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Mad SCIENCE The Home Lab Circuit Maze Quick Start Manual page 2


How to Use Your Circuit Maze
You Will Need
1 Circuit Maze
Step 1: Touch the looped wand to the
wire spiral. What happens?
Step 2: Slide the looped wand over the
open end of the wire spiral.
Don't let them touch!
Step 3: Move the wand slowly along
the wire.
Step 4: Try to move the wand to the
bottom of the wire spiral and
back without triggering the
Step 5: Challenge your friend to try.
The Science Behind Your Circuit Maze
Electricity comes from a power source. It
only works when it flows in a loop. This
loop is called a circuit. The battery in your
Circuit Maze is the power source. The
buzzer sounds when the metal wand
touches the wire spiral. Electricity flows
from the battery through the buzzer,
wand, and wire spiral back to the battery.
If you have very steady hands, you may
be able to avoid triggering the buzzer!
Safety Note: Do not mix
old and new batteries. Do
not mix alkaline, carbon-
zinc, or rechargeable
1 Friend
Step 1
Step 3
1 AA Battery (1.5 Volts)
Item # BP0168 © 2014 The Mad Science Group. All rights reserved.
Electric cords have metal on the
inside, and plastic on the outside. This
lets electrons flow through them, but
keeps you safe from a shock!
Humans are good electrical conductors! Be very
careful. Electricity can hurt if it flows through you.
Step 2
Step 4



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