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PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR User Manual

PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR User Manual

Photometer for uv absorbance and turbidity measurements


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PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV
Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User's Manual
Revision 3
Document Title: UV-VIS-NIR Photometer P-Version User's Manual
Page 1 of 24



Summary of Contents for PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR

  • Page 1 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Document Title: UV-VIS-NIR Photometer P-Version User’s Manual PENDOTECH® UV-VIS-NIR PHOTOMETER FOR UV ABSORBANCE AND TURBIDITY MEASUREMENTS USER’S MANUAL PendoTECH Page 1 of 24...
  • Page 2 The information in this User Guide is believed to be accurate and reliable for use and operation of the monitor, however, PendoTECH assumes no responsibility for the use of this product except for what is covered in the Limited Warranty and Terms and Condition of Sale.
  • Page 3 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Optical Safety WARNING: The photometer can emit light from ≈200 – 1100nm . Hazardous UV and IR radiation are emitted from the unit. Never directly stare into the source/return ports on the photometer or the fiber optic cables, as this can cause eye damage.
  • Page 4 Revision 3 Notice of Confidentiality The information contained within this document is confidential and proprietary to PendoTECH and may be covered under existing US patents or patents pending. This information shall not be reproduced or further disclosed, in whole or in part, to anyone other than employees of the company purchasing the product without prior written consent from PendoTECH.
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Contents Section 1: Introduction and Unpacking ......................6 Section 2: Hardware Installation ........................8 Section 4: Glossary and Definitions ......................16 Section 5: Instrument Controls ........................17 Section 6: Absorbance Operations ......................
  • Page 6: Section 1: Introduction And Unpacking

    The flow cells can also be used with PendoTECH’s Flow Cell Stand with integral couplers in place of the optical couplers to connect the fiber optic cables. The flow cell stand is optional for UV absorbance applications, but it is highly recommended for turbidity applications because it blocks out ambient light that would otherwise affect the readings.
  • Page 7 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 3. Optical Couplers/Flow Cell Holders (Varies per flow cell used and configuration type) Optional Flow Cell Stand 4. Example Flow Cells: Single Use Flow Cell, 1cm path length...
  • Page 8: Section 2: Hardware Installation

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 2: Hardware Installation Please follow the outlined sections below as a guideline for installing the photometer and associated accessories. These guidelines apply for specific application installations or in the case of OEM component installation onto a suitable panel.
  • Page 9 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Photometer, front view Complete system setup showing measure unit/photometer, flow cell stand/holder, and fiber optic cables Remove the protective caps from the SMA-905 connectors on the fiber optic cables and the photometer.
  • Page 10 The minimum bend radius for fibers supplied with the UV-VIS-NIR Photometer is 8” (20.3cm). NOTE: Only hand tighten SMA-905 connections. Never use a wrench, pliers, or other tool. Over-tightening the SMA-905 connections may...
  • Page 11 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 2.4 Electrical Panel mount version Lab version NOTE: DO NOT power up the unit during installation. Ensure that all electrical connections are made with un-energized wires. It is recommended that an ON/OFF switch be employed for panel mounting.
  • Page 12 Green: Current Loop 2 (+) (If dual wavelength unit, higher wavelength value) Brown: Current Loop 1 (-) Blue: Current Loop 1 (+) PendoTECH also has other pre-configured cables for connections to the PendoTECH PressureMAT® Plus monitors, PendoTECH Control Systems, and other PendoTECH products. Page 12 of 24...
  • Page 13 The LED is located internal to the photometer and is specific to the application. Therefore, the UV-VIS-NIR photometer is a dedicated instrument for monitoring only one or two specific analytes of interest.
  • Page 14 Watch-Out: If the light source FWHM width is wider than the molecule’s absorption peak, that will produce false, low absorption values. Figure 1 LED wavelength spectrum example for 260nm UV-VIS-NIR photometer. Figure 2 LED wavelength spectrum example for 280nm UV-VIS-NIR photometer.
  • Page 15 Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Figure 3 LED wavelength spectrum example for 880nm UV-VIS-NIR photometer. In brief, the photometer works as follows: The measuring system is in the detector block of the photometer. Light is provided by an LED, which produces a stable light output at a narrow wavelength range.
  • Page 16: Section 4: Glossary And Definitions

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 4: Glossary and Definitions Dynamic Range: Dynamic range refers to the range of concentrations an instrument can read, from the minimum to the maximum detectable concentration. The minimum detectable concentration is determined by the signal-to-noise ratio.
  • Page 17: Section 5: Instrument Controls

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 5: Instrument Controls 5.1 Zero The zero button/contacts will set one (or both channels for dual wavelength model) to zero absorbance (0.00AU or 4.00mA). NOTE: For best results, the unit should be tared/calibrated with the process background fluid in the flow cell if possible.
  • Page 18 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 5.2 Indicator LED Indicator LED The indicator LED located on the top of the unit illuminates BLUE when the unit is making normal measurements, and when there is an issue with either the photometer or the flow cell.
  • Page 19: Section 6: Absorbance Operations

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 6: Absorbance Operations NOTE: The 4-20mA output is correlated to absorbance intensity in AU (absorbance units). To convert absorbance intensity to relevant engineering units, the 4-20mA output must be scaled using an external device.
  • Page 20: Section 7: System Specifications

    Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 7: System Specifications This section provides detailed specifications for the UV-VIS-NIR Photometer system purchased. In addition, this section may contain application specific notes on operability, functionality, etc. 7.1 Optical Configuration The optical configuration listed is for a complete analyzer system. The detectors and light emitting diode (LED) are internal to the photometer housing.
  • Page 21: Section 8: Appendix

    PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 Section 8: Appendix 8.1 Drawings Panel Mount Version (with mounting flange) Page 21 of 24...
  • Page 22 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 8.2 CE Certification EC Declaration of Conformity The undersigned, representing the following supplier: PendoTECH 174 Nassau Street Suite 256 Princeton, NJ 08542 USA Herewith declare that the...
  • Page 23 PendoTECH UV-VIS-NIR Photometer for UV Absorbance and Turbidity Measurements User’s Manual Revision 3 8.3 Product Warranty Page 23 of 24...
  • Page 24 Revision 3 8.4 Service Information Any product which is under warranty must be returned to PendoTECH for repair. If out of warranty, the user should call PendoTECH for over-the-phone assistance and our service staff will help determine if the unit should be returned for repair.