extreme care should be used. Incomplete commands will leave the channel active for some time, will cause the unit to seem unresponsive and will incur per minute network USSD session charges. To initiate a USSD session and forward any replies via SMS to the requesting number, use the following commands:

Request balance - $1234*usd*USSD request#
Vodacom - $1234*usd**100# (prepaid balance)
- $1234*usd**111*502# (prepaid & SMS)


Cell C

- $1234*usd**141# (airtime & SMS bundle)

- $1234*usd**101# (airtime only)

warning Note: An error message will show for contract SIMs or if the network does not support airtime balance features.
Load prepaid voucher - $1234*usd*USSD request#
Vodacom - $1234*usd**100*01*voucher number#
MTN - $1234*usd**141*voucher number#
Cell C - $1234*usd**102*voucher number#

DSC alarm panels can be controlled using the following commands. A SRL-DSC interface module is required. The DSC serial connection option must be enabled in the programming software.

DSC panel models currently supported include: Pc5005, Pc5010, Pc5020, Pc1808, Pc1864, Power832 and Power864.

Arm/disarm partition - $1234*dsc*cmd*actPuuuu
act - Command actions
030 - arm partition away mode
031 - arm partition stay mode
032 - arm partition with zero entry delay
033 - arm partition with user code 040 - disarm
P - Partitions 1 - 8

- User code e.g. 1234

Arm partition 1 away mode - $1234*dsc*cmd*0301
Arm partition 2 stay mode - $1234*dsc*cmd*0312
Arm partition 1 with zero entry delay with user code 4444 - $1234*dsc*cmd*03214444
Arm partition 8 with user code 4444 - $1234*dsc*cmd*03314444
Disarm partition 1 with user code 4444 - $1234*dsc*cmd*04014444

Trigger panic alarm - $1234*dsc*cmd*060x

Panic type - 1= fire, 2= ambulance, 3= police

Trigger fire panic alarm - $1234*dsc*cmd*0603

Documents / Resources

Download manual

Here you can download full pdf version of manual, it may contain additional safety instructions, warranty information, FCC rules, etc.

Download RDC SMX - Transmitter Command Guide


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