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FFE Fireray 5000 Technical Notes page 6


14. E-21: (Code Amber)
This error indicates that the power supply to the Controller is too low (typically less than 12V). However,
this rarely happens other than when powering down the Controller. The typically scenario is that you
have E-21 on the screen but with +24V connected. If this occurs, there is an internal power fault on the
Controller and there is nothing that can be done other than replace it (this might also cause E-01 errors to
occur to).
15. E24 and E26: (Code Green)
I've not come across E-24 which means the Detector and Controller are not compatible. In theory, this
could only happen when connecting very old and brand-new Detectors and Controllers together. With
E-26, this would be the same as with E-00, there is nothing the customer can do other than replace the

