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Air Supply - Sealey POWER WELDERS PP40.V3 Instructions


DANGER!: Direct contact with the plasma cutter circuit or torch is dangerous. You MUST unplug the cutter from the mains power supply,
(and the compressed air supply) before connecting or disconnecting cables or performing maintenance or service.
! Keep the plasma cutter, cables and torch in good working order and condition. (Take immediate action to repair or replace damaged parts).
! Use recommended parts and accessories only. (Non recommended parts may be dangerous and will invalidate the warranty).
! Only use the cutting torch provided with the system, and ensure any replacement is of the same type.
! Use the plasma cutter in an adequate working area for its function. Ensure the area has adequate ventilation as welding fumes are harmful.
For enclosed areas we recommend the use of an air and smoke extraction system. If you are not able to provide adequate extraction
and/or ventilation, wear a respirator suitable for protection against toxic fumes, smoke, and gases.
!Ensure there are no obstructions to the flow of clean cool air and ensure there is no conductive dusts, corrosive vapours or humidity which
could enter the unit and cause serious damage.
 WARNING: use a welding head shield to protect your eyes and avoid exposing skin to the ultraviolet rays given off by the electric arc.
Always wear protective clothing, insulating gloves and shoes. Keep all protective items clean and undamaged.
! Remove ill fitting clothing before wearing protective clothing, also remove ties, watches, rings, and other loose jewellery, and contain long hair.
! Stand correctly keeping a good footing and balance, and ensure the floor is not slippery, and wear non-slip shoes.
! Ensure the workpiece is correctly secured before operating the plasma cutter.
! Avoid unintentional contact with workpiece. Accidental or uncontrolled switching on of the torch may be dangerous and will wear the nozzle.
! Keep unauthorised persons away from the working area, and any persons working within the area must wear the same protective items.
% DO NOT use cables and torch if the insulation is worn or connections are loose.
% DO NOT attempt to fit any non authorised torches, components, or parts to the plasma cutting unit.
% DO NOT cut surfaces that are painted, galvanic coated, oily or greasy.
% DO NOT use cables over 10m in length.
% DO NOT use any metallic structure which is not part of the work piece to substitute the return cable of the plasma current.
 DANGER! DO NOT cut near inflammable materials, solids, liquids, or gases. Remove all flammable materials such as waste rags etc.
% DO NOT cut containers or pipes which have held flammable materials or gases, liquids or solids. DO NOT cut materials that have been
cleaned with chlorinated solvents (or near such solvents) as vapours from the arc action may produce toxic gases.
% DO NOT operate cutter while under the influence of drugs, alcohol or intoxicating medication, or if fatigued.
% DO NOT force the plasma cutter to achieve a task it was not designed to perform.
% DO NOT operate the plasma cutter if any parts are damaged or missing as this may cause failure or possible personal injury.
% DO NOT carry, or pull cutter by leads or cables. DO NOT strain or bend cables, protect from sharp or abrasive items, DO NOT stand on cables
or leads. Protect from heat. Long lengths of slack must be gathered & neatly coiled. DO NOT place cables where they endanger others.
% DO NOT hold unsecured work in your hand.
% DO NOT get the plasma cutter wet or use in damp or wet locations or areas where there is condensation.
% DO NOT touch the workpiece close to the cut as it will be very hot. Allow to cool. The cut edge of the workpiece will also be very sharp.
% DO NOT touch the torch immediately after use. Allow the torch to cool.
! When not in use store the unit in a safe, dry, childproof area.
F WARNING! turn off air supply and de-pressurise the air before removing the pump unit from the plasma system. Failure to comply with this
instruction may damage the unit and will invalidate your warranty.
F WARNING! ensure correct air pressure is maintained and not exceeded. Recommended pressure 55-70psi, required air flow 120lt./min.
F WARNING! DO NOT exceed maximum entry pressure of 90psi. Excessive pressure may cause possible damage and/or personal injury.
! Keep air hose away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Check air hose for wear before each use, and ensure that all connections are secure.
% DO NOT carry the cutter by the hose, or yank the hose from the air supply, and DO NOT direct air from the air hose at yourself or others.
F WARNING! turn off air supply and de-pressurise the control nozzle before removing the pump unit from any installation or mobile system.
Failure to comply with this instruction may damage the unit and will invalidate your warranty.
If not already fitted,
follow the carrying strap assembly
as pictured to the right.


F WARNING! Ensure you have read and understood the safety instructions in 2.3. before connecting or operating the air supply.
An external compressed air supply must be attached to the plasma cutter. The supply must produce a minimum of 55-70psi with a
capacity of 120 L/min for operating unit. The maximum entry pressure into the unit however must not exceed 90psi.
To avoid excessive wear of the cutter ensure the air supply is clean and free from moisture. We recommend the fitting of a clean air
filtration unit as pictured in fig 1 with connection procedure. Alternatively attach a filter unit immediately at the rear of the plasma cutter (fig.3-3).
The air inlet filter system should be cleaned weekly.
Line pressure should be increased to compensate for unusually long air hoses (over 8 metres). The minimum hose diameter should
be 10mm I.D. and fittings must have the same inside dimensions.
Keep hose away from heat, oil and sharp edges. Check hoses for wear, and make certain that all connections are secure.
Note: DO NOT use oiler with the air system, the air must remain DRY at all times.
fig 1.
PP40.V3 - 4 -101103

