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Jolly logic ALTIMETERTWO Quick Start Manual page 7

Complete flight analysis for model rockets 64 g edition


Special Situations
AltimeterTwo senses launch by sensing thrust (not altitude);
handle gently after selecting Launch to avoid "false launches"
and nonsense data.
If ejection occurs BEFORE the apogee (max altitude), Apogee-
Ejection time will be negative.
If ejection is very gentle, AltimeterTwo may not detect it. In that
case, ejection is assumed to take place at max altitude.
AltimeterTwo is capable of measuring maximum accelerations
of up to 64 Gs. If the rocket exceeds the G-limit during motor
thrust phase the Top Speed, Peak Acceleration, and Average
Acceleration will be understated. They will be labeled with a ">"
sign in front of them.
Flight Duration
G-limit overload detection will
notify you with a ">" marker that
a statistic may be below its actual
Descent Speed
jolly logic



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