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Troubleshooting - InFocus Mondopad Shell Manual


3rd Party Applications
Mondopad toolbar 3rd Party Application Shortcuts:
3rd party application shortcuts which have been added to the Mondopad toolbar by OTS may appear with a
Microsoft symbol in the lower right-hand corner. Tap the shortcut to open the application.
The Mondopad toolbar displays shortcuts for open 3rd party applications. These shortcuts have a green arrow in
the lower right-hand corner. Tap the shortcut to switch between the Mondopad interface and the open applica-
To start a 3rd party application: Tap the application shortcut in the Mondopad toolbar or in the Extras > Application folder.
To minimize the application: Tap the minimize button in the upper right-hand corner of the window.
To close the application: Tap the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window.


I can't see some types of View &
Share files
No access to the Internet
Email messages are not being re-
ceived by Mondopad
A View & Share folder is locked
PowerPoint and images keep pan-
ning rather than scrolling
The remote Whiteboard application
is only partially visible.
Possible Solutions
Only certain files types are compatible with the Mondopad software. See "View &
Share" for a full listing of compatible file types. If desired, you can display the files
from an external source (bypassing the Mondopad software).
Check with OTS.
Check with OTS.
Have the sender check his/her email for the Access Code.
Images and files cannot be scrolled when the files are zoomed in or out. Restore the im-
ages to their normal size and try again.
Reduce the page size in the Browser settings.

