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Other Features; Power On/Off Procedure - RedPlate BTS2 Operation Manual

Blacktweedspecial version2 /cds2


RedPlate BTS2 Operations Guide
Presence Control – The presence circuit uses global negative feedback to remove low frequencies which frees up
bandwidth for more midrange and highs. Think of it as a tone control to balance the relationship between highs and lows,
especially when the amplifier is naturally producing increased low end at louder volumes. The control clicks off when rotated
to zero for no presence.
SEND and RETURN Jacks – The send jack connects to the input of an external effects device and the return jack
connects to the output of an external effects device. The send jack can also be used as a preamp out. The return jack
interrupts the signal path so the external effects unit must mix the wet and dry signals. The return jack can also be used as
a power amp in jack for slave applications. The Master and Presence controls are still active.
Switch – Reduces the girth and lightens the tone of the Tweed preamp and Overdrive functions. Useful
for higher output pickups which may contribute to too much bass gain when using the Tweed or Overdrive channels.
Footswitch Jack - This is a standard 180 degree 5 pin DIN jack for footswitch connection. If a replacement cable is
needed, make sure all 5 wires are supported. The pinout is conveniently located on the rear panel for use with automated
switcher conversion boxes.
The BTS2 comes complete with a 3 button footswitch and a footswitch cable. The cable used is a regular MIDI cable
and replacements are readily available in any length at most music stores.
For proper footswitch operation make sure the front panel Gain control is not at zero and the front panel
Tweed control is not pulled.
CHANNEL – Switches between lit for Clean (Blackface) and unlit for Tweed channels. If the Tweed channel is
enabled it will automatically be switched back to Blackface when the Drive button is lit and revert back when the
Drive button is unlit. Channel will not be switched if the front panel Tweed control is pulled.
BOOST – Does 2 separate functions that are only available when using the footswitch.
1.When lit, the Blackface channel gets a Midrange Boost that increases the size of the treble capacitor allowing more
upper midrange to flow through the Treble control. Great for the fat smooth overdrive tones.
2.When lit, The Tweed channel gets a stack lift which increases the volume and highs of the Tweed channel.
The Boost is less effective at high settings of the Tone control.
DRIVE – Overdrive feature. When lit, the Drive section of the amplifier is active, not lit, means the section is
bypassed. The footswitch button does not work when the front panel Gain control is rotated to zero because it
is a duplicate function. Drive cannot be enabled if the front panel Tweed control is pulled.
1. Check the Standby switch to make sure it is toggled downward for Standby operation.
2. Toggle the main power switch to the up position (this switch is located at the edge of the IEC input module). The
front panel pilot light should be lit.
3. Wait one minute and then toggle the Standby switch upwards to the Operate position.
4. POWER OFF – Toggle the main power switch downward, there is no need to go into standby first although it will not
hurt anything.




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