Kambic C3-50 User Manual

Kambic C3-50 User Manual

Calibration climatic chamber


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User Manual
Calibration Climatic chamber


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Kambic C3-50

  • Page 1 User Manual Calibration Climatic chamber C3-50...
  • Page 2 The warranty is valid only if the product has been installed and used in accordance to the instructions supplied by Kambic d.o.o. Kambic d.o.o. shall in no event be liable for incidental consequential damages, including...
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    CONTENT 1.0 WARNINGS AND SAFETY PRECAUTIONS ...................... 5 WARNUNGEN UND SICHERHEITSVORKERUNGEN ..................7 MISES EN GARDE ET MESURES DE SÉCURITÉ ....................9 ADVERTENCIAS Y PRECAUCIONES DE SEGURIDAD ................... 11 ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЯ И МЕРЫ ПРЕДОСТОРОЖНОСТИ ................13 2.0 INTRODUCTION ............................15 3.0 TECHNICAL DATA ............................19 4.0 USE PURPOSE AND SAFETY ELEMENTS ....................
  • Page 4 User Manual C3-50 11.0 DISMANTLING AND DISPOSAL ......................... 42 12. ATTACHMENTS ............................43 10.1 CE declaration of conformity ....................... 43 10.2 Electro drawings ..........................43...
  • Page 5: Warnings And Safety Precautions

    In no event shall Kambic d.o.o. be held liable for any damages, direct or incidental related to the use of this product and manual. Product can be equipped with variety of accessories and options. This warning list might include elements that are applicable only with certain models and accessories.
  • Page 6 User Manual C3-50 DANGER OF FIRE Heating of flammable materials is not allowed! WARNING Use only distilled or demineralized water for humidity maintenance system! Close the doors tightly before start! Do not open doors during the cycle! DANGER OF BURNS...
  • Page 7: Warnungen Und Sicherheitsvorkerungen

    Informationen oder Stellungnahmen info@kambic.com zu kontaktieren. Keinesfalls kann Kambic d.o.o. für Schäden jeglicher Art durch Verwendung dieses Produktes oder Handbuchs, direkt oder indirekt, verantwortlich gemacht werden. Das Produkt kann mit verschiedenen Zubehörteilen und Optionen ausgestattet sein. Die Warnungsliste kann Punkte enthalten, die nur auf bestimmte Modelle und Zubehörteile zutreffend sind.
  • Page 8 User Manual C3-50 BRANDGEFAHR Beheizung von entzündlichen Materialien ist nicht zulässig! WARNUNG Nur destilliertes oder entionisiertes Wasser für die Luftfeuchtigkeitsregelung verwenden! Türen vor dem Start dicht schließen und im Betrieb nicht öffnen! GEFAHR VON VERBRENNUNGEN Verwenden Sie bei hohen/niedrigen Temperaturen Sicherheitshandschuhe! EXPLOSIONSGEFAHR Verwenden Sie keine Materialien, die eine explosionsfähige Atmosphäre...
  • Page 9: Mises En Garde Et Mesures De Sécurité

    En aucun cas Kambic d.o.o. ne pourra être tenu responsable pour quelques dommages directs ou accidentels que ce soient liés à l’utilisation de ce produit ou de ce manuel. Le produit peut être équipé de nombreux accessoires et options. Cette liste de mises en garde est susceptible de contenir des éléments n’étant applicables qu’à...
  • Page 10 User Manual C3-50 RISQUE D’INCENDIE Interdiction de chauffer des matériaux inflammables! ATTENTION N’utiliser que de l’eau distillée ou déminéralisée pour le système de maintien d’humidité ! Fermez les portes fermement avant de démarrer ! N’ouvrez pas les portes pendant le cycle! RISQUE DE BRÛLURES...
  • Page 11: Advertencias Yprecauciones De Seguridad

    Sociedad limitada Kambic d.o.o. en ningún caso será responsable de ningún tipo de daños directos o incidentales resultantes de la utilización de este producto y manual. El producto puede ser provisto de una variedad de accesorios y opciones. Esta lista de advertencias puede incluir elementos aplicables sólo a algunos modelos y accesorios.
  • Page 12 User Manual C3-50 PELIGRO DE INCENDIO Mantener alejado de fuentes de calor, chispas, llama abierta o superficies calientes! No fumar! ADVERTENCIA ¡Utilice sólo agua destilada desmineralizada para sistema mantenimiento de la humedad! ¡Cierre la puerta ajustadamente antes de comenzar! ¡Durante el ciclo no...
  • Page 13: Предупреждения И Меры Предосторожности

    дилеру или к нам через за дополнительной информацией или info@kambic.com мнением. Ни при каких обстоятельствах Kambic d.o.o. не несет ответственности за любые повреждения, прямo или косвенно связанные с использованием данного изделия и руководства. Изделие может быть оснащено разнообразными аксессуарами и опциями. Этот список предупреждений...
  • Page 14 User Manual C3-50 ОПАСНОСТЬ ВОСПЛАМЕНЕНИЯ Нагревание воспламеняющихся материалов запрещено! ПРЕДУПРЕЖДЕНИЕ Используйте только дистиллированную или деминерализованную воду для системы поддержания влажности! Плотно закройте двери перед запуском! Не открывайте двери во время цикла! ОПАСНОСТЬ ОЖОГОВ При работе с высокими / низкими температурами используйте защитные...
  • Page 15: Introduction

    C3-50 INTRODUCTION Appliance description Calibration Climatic chamber C3-50 is designed and build for many calibration and testing purposes or temperature and humidity equipment. The interior chamber and inner side of the doors are made of high quality stainless steel material AISI 304 CrNi.
  • Page 16 User Manual C3-50 Temperature control Cooling and heating for the chamber is provided by a Peltier System. Internal fan is used to circulate the air inside the chamber to provide temperature stability and uniformity. Temperature control is controlled via a central microprocessor controller with PID controller.
  • Page 17 User Manual C3-50 Relative humidity control For the purpose of humidity control unit is equipped with double flow system: Dry air purging system which is used for maintaining low humidity, drives dry air in to the chamber and pushes out the moist.
  • Page 18 User Manual C3-50 Rh Operating range: Record process Appliance has a built-in RS232 communication port. Calibration, validation The basic calibration is performed by the manufacturer. If ordered the calibration report is delivered with the unit. Calibration, validation can also be done by the user because the appliance has a special sub- program that allows easy settings and adjustments for temperature probes and Rh probe, without mechanical intervention on the device.
  • Page 19: Technical Data

    User Manual C3-50 TECHNICAL DATA C3–50 External dimensions 570 x 800 x 615 (WxHxD) in mm Internal dimensions 400 x 400 x 360 (WxHxD) in mm Volume (L) Temperature range (°C) +10 …+55 Temperature display resolution (°C) 0.001 Temperature set resolution (°C) STD 0.02 °C...
  • Page 20 User Manual C3-50 Control panel with touch Water Reservoir Main switch, Power cord display connection, RS 232 Access Port BACK SIDE: Compressed air supply max 1Mpa Dry air system Main switch and power supply connector Chamber air exhaust Peltier system...
  • Page 21: Use Purpose And Safety Elements

    C3-50 USE PURPOSE AND SAFETY ELEMENTS Calibration Climatic chamber C3-50 is designed and build for many calibration and testing purposes or temperature and humidity equipment. Given the wide scope of temperature and humidity regulation this appliance is useful in many areas as, pharmacy, electronics industry, testing.
  • Page 22: Instruction For Use

    User Manual C3-50 INSTRUCTION FOR USE ATTENTION: Safety gloves use is highly recommended when working with high/low temperatures! Transport is usually carried in the original packaging. In case that the appliance has to be replaced, it must be manually placed on a transport palette and only then lifted and transported with a vehicle.
  • Page 23: Control Panel With Touch Display

    User Manual C3-50 5.2 Control panel with touch display Power LED Button (no function) START button STOP button Operating LED LCD touch display 5.3 Touch display Parameters display Firmware Process graph Menu button Exit, Clear, Enter button Menu entered indication...
  • Page 24: Basic Setup

    User Manual C3-50 5.4 Basic setup Step 1: Check distilled water level in reservoir (see chapter 5.1). Step 2: Connect the power cord into the power supply 230V±10%; 50Hz, 60Hz. Step 3: Connect the compressed air supply to the unit.
  • Page 25 User Manual C3-50 Press SELECT PROGRAM TO START (Program name) SELECTED PROGRAM: 1 To choose between programs press on the number (below display) and press When program was stopped by pressing stop button, you get notification on display PROGRAM INTERUPTED! PRESS BUTTON ->...
  • Page 26: Settings

    User Manual C3-50 SETTINGS Press to enter main menu Display: 1 – START PROGRAM 2 – MANUAL 3 – PROGRAM SETUP 4 – SPECIAL SETUP If you press the number next to the written description you enter the described sub menu.
  • Page 27 User Manual C3-50 1. Select program • Select desired program to set settings. Program 0 is reserved for manual program 2. Program name • Enter program name (the selected program can be named) 3. Chamber temperature • Set desired chamber temperature (temperature range is limited by producer) 4.
  • Page 28: Parameter Settings - Automatic Program

    User Manual C3-50 6.2 Parameter settings – Automatic Program SELECT PROGRAM 0=MANUAL 1-50=AVTO. (Program name) PROGRAM: 1 –AVTO. PROG.: 1 SETUP PROGRAM NAME (Program name) 1 – START PROGRAM PROG.: 1 SETUP PROG.: 1 SETUP 2 – MANUAL STEP 3 – PROGRAM SETUP NUMBER OF STEPS 4 –...
  • Page 29 User Manual C3-50 4. Cycling of steps • Choose how many times should the selected program sequences to be repeated. 5. Cycle from step 6. Cycle to step • With these two settings you select the program sequence that will be repeated.
  • Page 30 User Manual C3-50 7. Delayed automatic start • Controller has option to set automatic start at certain hour and date. PROG.: 1 SETUP PROG.: 1 SETUP DELAYED AUTOMATIC DELAYED AUTOMATIC START WITHOUT DELAY START AT: 14:30 STOPNIC: ATTENTION: The hour of the delayed start should always be set in combination with date of delayed start! 8.
  • Page 31 User Manual C3-50 9. Chamber temperature setting • Set desired air chamber temperature for the first step. To change value press 10. Relative humidity setting. • Set the desired relative humidity. To change value press 11. Cooling / Heating speed •...
  • Page 32: Special Setup

    User Manual C3-50 SPECIAL SETUP 7.1 Special Settings – Time and Date Press to enter main menu Display: 1 – START PROGRAM 2 – MANUAL 3 – PROGRAM SETUP 4 – SPECIAL SETUP Press number to enter special setup menu Display 1 –...
  • Page 33: Corrections Setup

    User Manual C3-50 7.2 Corrections setup To enter this menu press button. Display: 1 – START PROGRAM 2 – MANUAL 3 – PROGRAM SETUP 4 – SPECIAL SETUP Press to enter special setup menu Display: 1 – TIME SETUP 2 – CORRECTION SETUP 3 –...
  • Page 34: Corrections Setup Scheme

    User Manual C3-50 7.3 Corrections setup scheme 1 - 4 CORRECTIONS SETUP PT 100 CHAMBER COR. Tc = 17.26°C 4.8°C -40°C CORRECTIONS SETUP SPECIAL SETUP RH PROBE DISPLAY Rh = 30.0% Offset Rh 0.0% CONTRAST: ENTER ENTRY CODE: 0207 SPECIAL SETUP...
  • Page 35 User Manual C3-50 1-4: Temperature probe correction • For temperature probe 4 corrections points are defined. For each correction point correction can be set. To change value use 5-6: Rh probe corrections • Correct Rh Offset and Factor. To change values use 7: Time count-down tolerance (temperature) •...
  • Page 36 User Manual C3-50 9: Door heating power factor • To avoid water condensation on the doors a weak heater is installed on inner side of doors and the chamber edge. In case of inconvenient condensation at some temperatures you may higher/lower this value.
  • Page 37: Special Setup - Program Copy

    User Manual C3-50 7.4 Special Setup – Program copy To enter this menu press button. Display: 1 – START PROGRAM 2 – MANUAL 3 – PROGRAM SETUP 4 – SPECIAL SETUP Press to enter special setup menu Display: 1 – TIME SETUP 2 –...
  • Page 38: Troubleshooting

    User Manual C3-50 TROUBLESHOOTING 8.1 Alarm screen In the case of an alarm the alarm message will appear. Alarm message 8.2 Over temperature shut-off Microprocessor controller has a special safety system which turns heaters off if temperature rises for more than 5 °C above set temperature.
  • Page 39: Problem Diagnostics

    User Manual C3-50 8.3 Problem diagnostics Alarm door opened ➔ check the end switch ➔ check the locking mechanism Water drip from chamber ➔ check the chamber seal Low temperature stability & uniformity ➔ check the door seal ➔ check the operation of the chamber fan ➔...
  • Page 40: Service And Maintenance

    Maintenance and service within the warranty period may only be performed by the authorized service person. Please advise Kambic in before alternation & modification. All spare parts are in stock in the producer's magazine. It is only allowed to use the original spare parts.
  • Page 41: Required Space And Connections

    User Manual C3-50 10.0 REQUIRED SPACE AND CONNECTIONS The appliance must be positioned at least 300 mm away from a wall to allow the cooling of Peltier cooling system via its rear fan. Additional space or relocation of the apparatus may be necessary when carrying out any maintenance or servicing.
  • Page 42 User Manual C3-50 11.0 DISMANTLING AND DISPOSAL This symbol means do not dispose of your product with your other household waste. Instead, you should protect human health and the environment by handing over your waste equipment to a designated collection point for the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment.
  • Page 43 User Manual C3-50 ATTACHMENTS 10.1 CE declaration of conformity 10.2 Electro drawings...

Table of Contents