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UltraScan User's Guide
Reference Series
Gatan, Inc.
5933 Coronado Lane
Pleasanton, CA 94588
(925) 463-0200
FAX (925) 463-0204
January 2003
Revision 1.0


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Gatan UltraScan 895

  • Page 1 UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Gatan, Inc. 5933 Coronado Lane Pleasanton, CA 94588 (925) 463-0200 FAX (925) 463-0204 January 2003 895.MANUAL Revision 1.0...
  • Page 2: Preface

    Chapter 4, “Quick Reference ,” is a brief summary of the steps necessary to operate a Gatan CCD camera. Chapter 5, “Care and Maintenance,” contains some general tips on the care and maintenance of the UltraScan camera. It also contains a list of questions that are often asked by users.
  • Page 3: Disclaimer

    Disclaimer Gatan, Inc., makes no express or implied representations or warranties with respect to the contents or use of this manual, and specifically disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Gatan, Inc., further reserves the right to revise this manual and to make changes to its contents at any time, without obligation to notify any person or entity of such revisions or changes.
  • Page 4: Support

    Support Contacting Gatan Technical Support Gatan, Inc., provides free technical support via voice, Fax, and electronic mail. To reach Gatan technical support, call or Fax the facility nearest you or contact by electronic mail: • Gatan, USA (West Coast) Tel: (925) 463 0200 Fax: (925) 463 0204 •...
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    ULTRASCAN USER’S GUIDE REFERENCE SERIES ........................1 PREFACE........................................I ABOUT THIS GUIDE....................................I PREVIEW OF THIS GUID E ...................................I DISCLAIMER ......................................II COPYRIGHT AND TRADEMARKS ..............................II SUPPORT ........................................III CONTACTING GATAN TECHNICAL SUPPORT ........................III INTRODUCTION..................................1-1 GETTING STARTED ................................2-1 ................................. 2-2 ORKPLACE ..............................2-3 AMERA CONFIGURATION ..................................
  • Page 6 CARE AND MAINTENANCE..............................5-1 ..............................5-1 ENERAL RECAUTIONS 5.1.1 Peltier cooler maintenance............................5-1 5.1.2 Scintillator maintenance and precautions........................5-2 5.1.3 Fan Filter..................................5-3 ............................5-4 FTEN SKED UESTIONS APPENDIX 1 .........................................I HARDWARE DESCRIPTION................................I A1 S ..................................I YSTEM EQUIREMENTS .................................... II ESCRIPTION A2.1 ..............................IV RONT PANEL CONTROLS A2.2 ’...
  • Page 7 List of Figures ..............................2-2 IGURE AMERA CONTROLLER ..........................2-3 IGURE IGITAL ICROGRAPH ORKPLACE ....................2-4 IGURE AMERA AMERA CONFIGURATION ............................2-5 IGURE ET THE TARGET INTENSITY .......................... 2-8 IGURE LOBAL ICROSCOPE NFO WINDOW ................................ 2-8 IGURE ICROSCOPE MENU ..............................2-9 IGURE ROSS GRATING SAMPLE ..............................
  • Page 8: Introduction

    1 Introduction The Gatan UltraScan™ family of cameras is designed to deliver the ultimate quality in transmission electron microscope images. It is the first digital camera system with the potential to replace film as a recording medium in the TEM.
  • Page 9: Getting Started

    2 Getting Started The following steps will enable the first-time user to switch on the digital camera, launch DigitalMicrograph and prepare for the acquisit ion of an image. • Make sure that the viewing chamber is at the proper vacuum. •...
  • Page 10: The Workplace

    The Workplace Figure 2-1 Camera controller Power switch Shutter switch Peltier switch 2.1 The Workplace When DigitalMicrograph is launched, you will see the commonly used tools (left side), the Image Acquisition and Saving tools (right side), and the Result window as shown in Figure 2-1. These tools are composed by “floating” windows fully stackable to allow customization.
  • Page 11: Camera Configuration

    Image acquisition and saving tools Results window 2.2 Camera Configuration If the camera is already configured by a Gatan service engineer, this section can be ignored. Before starting acquiring images, it is necessary to configure the camera. This process is shown in Figure 2-3.
  • Page 12: Set Bias Levels

    Set Bias Levels Figure 2-3 (a) Camera Menu (b) Camera configuration • Select Configure Camera in the Camera menu (Figure (2-3a). • In the Camera configuration dialog box (Figure 2-3b), you can change the name of the camera by typing in the Name field. •...
  • Page 13: Figure 2-4 Set The Target Intensity

    Set Bias Levels This can result in CCD images with visible quadrant (like a chess board pattern). Under the Camera menu (Figure 2-3), Set Bias Levels routine automatically measures and sets the bias for each quadrant. The bias setting is written to the First Light Controller.
  • Page 14: Quadrant Correction Reference

    Quadrant Correction Reference 2.4 Quadrant Correction Reference The above Set Bias Levels routine removes gross contrast variation from quadrant to quadrant. The remaining variation can be removed by the Prepare Quadrant Correction Reference routine. Before running the Prepare Quadrant Correction Reference routine, make sure the CCD has reached its stable temperature (reading from the front panel of the First Light controller).
  • Page 15: Magnification Calibration

    Magnification Calibration • Once a week if the camera is always on, or • Before acquiring any important images. 2.6 Magnification Calibration The displayed nominal magnification on TEM is for photographic film and has an accuracy of 5-10%. The CCD camera is located on a different plane (height wise) respect to the film camera.
  • Page 16: Low Magnification

    Magnification Calibration Figure 2-5 Global Microscope Info window Figure 2-6 Microscope menu In the “Magnification” section in the “Global Microscope Info” window (Figure 2-4) choose: • Source from: User • Ask User: Always • Click OK 2.6.1 Low magnification • Record an image of a cross grating sample (Figure 2-7) UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0...
  • Page 17: Figure 2-7 Cross Grating Sample

    Magnification Calibration Figure 2-7 Cross grating sample • Choose “Calibrate image…” under the “Microscope” menu (Figure 2- Follow the on screen instructions (Figure 2-8) Figure 2-8 Instructions window A red line will appear on the image. • Position it on a feature of known size. •...
  • Page 18: Figure 2-9 Calibration Window

    Magnification Calibration Figure 2-9 Calibration window • Press OK. • Choose YES in the next window (see Figure 2-9) to comple te the magnification calibration. Figure 2-10 Choose YES to complete the calibration The calibration can be checked on the calibration table containing pairs of value: the nominal microscope magnification and the calibrated value.
  • Page 19: High" Magnification

    Magnification Calibration Figure 2-11 Magnification table The first column represents the nominal TEM magnification and the second column is the actual magnification at the CCD. 2.6.2 “High” magnification • Record a lattice image of the crystalline sample (Figure 2-12). Figure 2-12 High-resolution image of a crystalline sample •...
  • Page 20: Figure 2-13 Diffractogram

    Magnification Calibration A diffractogram will be calculated (Figure 2-13). Figure 2-13 Diffractogram • Follow the on screen instructions (Figure 2-14) A red line will appear on the diffractogram. • Position the endpoints of the red line on two symmetrical diffraction peaks (Figure 2-13).
  • Page 21: Figure 2-15 Calibration Window

    Magnification Calibration Figure 2-15 Calibration window UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0 2-13...
  • Page 22: Image Acquisition

    3 Image Acquisition This chapter contains some instructions on how to acquire an image and a description of the most frequently used floating windows. Now you are ready to: • Insert the sample, • Find a region of interest • Start using the CCD camera to view your specimen.
  • Page 23: Figure 3-1 Image Window

    View off this feature. When the box is not selected the user is in control of the exposure time that can be changed by either typing in the exposure time box and then pressing the Enter key, or by hitting the up and down arrow keys to respectively double or halves the exposure time.
  • Page 24: Image Notes

    Image Notes Figure 3-2 Focus Loupe The acquisition can be stopped by: • Pressing Stop View, or • Pressing the Spacebar. 3.2 Image Notes The user can type in notes in the Image Info window shown in Figure 3-3. Saving an image will automatically save the image notes with the image file. The Up/down arrows allow user to browse through the images saved in a session when using the AutoSave function (Section 3.5 below).
  • Page 25: Tem Session Information (Global Info)

    TEM Session Information (Global Info) 3.3 TEM Session Information (Global Info) Before acquiring any images, it is recommended to enter the correct information about the sample, operator, TEM name, etc. Click on the Global Info button (Figure 3-3) to type in all these information. This function can also be accessed under the Microscope menu.
  • Page 26: Choosing Directory

    Image Saving and Printing 3.5.1 Choosing directory Click on the Set up button in the Saving window (Figure 3-5). The Saving Set up dialog box will be displayed as shown in Figure 3-6. In the Save in directory (Figure 3-6), click on the Browse button. Select or create a directory for saving images.
  • Page 27: Figure 3-7 Saving Data Bar

    Image Saving and Printing Figure 3-7 Saving Data Bar Custom item allows user to add text information to every report page. This feature is useful to add the name of your institution, or the name of your TEM lab. Click Edit to get the Custom items dialog box as shown below (Figure 3- UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0...
  • Page 28: Report

    Image Saving and Printing Figure 3-8 Custom Items Type the text in the Single line item (for example the name of your TEM lab) and then click the Add button. Now the text is entered in the window of the Single line item.
  • Page 29: Printing Dimensions

    Image Saving and Printing Figure 3-9 (a) Report view (b) Image view Users can customize the layout and selection of parameters on the page (for example, using pointer to move the text around) and then save the setting as a report template.
  • Page 30: Figure 3-10 Control Palette

    Image Saving and Printing Figure 3-10 Control palette UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0...
  • Page 31: Quick Reference

    4 Quick Reference The steps necessary for operating Gatan CCD camera are summarized here. • Make sure that the viewing chamber is at the proper vacuum. • Make sure the water and the t h ree color-coded pressure lines are correctly connected to the camera and proper water pressure is maintained.
  • Page 32 Image Saving and Printing • Click on “Start View” on the View palette in Search mode (Figure 3- 1) to position sample area of interest. (disable Auto Exposure ). • Click on Focus Loupe on the View palette (Figure 3-1) to check the final focus.
  • Page 33: Care And Maintenance

    5 Care and Maintenance This chapter contains some general tips on the care and maintenance of your UltraScan camera. It also contains a list o f questions that are often asked by users. General Precautions The following are some general precautions users should adhere to in the care and maintenance of their camera.
  • Page 34: Scintillator Maintenance And Precautions

    General Precautions If the flow rate of the cooling water deviates significantly from the value originally set, make sure the lines are not obstructed and adjust the pressure regulator to bring the flow back to the original level. Remember, if the water flow stops while the Peltier cooler is on, an over-temperature condition will be detected and the automatic protection will shut down the cooler.
  • Page 35: Fan Filter

    Examine the surface of the scintillator. If the surface of the scintillator becomes dirty or scratched, ship the camera to Gatan for service. Do not attempt to clean the scintillator yourself as damage can result. 5.1.3 Fan Filter The controller’s fan filter (see Figure A7 in Appendix 1) needs to be washed...
  • Page 36: Most Often Asked Questions

    Most Often Asked Questions • Remove the plastic filter frame located on the back panel of the controller. • Remove the filter materiel from the frame. • Rinse the filter in warm water and pat dry between paper towels. • Insert the filter materiel into the frame and reinstall.
  • Page 37 10. How long is the lifetime of the CCD? None of Gatan’s CCDs has failed due to old age so it is hard to answer. So far, there are no known mechanisms for aging. 11. How often and for how long should the camera be warmed?
  • Page 38 Most Often Asked Questions If you have a clean vacuum in the camera chamber area, between once or twice a month is enough. But if you have backstreaming from your diffusion pump, you will need to do it more frequently. The camera should only be warmed for several hours or overnight, but not longer.
  • Page 39: Hardware Description

    Windows 2000 Professional or Windows XP Professional Minimum 512 MB RAM (1GB RAM preferred) 40GB, 1GHz Hard-drive or better Pentium III or later Available microscope’s bottom port Water connections Air connections Gatan Microscopy Suite (GMS) software 1.1 or later UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0...
  • Page 40: A2 Description

    Description FireWire capability A2 Description An UltraScan Reference Series camera acquires an electron microscope image into a computer in four stages. First a scintillator converts the electron image into a high-resolution light image. Then a fused fiber-optic plate captures the light from each point in the image and channels it to the CCD. The CCD then converts the transferred light image into a second electron image.
  • Page 41 Description Figure A 1 UltraScan Reference Series camera mounted on a TEM column. Water line Air lines Figure A 2 Controller’s front panel UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0...
  • Page 42: A2.1 Front Panel Controls

    Description A2.1 Front panel controls • Power switch: A green LED indicates when the power is ON. Figure A 3 Controller’s front panel: shutter control • Shutter Control (Figure A3): LEDs 1 and 2 indicate the state of shutters 1 and 2 respectively. An illuminated LED corresponds to a shutter Open state.
  • Page 43 Description Figure A 4 Controller’s front panel: Temperature • Temperature display (Figure A4) : Displays the CCD operating temperature in degrees Celsius when the First Light Controller is connected to an UltraScan Camera. • Heatsink Switch (Figure A4) : Momentary switch. When depressed, the temperature display monitors the temperature of the thermo-electric cooler heat sink.
  • Page 44: A2.2 Controller's Back Panel

    Description A2.2 Controller’s back panel • Supply Voltage: 100-240 V AC • Insulating rating of external circuits: 1500 V • Operating Conditions: 15 – 25 C • Power Entry Module: AC line voltage is connected through a universal power cord. The power entry module is compatible with either single or dual fusing.
  • Page 45 Description • Camera Connector (Figure A5): Connections to the UltraScan camera are via a 62 pin connector located on the rear of the controller. Figure A 6 Controller’s back panel: air connections • Air Connections (Figure A6): The microscope air line at 60 PSI is connected to the AIR “IN”...
  • Page 46 Description Figure A 7 Controller’s back panel UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0 VIII...
  • Page 47: A3 Installation

    A3 Installation Figure A 8 US 4000 SP block diagram. UltraScan System Computer TEM-interface cable (optional) Controller Camera-interface cable Shutter-interface cable Camera-interface cable UltraScan vacuum chamber Drive assembly Pneumatic inlets 10. Preamp assembly 11. UltraScan camera module 12. Coolant connections 13.
  • Page 48: A3.1 Pressure Lines

    A3 Installation • Place the black camera cable between the controller and the knee well of the microscope. Place with the male end towards the camera. • Connect the female end of the camera cable to the controller. • Connect the controller line cord to the power strip. •...
  • Page 49 A3 Installation good idea for the installer to have his own Ts at hand in case the supplied Ts do not fit. The perpendicular fittings of the supplied Ts fit tubes 4 through 6. If the installer’s Ts are used, their perpendicular fittings must also fit tubes 4 through 6.
  • Page 50: A3.2 Mounting The Camera

    A3 Installation • Connect tubes 2 and 3 to tube 5 and 6 respectively through their quick- disconnect fittings. • Connect the male quick-disconnect fitting of tube 1 to the outlet on the backside of the controller labeled Air Out (Figure A6). •...
  • Page 51: A3.3 Water Lines

    A3 Installation A3.3 Water lines Figure A10 shows how the camera is connected to the microscope’s water- cooling system. The line used to expel used cooling water from the camera is called the water-exhaust line and the line used to intake cooling water into the camera is called the water-intake line.
  • Page 52 A3 Installation • Connect line 2 (flow meter end) to line 3 and the other end of line 3 to the water inlet on the camera head. • Connect one end of line 4 to the water outlet on the camera head and the other end to line 5 to complete the loop.
  • Page 53: A3.4 Electrical Connections

    A3 Installation A3.4 Electrical connections The diagram in Figure A11 shows the electrical connections in the system. Figure A 11 Electrical diagram. • Connect the controller to the multiple outlet strip. The computer should not be plugged into the outlet strip. •...
  • Page 54: A3.5 Shutter-Control Output

    • Connect one end of the Shutter-Interface cable to the Shutter-Control output on the controller. • Connect the other end to the Shutter-Interface provided by Gatan (or microscope vendor). A3.6 Shutter-override output The shutter-override output (shown in figure A11) is on a BNC connector on the back panel of the controller (Figure A7).
  • Page 55: Ce Certification

    Appendix 2 CE certification UltraScan User’s Guide Reference Series Rev 1.0 XVII...
  • Page 56: Declaration Of Conformity

    DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY (According to ISO/IEC GUIDE 22 and EN 45014) Manufacturer’s name: Gatan Inc. Manufacturer’s Address: 5933 Coronado Lane Pleasanton, CA 94588 U.S.A DECLARES THAT THE PRODUCT Products name: UltraScan 4000, UltraScan 1000 Model Number: 895, 894...
  • Page 57: Index

    Index film, 1-1, 2-7, 5-2, 5-4, 5-5, 5-6, II Focus Loupe, 3-1, 3-2, 3-3, 4-2 Focus mode, 3-1 arrows, 3-3 Auto Exposure, 3-1, 3-4, 4-2 Auto Survey, 3-1, 4-2 gain reference, 2-6, 4-1, 5-5, 5-6 ghost image , 5-6 Global Info, 3-4, 4-1 Global Microscope Info, 2-7, 2-8 binning, 5-4, 5-5 hardware, I...
  • Page 58 DECLARATION OF CONFORMITY Search mode, 3-1, 3-2, 4-2 sensitivity, 1-1 Set up, 3-5 Peltier, 2-1, 4-1, 5-1, 5-2, 5-3 shutter, 2-4, 5-3, 5-5, 5-6 print, 3-7, 3-8, 4-2 speed of operation, 1-1 Standard, 1, 1-1, I, II, III Start Acquire, 3-4, 4-2 Start View, 3-2, 4-2 Reference, i, 1-1, 2-6, 4-1 region of interest, 3-1...

This manual is also suitable for:

Ultrascan 894

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