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iNels RFSA-62B Manual

iNels RFSA-62B Manual


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Wireless switch unit
Dvokanalna prekidačka jedinica
Characteristics /
• The switching unit with 2 output channels is used for controlling appliances and light circuits.
• They can be combined with detectors, controllers, iNELS RF Control or system components.
• The BOX design lets you mount it right in an installation box, a ceiling or controlled appliance
• It enables connection of switched load 2 x 8A (2 x 2.000 W).
• Function: button, impulse relay and time function of delayed start and return with time setting
range of 2s-60 min. It is possible to assign any function to each output relay.
• Each of the channels may be controlled by up to 12 channels (1 channel represents 1 button on
the controller).
• The programming button on the unit is also used for manual control of the output.
• Memory status can be pre-set in the event of a power failure.
• For components labelled as iNELS RF Control
via the RFAF/USB service device.
• Range up to 100 m (in open space), if the signal is insufficient between the controller and unit,
use the signal repeater RFRP-20 or protocol component RFIO
• Communication frequency with bidirectional protocol iNELS RF Control
Assembly /
mounting in an installation box
instalacija u instalacionu kutiju
Connection /
Radio frequency signal penetration through various construction materials /
Prenos radio frekvencijskih signala preko različitih građevinskih materijala
For more information, see "Installation manual iNELS RF Control":
Made in Czech Republic
), it is possible to set the repeater function
that support this feature.
mounting into a light cover
montaža u poklopcu svetiljke
U-Energister, d.o.o.| Noveških interniraca 1V | 31000 Užice | Serbia | e-mail:
U-Energister, d.o.o. | Norveških interniraca 1V | 31000 Užice | Republika Srbija | e-mail:
Support: +381 63 479 880 |
• Prekidački element sa 2 izlazna releja koristi se za upravljanje uređajima i svetlima. 2 posto-
jeća tastera u ožičenju mogu se povezati na interne terminale.
• Mogu se kombinovati sa detektorima, kontrolerima ili iNELS RF Control elementima upravl-
jačkog sistema.
• Verzija BOX nudi ugradnju direktno u instalacionu kutiju, plafon ili poklopac kontrolisanog
• Omogućava povezivanje preklopnog opterećenja 2x 8 A (2x 2 000 W).
• Funkcije: taster, impulsni relej i vremenske fnkcije odloženog starta ili povratka sa podešava-
njem vremena 2s-60min. Bilo kojoj funkciji može se dodeliti svaki izlazni relej.
• Spoljni taster je programirano na siti način kao i bežična veza.
• Ulaz nije galvanski izolovan.
• Svakim od izlaya može se upraljati do 12 kanala (1 kanal predstavlja jedan taster na kontro-
• Taster za programiranje na elementu takođe služi kao ručna kontrola izlaza.
• Mogućnost podešavanja statusa memorije u slučaju nestanka struje.
• Za elemente se funkcija repetitora može podesiti putem RFAF/USB servisnog uređaja.
• Domet od 100m (na otvorenom prostoru). Ukoliko signal nema dovoljnu jačinu između kon-
trolera i upravljačke jedinice koriste se pojačivači signala RFRP-20 ili elemente sa RFIO2 pro-
tokolom koji podržava ovu funkciju.
• Frekvencija komunikacije sa dvosmernim RFIO2 protokolom.
60 - 90 %
wooden structures
brick walls
with plaster boards
zid od
Za više informacija, pogledati ,,Instalaciono uputstvo iNELS RF kontrole":
Tehnička podrška +381 63 479 880
ceiling mounted
plafonska montaža
12-24 V AC/DC
80 - 95 %
20 - 60 %
drvena konstuk-
metalne pregrade
armirani beton
cija sa gipsanim
02-54/2016 Rev.6
0 - 10 %
80- 90 %
metal partitions
common glass



Summary of Contents for iNels RFSA-62B

  • Page 1 • Prekidački element sa 2 izlazna releja koristi se za upravljanje uređajima i svetlima. 2 posto- • They can be combined with detectors, controllers, iNELS RF Control or system components. jeća tastera u ožičenju mogu se povezati na interne terminale.
  • Page 2 The device can be combined with all system components, controls and devices Element se može kombinovati sa svim sistemskim elementima, kontroleri- of iNELS RF Control and iNELS RF Control ma i elementima sistema iNELS RF Control a iNELS RF Control The detector can be assigned an iNELS RF Control (RFIO ) communication Detektori obeleženi komunikacijskim protokolim iNELS RF Control...
  • Page 3 Programming / Programiranje Press of programming button Two presses of your selected Press of programming button on receiver RFSA-62B for 3 - 5 button on the RF transmitter on receiver RFSA-62B shorter second will activate receiver assigns the function switch on...
  • Page 4 Programiranje Press of programming button Assignment of the delayed off Press of programming button on receiver RFSA-62B for 3 - 5 function is performed by five longer then 5 seconds, will second will activate receiver presses of the selected button...
  • Page 5 Selecting the memory function / Izbor funkcije memorije Press of Prog button for 3 - 5s will activate actuator RFSA-62B into Pressing the programming button on the RFSA-62B receiver for less than 1 second will finish the programming mode, this will programming mode.
  • Page 6: Technical Parameters

    0.7 W 0.7 W  Attention: Supply voltage tolerance: Tolerancija napajanja:  +10 %; -15 % When you instal iNELS RF Control system, you have to Output Izlaz keep minimal distance 1 cm between each units. Number of contacts: Broj kontakata: 2 x switching / prelaza (AgSnO Between the individual commands must be an inter- val of at least 1s.