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Bausch & Lomb Polymer Technology Boston Equalens II Patient Care Manual page 10


wear, and should not be worn while sleeping.
Clinical studies have shown that the risk of serious
adverse reactions is increased when these lenses
are worn overnight.
• The risk of ulcerative keratitis has been shown to
be greater among users of extended wear lenses
than among users of daily wear lenses. The risk
among extended wear lens users increases with
the number of consecutive days that lenses are
worn between removals, beginning with the first
overnight use. This risk can be reduced by care-
fully following directions for routine lens care,
including cleaning of the lens case. Additionally,
smoking increases the risk of ulcerative keratitis
for contact lens users.
• Clinical studies indicate that the majority of
patients who wish to wear Boston EQUALENS II
Contact Lenses for extended wear do so with
favorable results. However, your suitability as an
extended wear patient should be discussed with
your contact lens practitioner.
• All contact lens wearers must see their eye care
practitioner as directed. If your lenses are for
extended wear, your eye care practitioner may
prescribe more frequent visits.
• Studies have shown that contact lens wearers
who are smokers have a higher incidence of
adverse reactions than nonsmokers.
Practitioner Note: Boston EQUALENS II Contact
Lenses are not sterile when shipped from the
Authorized Boston Manufacturer. Prior to dis-
pensing, clean and disinfect the lens(es) accord-
ing to the appropriate lens care regimen.
You should carefully adhere to the following care
regimen and safety precautions:
• Before leaving the eye care practitioner's office,
you should be able to promptly remove lenses or
should have someone else available who can
remove the lenses for you.
• You should remove your lens immediately if your
eye becomes red or irritated.
• Different solutions often cannot be used
together, and not all solutions are safe for use
with all lenses. Use only recommended solutions.
– Do not heat the wetting/soaking solution and
lenses. Keep them away from extreme heat.
– Always use fresh unexpired lens care
– Always follow directions in the package insert
for the use of contact lens solutions.
– Use only a chemical (not heat) lens care system.
Use of a heat (thermal) care system can warp
the Boston EQUALENS II Contact Lenses.
– Sterile unpreserved solutions, when used,
should be discarded after the time specified in
the labeling directions.
– Do not use saliva or anything other than the
recommended solutions for lubricating or wet-
ting lenses.
– Always keep the lenses completely immersed in
the recommended storage solution when the
lenses are not being worn (stored). If dry stor-
age is desired to store the lenses for a longer
period of time, they must first be cleaned,
rinsed with water and carefully dried by blot-
ting with a soft lint-free tissue prior to being
placed in a clean, dry lens storage case. Ideally,
these lenses should be rehydrated overnight
prior to insertion.
• If the lens sticks (stops moving) on the eye, follow
the recommended directions on Care for a
Sticking Lens. The lens should move freely on the
eye for the continued health of the eye. If non-
movement of the lens continues, immediately
consult your eye care practitioner.
• Always wash and rinse hands before handling
lenses. Do not get cosmetics, lotions, soaps,
creams, deodorants, or sprays in the eyes or on
the lenses. It is best to put on lenses before
putting on makeup. Water-based cosmetics are
less likely to damage lenses than oil-based products.
• Do not touch contact lenses with the fingers or
hands if the hands are not free of foreign materi-
als, as microscopic scratches on the lenses may
occur, causing distorted vision and/or injury to
the eye.
• Carefully follow the handling, insertion, removal,
cleaning, disinfecting, storing and wearing in-
structions that follow for the Boston EQUALENS II
Contact Lens and those prescribed by the eye care
• Never wear lenses beyond the period recom-
mended by your eye care practitioner.
• If aerosol products such as hair spray are used
while wearing lenses, exercise caution and keep
eyes closed until the spray has settled.
• Always handle lenses gently and avoid dropping
them on hard surfaces.
• Avoid all harmful or irritating vapors and fumes
while wearing lenses.
• Ask your eye care practitioner about wearing
lenses during water activities and other sports.
• Inform your doctor (health care practitioner) that
you wear contact lenses.
• Never use tweezers or other tools to remove
lenses from the lens case unless specifically indi-
cated for that use. Pour the lens into the hand.
• Do not touch the lens with fingernails.
• Always contact your eye care practitioner before
using any medicine in the eyes.
• Always inform your employer that you wear con-
tact lenses. Some jobs may require use of eye
protection equipment or may require that you
not wear contact lenses.
• As with any contact lens, follow-up visits are nec-
essary to assure the continuing health of your
eyes. Follow your eye care practitioner's instruc-
tion as to a recommended follow-up schedule.
The following problems may occur:
• Eyes stinging, burning, itching (irritation), or other
eye pain
• Comfort is less than when lens was first placed on
the eye
• Feeling of something in the eye such as a foreign
body, scratched area
• Excessive watering (tearing) of the eyes
• Unusual eye secretions
• Redness of the eyes
• Reduced sharpness of vision (poor visual acuity)
• Blurred vision, rainbows, or halos around objects
• Sensitivity to light (photophobia)

