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B2 Audio rage 1500 User Manual page 5


Panel layout
Rage 1200.4
gnd (Ground connection)
Connects to the vehicle's chassis. Keep as short as possible
(<20"/ 50 cm) Using wire with a maximum gauge speci ed
to the terminal ensures optimal operation.
+12v (power connection)
Connects to the positive terminal of the battery. For
optimal performance, use wire speci ed to the power
terminal. Fuses shall be placed within 8" / 20 cm of the
speaker output
4 ch speaker connection, use maximum sized wire.
Connect according to the labelling. Do only bridge as
indicated with a 4 ohm load or run 2 ch stereo.
Gain (6v~0.2v)
Adjusts signal input voltage from the input source to match
the ampli ers input stage. 6V ~ 0.2V is the voltage range.
Sudden voltage spikes or voltages beyond the above may
cause errors or damages to the input section. Eventually
the ampli er can go into protect. It is advisable to use a
low (< 1V) input if the ampli er is driven into a low ohm
RCA input signal from the source unit. Use a signal of min
0.3V ~ 6V max to ensure proper operation.
R A G E 1 2 0 0 x 4
Rem (+12v switched)
Switched 12v connection from source unit. It is adviseable
to use a common relay to ensure a stable voltage connection
without dips.
led indicators
Power lit, ampli er is operational and on. Clip ashing shows
the signal is not clean at peaks. Clip lit, the signal is heavily
distorted. The loudspeaker & the ampli er can face damage.
Protect lit, the amp has shut o . Could be caused by install,
thermal, short circuit, circuit damage & low voltage.
Crossover type selection, bandpass / fullrange or highpass
HPf (12 db/oct)
Variable high pass crossover from 20 Hz to 4 KHz.
It is highly recommended to set it according to the tuning
of your loudspeakers enclosure / t/s parameters to
avoid unnecessary strain to your sound system. The x 10
switch mulitplies the crossover range by a factor of 10.
lPf (12 db/oct)
Variable low pass crossover from 50 Hz to 5 KHz, if used with
HPF, it will create a bandpass con g.

