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2) Assembly
Position air cooler on a level floor, insert the wheels into the holes
positioned on the bottom of the unit.
3) Filling the tank
Place the air cooler on a level ground and follow the steps below:
(1) Rotates the door holder to horizontal position, and then put out
the water tank; Picture ➀
(2) Raise the water pump frame when the tank was pull out around
3/4, and then remove the tank completely; Picture ➁.
(3) Take the water tank to fill in water or clean;
(4) Put the water tank into the product around 1/4, then fix the pump
frame and push the tank into the product body completely;
(5) Fix the door holder lastly. Pic. ➂


Please ensure the unit is in the (OFF) position before plugging
into the power socket.
Place the unit on a firm level surface.
Avoid overloading the circuit by not plugging other high wattage
products into the same power socket.
Instruction manual VERI70 AIR COOLER


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