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Turbocharging Operation Manual / A130-M56 HT608400 Document identification Document number HZTL4031 Revision Language English Original Operation Manual Product identification Serial number HT608400 Customer part number Delivery date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2021-12-10 Weight Operating limits according to rating plate 1012 Speed limit in test rig operation only...
This document is valid for different design variants of turbochargers. There may be sections and descriptions of components that are not relevant for a specific turbocharger variant. Please contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Station if you have any questions regarding a design variant (see Contact information at
Caution and warning signs are described in chapter Safety. ABB Turbocharging ABB Switzerland Ltd, Turbocharging is identified as ABB Turbocharging in this document. Official service stations of ABB Turbocharging Official service stations are regularly audited and certified by ABB Turbocharging. See also chapter Contact information →5.
Inspect the package for damage. If the package is damaged, the turbocharger must be in- spected by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station and repacked. After every 3 years the following work steps must be performed by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station: ¡...
Safety Introduction Turbochargers manufactured by ABB reflect the state of the art. The respective safety and health protection requirements are met. This ensures safe operation of the turbocharger. Nevertheless, there may be some residual risks during operation of and work on the tur- bocharger which: ¡...
These data are given on the rating plate. ABB accepts no liability and rejects all warranty claims for any non-intended uses. [1]Euromot = The European Association of Internal Combustion Engine Manufacturers [2]Directive 94/9/EC concerning equipment and protective systems intended for use in po-...
If during external inspection anomalies are found or if a particularly strong deflagration event has taken place, it is also recommended to check the bearings of the turbochargers before the next start. An ABB Turbocharging Service Station should be instructed to carry out this inspection.
If warning plates are not present in the designated locations or not readable, proceed as fol- lows: Order new warning plates from ABB Turbocharging Service Stations. Remove any warning plates that have become unreadable. Clean and degrease the areas designated for the warning plates.
Operation above the indicated values n can considerably shorten the recommended Bmax Bmax replacement intervals. In such cases, we recommend contacting the nearest ABB Turbochar- ging Service Station. normally apply only when running at overload (110 %) during trials on the engine Mmax Mmax test bed.
Operation Manual / A130-M.. - A145-M.. 2 Safety / 2.9 Periodic check of the pressure vessels Periodic check of the pressure vessels The pressure vessels used by ABB Turbocharging, such as those for wet or dry cleaning, are so-called "simple pressure vessels". ¡...
Observe the specified tightening torque from the supplier of the screw connection. Components (01/02) are not included in the ABB scope of delivery. Fig. 13: Turbine cleaning nozzle 1. If present: Loosen the turbine cleaning connection (01).
Always use new gaskets and insert them carefully into the slot. The oil is supplied (02) and drained (03) through the bracket (01). The necessary sealing is provided by O-rings. The O-rings are not included in the ABB scope of delivery. Fig. 17: Inserting gaskets into the bracket...
Oil pressure measuring point Oil temperature measuring point For monitoring the lubricating oil pressure, ABB Turbocharging recommends installing a "P" manometer immediately upstream of the turbocharger oil inlet before the orifice. If the pressure is controlled electronically, the relevant signals should be triggered at the warning and alarm values.
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Check the pressure loss of the alternative air inlet and compare it with normal values. If the engine can be stopped temporarily: Inspect air lines, gas piping and the turbochargers and remedy any malfunctions. In any case, contacting the nearest ABB Turbocharging Service Station is recommended. 5.3.4 Malfunctions on the speed measurement system...
Wear safety gloves when disassembling the speed sensor. Wear safety gloves to protect against thermal hazards. The speed sensor supplied by ABB is equipped with a sealing lip and an O-ring. No additional gasket is required during assembly. Fig. 28: Replacing the speed sensor...
Agree on a specific service interval with ABB Turbocharging. To prevent machine damage caused by ageing and downtime, we recommend having an in- spection carried out by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station no later than 5 years after the last service.
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Service work according to data on the rating plate (Usually after 8000 … 16000 operating hours) The rotor and bearing parts must be checked and assessed by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. The following work can be carried out as preparation.
6 Operation and service / 6.2 Service work 6.2.5 Other service work If a protective grid is installed in the gas outlet casing (61001) by ABB: Fig. 30: Replacing the protective grid Remove the protective grid (61205) after 50000 hours and replace it with a new protect- ive grid.
– 550 °C with insulated casing – 600 °C with non-insulated casing At temperatures below the specified values, post-lubrication must be ensured until the rotors come to a standstill. ABB Turbocharging recommends post-lubrication for 10 minutes. Observe the oil pressure specified for post-lubrication (see Table 8: Lubricating oil pres-...
Table 13: Maintenance table [h] = Hours of operation If the maintenance intervals are incompatible with operation of the engine, contact ABB Turbocharging. ABB Turbocharging recommends having mechanical cleaning carried out by an ABB Tur- bocharging Service Station during the service work (see also chapter...
Periodic cleaning during operation delays any major increase in contamination. The cleaning method is suitable as long as the contamination has not progressed far. Very heavily con- taminated components can no longer be cleaned using this method. In this case, ABB Tur- bocharging recommends mechanical cleaning of the contaminated components.
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The compressor is cleaned during operation using the wet cleaning method. This is carried out at an engine load of 50 … 85%. This cleaning method is tested and approved by ABB Turbocharging. V-engines On V-engines with several turbochargers per engine, parallel cleaning of both turbochargers is recommended.
Periodic cleaning during operation delays any major increase in contamination. The cleaning method is suitable as long as the contamination has not progressed far. Very heavily con- taminated components can no longer be cleaned using this method. In this case, ABB Tur- bocharging recommends mechanical cleaning of the contaminated components.
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Cleaning method The turbine components are cleaned during operation using the wet cleaning method. This cleaning method is tested and approved by ABB Turbocharging. The precondition for wet cleaning is that the enginebuilder approves the process and these regulations are observed.
→71). Close the stop valve (02) after 10 minutes. Wait for 10 minutes; do not change the load during this stabilisation phase. If the cleaning result is unsatisfactory or there is water leakage, contact an ABB Turbochar- ging Service Station. Product Temperature be-...
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When cleaning, note that the absorption segments (81136) must only be cleaned lightly with compressed air, a soft brush or a moist cleaning cloth. Have any heavily contaminated absorption segments replaced by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. Fitting the filter silencer (see Fig. 33: Cleaning the filter silencer →73)
To prevent significant loss of efficiency, specific tolerances must be fulfilled. ¡ If there is any doubt about the extent of the rubbing, contact an ABB Tur- bocharging Service Station. ¡...
Turbochar- Turbine and/or nozzle ring severely con- Clean (see chapter Periodic mainten- taminated ance work →64) Rotor components or bearing damaged Contact ABB Turbocharging Service Station Engine Defects on the connected cylinders in Contact enginebuilder pulse charging Pipes Defects, such as leaks, in the exhaust...
Gradually reduce the engine load. Have the cause clarified and remedied immediately by an ABB Turbochar- ging Service Station. Have parts assessed for damage and, if necessary, replaced by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station. Possible causes Remedy...
Check clearances (see chapter Measuring clear- ance A and B →105). If clearances are outside the tolerance or if in doubt, contact an ABB Turbochar- ging Service Station. Rotor rubbing Check clearances (see chapter Radial clearances N and R). If clearances are outside the tolerance or if in doubt, contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
Visually inspect for corrosion, cracks, deformation and wear. Damaged tools must no longer be used and must be replaced. Swivel lifting eyes Swivel lifting eyes are required for the safe lifting of loads, which are not supplied by ABB. Fig. 37: Swivel lifting eyes Product...
9 Dismantling and fitting / 9.2 Material required Starpoint ring nuts Two ring nuts (M16) are required for safer lifting of the cartridge group, which are not in- cluded in the ABB scope of delivery. Fig. 38: Starpoint ring nut VRM Lifting gear...
≤ 65 Nm Table 37: 3 press-off screws * not included in the ABB scope of delivery 1. Press off and remove the gas outlet flange (57002) with screws (01) according to the table. If it is not possible to press off the gas outlet flange with the maximum tightening torque, contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
6x M12 x 30 Table 38: 6 press-off screws * not included in the ABB scope of delivery. 1. Evenly press off and remove the gas outlet flange (57002) with screws (01) according to the table. If it is not possible to press off the gas outlet flange with the maximum tight- ening torque, contact an ABB Turbocharging Service Station.
9 Dismantling and fitting / 9.15 Installing the cartridge group WARNING The turbine casing insulation supplied by ABB also acts as burst protection Serious injuries or accidents resulting in fatalities can occur if the turbine casing insulation (01) supplied by ABB is removed. A burst protection is in- tegrated into this turbine casing insulation supplied by ABB.
The repair of a cartridge group requires special tools and the expertise of an ABB Turbochar- ging Service Station. The rotating parts rotate extremely quickly, and are sensitive to unbal- ance.
10 Taking out of operation at short notice / 10.5 Cover plate drawing 10.5 Cover plate drawing The cover plate is not included in the ABB scope of delivery and must be manufactured by the operating company according to the following drawing. Material: General structural steel, in accordance with DIN EN 10025-2.
If the acid number (TAN) is greater than 2 mg KOH/g, the following mothballing measures are necessary after taking the engine out of operation: Dismantle the turbocharger. The rotor and bearing parts must be dismantled and subsequently refitted by an ABB Tur- bocharging Service Station. Clean all parts.
¡ The casings of the turbocharger remain attached to the engine, the rotor and bearing parts are dismantled by an ABB Turbocharging Service Station and stored separately ¡ The turbocharger is completely removed, either as a whole unit or in individual parts For the measures always necessary for preparing the turbocharger parts for mothballing, see section Taking the engine out of operation for up to 12 months, subsection Preparations...
90042 Press-off tool 90070 Extraction device Table 64: Customer tool set 90000 Tool sets can be ordered from any ABB Turbocharging Service Station. The following spe- cifications must be included in the order: ¡ Turbocharger type ¡ Designation and part number of the tool set.
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