Clean The Exterior; Console Diagnostics - ETC CUE 2017 Maintenance Manual

Table of Contents


ETC System Maintenance CUE 2017
System Inspection and Maintenance Checklist
Console Cleaning and Inspection-Motorized Fader Consoles
The primary difference between Console cleaning instruction sets is the use of a contact
cleaner on faders. Newer consoles use different faders that do not require this level of
regular lubrication and cleaning. If you are unsure on how to open the console, contact
ETC for instructions
2" Paintbrush dry, clean, never used with paint.
Lint Free Cloth
Any site specific required safety gear
Goo Gone

Clean the Exterior

Step 1:
Turn off and unplug console.
Step 2:
Using paintbrush, dust outside of console.
Step 3:
Remove all tape.
Step 4:
Use goo gone or alcohol to remove any leftover adhesive or marker.
Step 5:
Apply a few drops of isopropyl alcohol into faders and run fader up and down several times.
Step 6:
Inspect console ports (USB, DMX, video, etc...) for damage.
Step 7:
Using glass cleaner and lint free cloth, clean displays and touchscreens.
Clean the Interior
Cleaning the interior is really a judgement call based on how dirty the
exterior is. If you have never opened the console, follow these steps, if you
maintain and clean regularly, use your own judgement.
Step 1:
Open console face panel and remote processor (if applicable).
Step 2:
Using compressed air, gently blow dust out of interior.
Step 3:
Using cloth, clean heat sinks and all fans.
Step 4:
Blow fan vents clean.
Step 5:
Close console and processor.
Step 6:
Re-plug and power on console.
Contact a repair center if broken items are found

Console Diagnostics

Step 1:
Run face panel diagnostic.
Step 2:
Check all buttons and faders for operation.
Step 3:
If you have a Dual Processor or backup system
a: Test system switch over from normal to backup mode.
Step 4:
Test peripherals connected to console using diagnostic tests or plug and play in USB ports as
Backup and Upgrade
Step 1:
Review show archive on hard drive
a: Backup and/or remove unneeded files.
b: Remember 3-2-2
Step 2:
Read release notes first to be aware of any possible incompatibilities with other products in
the system.
Step 3:
Update console software to current version.
System Inspection and Maintenance Checklist
Tools needed
Oil and moisture free source of low pressure
compressed air
Alcohol based ammonia free glass cleaner
Isopropyl alcohol (80% or better)
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Electronic Theatre Controls, Inc.


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