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Nero Radio 8113 UPMi Manual page 2

Single-channel radio receiver


Note No.1
If the receiver's memory is empty, then, the Radio 8113 UPMi will enter the programming mode automatically when it will be
connected to the motor and power line.
If the motor has end strokes, one should reach the end postition of the roller shutter and then press the switch shourtrly or touch the
programmed transmitter button 5 times.
2.2 Programming transmitter codes into the Radio 8113 UPMi:
when transmitters Radio 8133-9, Radio 8101-5 are used one should touch the STOP button of the transmitter;
when transmstters Radio 8101-2, Radio 8101-4 are used one should touch the button that needs to be programmed.
The motor will indicate that the programming was successful by the following motions:
Note No. 2
If the transmitter you want to programmed has been previously programmed, the motor will indicate this as follows:.
If the receiver's memory is full, the motor will indicate this as follows:
2.3 Leave the programming mode:
touch the switch or the previously programmed button of the transmitter.
The motor will indicate the disactivation as follows:
Note No. 3
The receiver will automatically leave the programming mode if one doesn't perform any actions within 32 sec.
To delete the button of the transmitter, press this button > 1 sec. after entering the programming mode (p.2.1).
To erase the memory completely hold the switch button or the previously programmed button more than 4 sec.
3 Operation by means of the Radio 8113 UPMi receiver
The receiver can make the roller shutter to perform the following commands:
"UP", "DOWN", "COMFORT" if transmitters Radio 8133-9, Radio 8101-5 are used;
"UP", "DOWN" if transmitter Radio 8152-50 is used;
Step-by-step (up-stop-down) if transmitters Radio 8101-1, Radio 8101-2; Radio 8101-4 are used;
"UP", "DOWN", Step-by-step if a switch is used.
4 Storage
Store the receiver packaged in dry buildings at temperature 0-25 C.
5 Warranty
The warranty period is 24 months. Please, don't throw away the manual as it is the warranty certificate.

