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Memory Settings - Radel MAADHURIUM DIGITAL HARMONIUM User Manual



User Memory Settings:
User can store five sets of settings (Pitch, Volume, Voice, SA
reference, Scale, Tone) into user memory. This allows the User
to customise his/her own preferred settings. This memory setting
is distinct and different from the Raaga Memory already
Steps for saving in Memory:
(a) Press MEM button.
(b) Press '1' button to STORE or '7' button to RECALL the
selected memory.
(c) Turn the knob to shuffle between 1 to 5 memories.
(d) Press STORE (button 1) to enter a name to the memory
selected using keys from 0-9. For navigating, use ˃ ˂ keys
while naming. Press OK button to save the name.
(e) Press RECALL to recall the memory (M1 to M5) selected in
(c) above.
Auto-Save Memory (ASM):
The current User Settings like Pitch, Volume, Voice, SA
reference, Scale, Tone are automatically saved into memory
when the instrument is powered off. On switching on the
instrument again, these settings will automatically be restored.
Thus, the user need not worry about losing the selected pitch
and other settings, etc. if power is lost accidentally.
Key tune memory Settings (Raaga memory):
Refer to para 11

