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Summary of Contents for Dangerous power FUSION

  • Page 1 USER MANUAL...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    TABLE OF CONTENT Table of Content......................2 Warning........................3 Pending No........................3 Statement of Liability....................3 Disclaimer.........................4 Limited Warranty......................4 Features........................5 Inside the Package......................5 Power Source......................5 Air Source.........................6 N and Compressed Air....................6 Disconnecting Air System..................6 Pressure Adjustment....................7 OPR Adjustment......................7 LPR Adjustment......................7 Trigger Adjustment....................8 LED Interface Operation.....................8 Activation........................8 Deactivation.......................9 Board Adjustment.......................9...
  • Page 3: Warning

    WARNING Eye prot ect ion must be worn at all times by the user and any person loca ted in the rang e of an act ively used paint ball marker. The eye prot ect ion gea r must be app roved and desi gned for paint ball use.
  • Page 4: Disclaimer

    . DANGEROUS POWER , its authori zed dea lers, affi liates, and /or age nts, will not be held liable under this warranty , state, fede ral, or com mon law for any prod uct failure, personal injury, or prop erty dam age resul ting from improp er use and /or alteration of this prod uct.
  • Page 5: Features

    FEATURES 250 to 300 psi operating press ure Uses N2 or com press ed air for air sou rce Air-r am elect ronic desi gn Cock er com pati ble barr el thread ACS (anti -cho p syst em) Delrin sel f-lubricat ing field-st rip bolt Quick-st rip bolt / striker syst em Senso r trigger with 2-st ep adjust ing LED user interface (Semi / ramping)
  • Page 6: Air Source

    AIR SOURCE Fusi on will work with N and com press ed air. Before attach ing the air syst em onto Fusi on, ensu re the bottom line dev ice is in place. Always use the front han dle regu lator for ensu ring the operating press ure is at 250 to 300 psi . Before attach ing the air syst em, put lubricat ion on the o-r ing of the air tank .
  • Page 7: Pressure Adjustment

    PRESSURE ADJUSTMENT Before attach ing the air syst em, ensu re the air syst em ada pter is in place. OPR: Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew clock wise, or in, will lower the OPR's output press ure. Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew cou nterclock wise, or out, will raise the OPR's output press ure. LPR: Turni ng the adjust ment scr ew clock wise, or in, will lower the LPR's output press ure.
  • Page 8: Trigger Adjustment

    TRIGGER ADJUSTMENT The two adjust ment scr ews are loca ted on the left side of the frame abo ve the trigger guard. The scr ew on the top con trols the over-trave l. By turni ng this scr ew you can adjust how far the trigger will trave l after it reach es the firing point.
  • Page 9: Deactivation

    Red light flashi ng eve ry 5 secon ds Stand by mode (autom atic after 30 secon ds of non-use) Blue light blinking rapidl y Senso r syst em OFF Blue light blinking slowly Senso r syst em ON and marker NOT load ed Blue light stead y Senso r syst em ON and marker load ed DEACTIVATION Press and hold the power button“A”for 4 secon ds.
  • Page 10: Sensor System Maintenance

    SENSOR SYSTEM MAINTENANCE The sensor syst em must be kep t clean for optimal perf orm anc e. Please follow the inst ructi ons below for clean ing and maintena nce : 1. Remove the two scr ews loca ted on the top and bottom of gri p usi ng a HEX tool. 2.
  • Page 11: Firing Valve Maintenance

    FIRING VALVE MAINTENANCE Follow the below inst ructi on to remove the firing valve assem bly caref ully for clean ing and maintena nce : 1. Remove the ASA (air syst em ada pter) hoses. 2. Remove the two scr ews loca ted on the top and bottom of gri p usi ng a HEX tool. 3.
  • Page 12: Troubleshooting

    No paintball present Turn on the loader See“Sensor System Sensor system is unclean Maintenance” Fusion will not fire with sensor Call the authorized dealers for system on Ball detent is damaged replacement See“Bolt and Sensor System Paintball broke inside Maintenance”...

Table of Contents