Weil-McLain Evergreen Pro 220 User's Information Manual page 8

Condensing gas boiler
Table of Contents


User maintenance procedures
Check boiler piping
1. Check all gas lines and smell for gas
odors. Perform gas leak inspection per
steps 1 through 7, Operating Instructions,
page 9 . If gas odor or leak is detected,
immediately shut down boiler following
procedures on page 9 . Call a qualifi ed
service technician.
2. Visually inspect for water leaks around
all piping, circulators, relief valves and
other fi ttings.
3. Immediately call a qualifi ed service tech-
nician to repair any leaks.
Have leaks fi xed at once by a
qualified service technician.
Continual fresh makeup water
will reduce boiler life. Minerals
can build up in the heat ex-
changer, reducing heat transfer
and causing overheating. Heat
exchanger failure can occur.
Do not use
based cleaning or sealing
in boiler system.
Severe damage to boiler and
system components can occur,
resulting in possible severe
personal injury, death or sub-
stantial property damage.
Operate boiler relief valve
1. Before proceeding, verify that the relief
valve outlet has been piped to a safe place
of discharge, avoiding any possibility of
scalding from hot water.
2. Read the boiler pressure/temperature
gauge to make sure the system is pressur-
ized. Record pressure in system to refer to
after checking relief valve
3. Lift the relief valve top lever slightly, al-
lowing water to relieve through the valve
and discharge piping.
4. If water fl ows freely, release the lever and
allow the valve to seat. Watch the end of
the relief valve discharge pipe to ensure
that the valve does not weep after the line
has had time to drain. If the valve weeps,
lift the seat again to attempt to clean the
valve seat. If the valve continues to weep
afterwards, contact your qualifi ed service
technician to inspect the valve and sys-
5. If water does not fl ow from the valve
when you lift the lever completely, the
valve or discharge line may be blocked.
Immediately shut down the boiler, fol-
lowing the lighting instructions on the
inside jacket top. Call your qualified
service technician to inspect the boiler
and system.
p e t ro l e u m -
6. Verify and compare boiler pressure re-
turns to recorded value before checking
the relief valve. If pressure does not return
to proper value, call a qualifi ed heating
installer or service technician.
To avoid water damage or scald-
ing due to valve operation, a
metal discharge line must be
connected to relief valve out-
let and run to a safe place of
disposal. This discharge line
must be installed by a quali-
fied heating installer or ser-
vice technician in accordance
with the instructions in the
Boiler Manual
The discharge line must be ter-
minated so as to eliminate pos-
sibility of severe burns should
the valve discharge.
Part number 550-100-213/1220


Table of Contents

Table of Contents