Setup And Testing - Pacific Antenna Easy Receiver kit Manual

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Setup and Testing

The Easy Rx has a tuning range of approximately 50-75kHz. This will cover the low end of 40M for example where
most of the CW activity is found including QRP frequencies such as 7.030 and 7.040.
First verify that when you power up the Easy Rx, and connect an antenna or section of wire, you should hear static
and maybe some signals in the headphones. Turning R2 ( the left side potentiometer) will change the received
frequency and R5 (the right side potentiometer) will adjust the volume of the background static and any signals
To setup the receiver for the desired frequency range, only one adjustment is required. This is to set the trim
capacitor C6. This step will be aided if you have a receiver that covers the same band and has capability for
receiving CW signals.
As the Easy receiver is a direct conversion design, its oscillator runs continuously and can be heard on any nearby
receiver. In this case, an antenna lead connected to the nearby receiver can be placed near the Easy Rx board and
you will hear a tone on the receiver corresponding to the local oscillator frequency of the Easy Rx.
To adjust C6, ideally you should use a plastic tool. However, if the trim-cap is installed correctly, (with the flat side
toward C5) the part you are touching is grounded and therefore, a small metallic screwdriver will be OK to use.
If using a receiver, tune it to a frequency such as 7.025 or other frequency on which you want the Easy Rx
reception range to be centered. Place R2 (the tuning knob on the left) to the middle of its range and then turn C6
slowly. You should hear a tone as the local oscillator of the Easy Rx moves across your other receiver. You will
need to turn very slowly and listen carefully as it may move quickly across the desired frequency.
Once you hear a tone on your receiver, stop adjusting C6 and you should hear a steady tone in your other receiver.
You can now connect an external antenna to the Easy Rx and use R2 to tune around. If the band is active, you
should hear some CW signals.
To set the lower range to a desired frequency, rotate the tuning control (R2) fully counterclockwise. This will place
it at the lowest frequency. Then using your external receiver set to the lowest frequency you want to use (such as
7.00 MHz for 40 meters) adjust C6 until you hear the Easy Receiver oscillator as a tone in your receiver. Turning
R2 clockwise will move up in frequency and you should be able to tune up to approximately 7.075 MHz with R2
fully clockwise.
A crystal controlled transmitter can also be used as a signal source for setting the frequency of the Easy Rx. To do
this, you would simply activate the transmitter, preferably into a dummy load so not to cause interference to
others. With a short wire or antenna connected to the Easy RX, set R 2 to the middle of its range and tune C6
while listening for the transmitter tone.
EZRX 20170527


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