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flight of harmony Parasite Antifilter Manual page 5


2. The shorter headers — HDRMJL & HDRMJR, with 0.318" head x 0.235"
tail — mate with the jack PCB (fig. 2).
3. On both types of headers the long end goes through the PCB. This
technically means HDRMJL & HDRMJR are installed upside down,
but don't worry about it, it'll be fine
Subassembly View diagrams for visual references. Install the headers and
use the Control and Jack PCBs to hold them in place during soldering.
For soldering, it is important to try to keep the solder at the junction of the
pin and the rear side of the PCB. Large soldering iron tips or too much heat will
cause the solder to wick up the length of the pin, which can make the pin too
thick to fit into its corresponding socket. A sharp, narrow soldering iron tip and
thin wire solder helps prevent this. If you do end up with a blob of solder that
impedes assembly, you can usually remove it with desoldering braid and a broad-
tip soldering iron.
The plastic film box capacitors, C22 and C55, need to be laid over to one
side to fit between the PCBs (see diagram on p. 14). Bend the legs 90° and install
the capacitors so they rest on top of the adjacent chip resistors and capacitors.
As shown in the Rear PCB Assembled View on p. 6, C22 should be oriented to
the top of the PCB, and C55 should be oriented toward the bottom of its PCB for
best clearance.
If you're still having problems, email me! I am always happy to help. When
emailing, please include high-resolution pictures of your circuit boards.
Most of the troubleshooting requests I have received were solved by zooming
in and closely examining the pictures. Cold solder joints are sneaky and hard to
spot if you haven't dealt with them before. A cold solder joint is where the solder
doesn't adhere to both the pad and the component lead, and just flowed around
one of them without making contact. They happen, and they suck, but they're easy
fixes once you find them.
4) It actually will be fine. The small risers on the bottom side of most headers is to allow clearance for
solvents, flux, and solder in automated assembly and cleaning processes, and have little-to-no impact
on hand assembly. I mean sure, you could always prove me wrong, but that's not very nice.
PAR-K v1.0 manual Dec. 2022 — p.4/16
Kit Notes (cont.)
header pin (to scale).
Film Capacitors
— see the Exploded View and



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