Sentry SBC Installation, Operation & Maintenance Manual page 12

Sampler controllers
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The BATCH option allows the sampler to take a specific number of samples
and then stop . For example, this option could be used to fill a container and
then stop sampling until the container can be replaced .
ƒ To enable the BATCH option, press the arrow next to the Enable soft key .
ƒ To change the setpoint :
– Press the ENTER key to backlight the value .
– Use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to adjust the value incrementally,
or use the number keys to enter a value .
– When the desired value is displayed, press the ENTER key to accept .
ƒ Once a BATCH is complete, sampling will stop . To reset the batch counter, press the arrow next to the RESET soft
key on the above screen or press the OFF key from the Main screen . This action resets the batch counter to zero and
sampling resumes .
Air Eject
This option is available only on specific samplers . Consult with a Sentry sales
representative to see if the air eject option is available for your application .
Air eject allows a shot of air to flow through the sampler after the sample
has been taken . After the sample is taken, the delay timer starts . The delay
allows some time for the majority of the sample to evacuate the sampler .
When the delay expires, the purge solenoid is energized allowing air to flow
through the sample chamber, clearing any residual sample .
4-20 mA Flow Proportional Sampling
The controller has a flow proportional sampling option . With this option,
a 4-20 mA signal from a flow meter is input into the controller . Setpoints
for the sampling time at maximum flow and minimum flow are entered .
These setpoints are used to calculate the PARK timer value . The EXTEND and
RETRACT times are still based on the operator entered setpoints . Based on
the analog input from the flow meter, a sampling rate is determined . This
value is a linear interpolation between the minimum and maximum flow
setpoints entered .
This option is enabled by pressing the arrow next to the ENABLE soft key . The minimum and maximum flow setpoints
are entered using the ENTER, UP and DOWN arrow keys, and ESC key as detailed in the setpoint section of this manual .
A dashed box appears around the active selection . The RIGHT and LEFT arrow keys can be used to move between fields .
For example:
The operator sets the max flow time to 10 seconds and the min flow time to 30 seconds . He enables the option by
pressing the soft key . The controller is placed in AUTO using the selector switch . The flow input signal is at 12 mA,
about half of full scale . The controller calculates the park time to be 20 seconds . The sampler will extend and retract
at the set values . It will Park for 20 seconds and then start the cycle over again . If the flow input changes to 4 .1 mA,
the extend and retract values stay the same, but the park value is adjusted to 30 seconds . If the input falls below
4 .0 mA, timer operation is suspended . As soon as the input goes above 4 .0 mA, the timing will resume, picking up
where it left off .
Original Instructions
Sentry Equipment Corp


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