十二.Resistance Connection; Common Troubleshooting Solutions - East Tester HART 475 User Manual

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. Resistance Connection
Select item 6 from the item menu to enter the resistance connection
selection screen.Can switch the connection or disconnection of the built-in
resistance.Select item 1 as the internal resistance connection, and item 1 is shown
as "connected"; no need external resistance connection / Select item 2 to disconnect
the internal resistance connection. At this time, item 2 is shown as "disconnected".
十三.Common troubleshooting solutions
13.1 the communicator is not connected to the meter
1) check whether the loop equipment supports HART function.
2) check the size of the circuit load resistance, load resistance should be
between 250 ~ 500 Ω.
3) check whether the connection of communicator and instrument is correct.
4) check whether the meter is powered correctly.
5) it is possible that the address of the instrument is not 0. Select "multi-point
polling" and conduct polling to find the instrument.
13.2 press the power switch and there is no display
1) check whether the battery has been loaded.
2) check whether the battery is installed correctly.
3) check whether the battery is exhausted.


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