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TAD TSM-2201-LR Operating Instructions page 2


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Thank you for buying this TAD product. Please read through these operating instructions so you will know how to
operate your model properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, put them away in a safe place for future
Safety Instructions
Do not install in an unstable location
Do not place speakers on wobbly platforms
or inclined surfaces since they may fall over,
resulting in personal injury.
Do not hang from ceiling or mount on
Speakers may fall, resulting in personal injury.
Do not stand on speakers
Speakers may fall or break, resulting in personal
Before you start
Installation precautions
To prevent cabinet deformation and discoloration, avoid installing speakers in locations exposed to direct sunlight, high
humidity, or nearby heating/cooling appliances.
These speakers are not magnetically shielded, so do not install near television sets or computer monitors, since color
reproduction may be adversely affected.
Always turn off the amplifier's power before connecting speakers.
When using a speaker stand, take adequate precaution to be sure the stand can sustain the speaker's weight.
Due to the composition of the custom accessory feet, some staining or marking of the installing surface may occur,
depending on the finish and material of the surface.
Care and maintenance
Dust regularly with a soft dry cloth. In cases of severe soiling, dilute a neutral detergent in 1:5 or 1:6 water solution, dip a
soft cloth in the solution and wring thoroughly before wiping the surface. Finish by wiping with a dry cloth. Contact of the
surface with alcohol, paint thinner, benzene, insecticide or other similar chemicals may result in peeling or other damage
to the printing or finish. When using a chemically impregnated cleaning cloth, read the instructions and precautions
carefully before using.
Confirm accessories
Before using, confirm that all accessories are present.
Custom accessory feet (round type x 4, bar type x 2)
Operating Instructions (this document)
European model only
If you want to dispose this product, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a separate collection
system for used electronic products in accordance with legislation that requires proper treatment, recovery and
Private households in the member states of the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return their used electronic products
free of charge to designated collection facilities or to a retailer (if you purchase a similar new one).
For countries not mentioned above, please contact your local authorities for the correct method of disposal.
By doing so you will ensure that your disposed product undergoes the necessary treatment, recovery and recycling and
thus prevent potential negative effects on the environment and human health.
Mischen Sie dieses Produkt, wenn Sie es entsorgen wollen, nicht mit gewöhnlichen Haushaltsabfällen. Es
gibt ein getrenntes Sammelsystem für gebrauchte elektronische Produkte, über das die richtige Behandlung,
Rückgewinnung und Wiederverwertung gemäß der bestehenden Gesetzgebung gewährleistet wird.
Privathaushalte in den Mitgliedsstaaten der EU, in der Schweiz und in Norwegen können ihre gebrauchten
elektronischen Produkte an vorgesehenen Sammeleinrichtungen kostenfrei zurückgeben oder aber an einen Händler
zurückgeben (wenn sie ein ähnliches neues Produkt kaufen).
Bitte wenden Sie sich in den Ländern, die oben nicht aufgeführt sind, hinsichtlich der korrekten Verfahrensweise der
Entsorgung an die örtliche Kommunalverwaltung.
Auf diese Weise stellen Sie sicher, dass das zu entsorgende Produkt der notwendigen Behandlung, Rückgewinnung
und Wiederverwertung unterzogen wird, und so mögliche negative Einflüsse auf die Umwelt und die menschliche
Gesundheit vermieden werden.
Si vous souhaitez vous débarrasser de cet appareil, ne le mettez pas à la poubelle avec vos ordures
ménagères. Il existe un système de collecte séparé pour les appareils électroniques usagés, qui doivent être
récupérés, traités et recyclés conformément à la législation.
Les habitants des états membres de l'UE, de Suisse et de Norvège peuvent retourner gratuitement leurs appareils
électroniques usagés aux centres de collecte agréés ou à un détaillant (si vous rachetez un appareil similaire neuf).
Dans les pays qui ne sont pas mentionnés ci-dessus, veuillez contacter les autorités locales pour savoir comment vous
pouvez vous débarrasser de vos appareils.
Vous garantirez ainsi que les appareils dont vous vous débarrassez sont correctement récupérés, traités et recyclés et
préviendrez de cette façon les impacts néfastes possibles sur l'environnement et la santé humaine.
Se si vuole eliminare questo prodotto, non gettarlo insieme ai rifiuti domestici. Esiste un sistema di raccolta
differenziata in conformità alle leggi che richiedono appositi trattamenti, recupero e riciclo.
I privati cittadini dei paesi membri dell'UE, di Svizzera e Norvegia, possono restituire senza alcun costo i loro prodotti
elettronici usati ad appositi servizi di raccolta o a un rivenditore (se si desidera acquistarne uno simile).
Per i paesi non citati qui sopra, si prega di prendere contatto con le autorità locali per il corretto metodo di
In questo modo, si è sicuri che il proprio prodotto eliminato subirà il trattamento, il recupero e il riciclo necessari per
prevenire gli effetti potenzialmente negativi sull'ambiente e sulla vita dell'uomo.
Si desea deshacerse de este producto, no lo mezcle con los residuos generales de su hogar. De
conformidad con la legislación vigente, existe un sistema de recogida distinto para los productos
electrónicos que requieren un procedimiento adecuado de tratamiento, recuperación y reciclado.
Las viviendas privadas en los estados miembros de la UE, en Suiza y Noruega pueden devolver gratuitamente sus
productos electrónicos usados en las instalaciones de recolección previstas o bien en las instalaciones de minoristas
(si adquieren un producto similar nuevo).
En el caso de los países que no se han mencionado en el párrafo anterior, póngase en contacto con sus autoridades
locales a fin de conocer el método de eliminación correcto.
Al actuar siguiendo estas instrucciones, se asegurará de que el producto de desecho se somete a los procesos de
tratamiento, recuperación y reciclaje necesarios, con lo que se previenen los efectos negativos potenciales para el
entorno y la salud human a.
Speaker System
Operating Instructions
Do not use speakers for long periods
if sound is distorted
When sound is distorted, speakers may
overheat, resulting in malfunction or fire.
Do not connect to an amplifier with
output exceeding the speakers'
permissible input
Speakers may overheat, resulting in malfunction
or fire.
Do not modify or disassemble
Damage or fire may result.
Name and function of parts
Input terminal
HF driver
LF driver
Bottom surface : stand mounting screws (3/8 in.)
Connecting the cables
Switch off the power to your amplifier.
Connect the speaker cables to the input terminals on
the back of the speaker. For input terminal polarity, red
is positive (+) and black is negative (−).
Loosen the knobs on the input terminals and insert
the speaker cable wires into each of the terminal post
holes, then tighten the knobs.
Black terminal (−)
Red terminal (+)
Connect the other ends of the cables to the amp's
speaker output terminals (for more details, refer to your
amp instrucion manual).
Enclosure ......................................................... Closed type
Configuration ............................................................. 2 way
LF driver ................................................. 20 cm (8 in.) cone
HF driver .............................................. 2.5 cm (1 in.) dome
Nominal impedance ......................................................4 Ω
Frequency response ................... 50 Hz to 40 kHz (-10 dB)
Sensitivity .................................................... 86 dB (1 W/m)
Maximum input power ............................................. 160 W
Crossover frequency ............................................... 2.3 kHz
Exterior dimensions .............................................................
260 mm (W) x 348 mm (H) x 253 mm (D)
10-1/4 in. (W) x 13-11/16 in. (H) x 9-15/16 in. (D)
Weight ....................................................... 7.8 kg (17.2 lbs)
U.S. model only
WARNING: Handling the cord on this product or cords associated with accessories sold with the product may expose
you to chemicals listed on proposition 65 known to the State of California and other governmental entities to cause
cancer and birth defect or other reproductive harm.
The Safety of Your Ears is in Your Hands
Get the most out of your equipment by playing it at a safe level—a level that lets the sound come through clearly without
annoying blaring or distortion and, most importantly, without affecting your sensitive hearing. Sound can be deceiving.
Over time, your hearing "comfort level" adapts to higher volumes of sound, so what sounds "normal" can actually be
loud and harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your hearing
Set your volume control at a low setting.
Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it comfortably and clearly, without distortion.
Once you have established a comfortable sound level, set the dial and leave it there.
Do not turn up the volume so high that you can't hear what's around you.
Use caution or temporarily discontinue use in potentially hazardous situations.
Do not use headphones while operating a motorized vehicle; the use of headphones may create a traffic hazard and is
illegal in many areas.
Using the custom accessory feet
Horizontal installation
Vertical installation
terminal (−)
terminal (+)
Speaker (rear):
Input panel
This speaker does not include speaker cables used for
connecting to an amplifier.
Be sure to disconnect amplifier power before making
cable connections.
If the cables' wires happen to be pushed out of the
terminals, allowing the wires to come into contact with
each other, it places an excessive additional load on the
amp. This may cause the amp to stop functioning, and
may even damage the amp.
After connecting the plugs, pull lightly on the cables
to make sure that the ends of the cables are securely
connected to the terminals.
You can also connect the speaker's terminals with a
banana plug.
When using a banana plug, remove the seal at the tip of
the input terminal.
Supplied accessories
Custom accessory feet (round type) ................................4
Custom accessory feet (bar type).....................................2
Operating Instructions (this document)
TSM-2201-LR is shipped with two speaker systems
Sp e cifica tions and de sign sub je c t to p o s sible
modification without notice, due to improvements.
All rights reserved.
4-15-3 Nishi-Shinjuku Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 160-0023, Japan

