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Preparations For Use - EA Technology HFCT1 Operating Manual


3534-MANUL-V01.00.03 HFCT1 Operating Manual

Preparations for Use

Installation requirements can vary but the HFCT allows for easy installation due to its non-invasive ability to
clamp around a cable. The HFCT should only be installed by competent persons with the required work permits
for the environment of the installation. This document offers guidance on the installation procedure. For
assistance regarding installation, contact EA Technology.
Pre-Connection/Disconnection Assessment
A risk assessment should always be carried out dependant on the installation environment. HFCTs by nature
will be installed within dangerous locations such as substations and these should have their own risk
assessments and procedures in place and must be followed. Certain environments such as installation within
cable chambers on switchgear may require the system to be proven de-energised amongst other requirements,
in case of doubt when installing contact the manufacturer.
Connecting/Disconnecting the HFCT procedure
A visual inspection for signs of damage to the HFCT and connecting cables is to be carried out. Connect the
supplied HFCT cable to the measurement device as specified in the relevant equipment manual, push and twist
the cable connector into the BNC on the HFCT until the cable is locked in place. To disconnect the HFCT, gently
push and twist before pulling the BNC connector off. The HFCT must always be terminated into the
measurement device before clamping/unclamping the HFCT around a measurement point, failure to do so
increases the risk of electric shock.
HFCT Mounting Guidance
The HFCT1-F50 and HFCT1-F100 each have three mounting holes that can be utilised for permanent
installations and secured using either cable ties or screws. Before installation, the best method for mounting
the HFCT in the associated environment should be considered. For more repeatable readings keeping the
conductor being measured central in the aperture of the HFCT is advised. The HFCT1-F100 comes with a rubber
insert which can help when measuring smaller conductors down to 50mm, any smaller and the HFCT1-F50
should be used in place of the HFCT1-F100.
If permanent installation of HFCTs is being considered, contact Product Support for guidance notes.
12 August 2021
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