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Safety - CHICAGO IG Charcoal BBQ Instruction Manual



When using charcoal briquettes or wood chunks, form a pyramid
and douse with lighter fluid. Wait until fluid has soaked in before
Cap lighter fluid immediately and keep a safe distance from grill.
Never add lighter fluid to coals that are already hot or warm.
Never use gasoline, kerosene, or other highly volatile fluids as a
starter. They can explode.
Do not add more instant light briquettes once the fire has been lit.
Add only regular charcoal briquettes if more are needed.
Once the grill is lit, do not touch briquettes or wood chunks to see
if they are hot. Keep grill uncovered until ready to cook.
Keep vents open while cooking. Charcoal briquettes and wood
chunks need oxygen to burn.
Allow coals to burn out completely and let ashes cool at least 48
hours before disposing remaining debris.
dispose of cold ashes by wrapping in heavy-duty aluminum foil
and placing in non-combustible container. Be sure no other com-
bustible materials are nearby.
If you must dispose of ashes before completely cooled, place them
in heavy duty foil and soak with water completely before disposing
in non-combustible container

