DO NOT allow untrained persons to operate the hoist.
DO NOT operate the hoist when you are tired or under the influence of alcohol, drugs or intoxicating medication.
DO NOT use the hoist where there are flammable liquids, solids or gases such as paint solvents, etc.
DO NOT attempt to lift angled loads or to drag loads with the hoist. The centre of gravity of the load must always be directly below the hoist.
DO NOT allow the load to swing beneath the hoist.
DO NOT allow a raised and supported load to fall and thus shock load the mounting, hoist, cable and hook.
DO NOT use more than one hoist to lift a load.
DO NOT leave the hoist unattended with a suspended load.
DO NOT wrap the hoist cable around the load.
DO NOT use the hoist to lift dangerous materials.
DO NOT use the hoist to lift people.
Use a qualified person to lubricate and maintain the hoist.
When not in use and before carrying out repairs/maintenance isolate the hoist from the power supply.
DANGER! Ensure that personnel are prevented from passing beneath the hoist and load.
The PH250.V2 and PH250/110 Power Hoists are for use where a suitable support exists. Each has a single line lift capacity of 125kg and a
double line lift capacity of 250kg.
Lifting capacity - single line . . . .125kg
double line . . .250kg
Lift height -
single line . . . . .11m
double line . . . .5.5m
Unpack the hoist and check contents against the items listed below. Should there
be any damaged or missing parts contact your supplier immediately.
1. Hoist assembly
2. Double line pulley and hook (loosely assembled)
3. Bag containing mounting brackets (2) and screws (4)
Ensure that the selected support is sufficiently strong and will also hold the hoist in a
horizontal position. If alternative mounting brackets are fabricated ensure that these are at
least as strong as those provided and align with the mounting holes (fig.2 A) in the hoist.
Once the hoist is attached to the mount, connect cable (fig.1.1) to a switched power
supply using either a junction box or an in-line plug and socket (plug is not supplied).
WARNING! Before using the hoist ensure that you have read, understood and apply the
safety instructions in Section 1.
Ensure that the load to be lifted is directly below the hoist and that any lifting straps, ropes or
chains being used are capable of supporting the weight.
With mains power switched on, operate control switch (fig.1.2) to bring hook to load height.
Press lower half of switch to lower hook and upper half to raise hook. Release switch to stop hoist.
Attach hoist hook (fig.1.3) to load ensuring that safety bar (fig.1.4) is fully closed.
Use control switch to raise or lower the load to the required height.
To carry out a double line lift first place single line hook in aperture in hoist frame (fig.2.B).
Then take double line pulley and hook, remove nut and bolt holding hook and place pulley on
cable loop between hoist drum and single line hook (fig.2.C). Refit hook and tighten both
locknuts (fig.2.D), ensuring that pulley is free to rotate.
Proceed as 4.2. to 4.4.
Notes: 1. It is important not to completely empty the cable drum and therefore the cable has a
marker to indicate maximum cable length. DO NOT allow this marker to move significantly
below the cut-out arm (see fig.3).
2. In order to prevent the motor/gearbox from overheating the hoist should not be operated for
longer than four minutes at any one time. Any period of use should be followed by a
similar period with the hoist at rest.
3. Do not wind loose cable onto drum - ensure that cable is always under tension.
The hoist should be checked at regular intervals to ensure that it is undamaged and is functioning correctly.
Isolate from the power supply and inspect the following for any signs of damage, wear or
looseness, as appropriate:
a) Lifting cable
b) Electrical cables/connections
c) Control switch
Rectify any faults found.
Reconnect to power supply and check for correct operation of the control switch and the
maximum lift cut-out switch - hoist stops when counterweight (fig.1.5) lifts cut-out arm (fig.1.6).
Cable diameter . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3mm
Cable breaking load . . . . . . . . .900kg
Motor - PH250.V2 . . . . . .230V 242W
Motor - PH250/110 . . . . . .110V 242W
d) Mounting brackets/bolts
e) Support structure
fig. 1
fig. 2
fig. 3
PH250.V2 & PH250/110 - 2 - 011003
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