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canvascamp 3 Setup Instruction page 3


Packing Your Tent
Let the tent dry. After camping, let the tent dry thoroughly in the wind (preferably in the
shadow) before you pack it up and away, if you can, to avoid mildew building up inside the
tent. Remove the stakes, and everything from the inside of the tent and fluff it out gently to
let it air out.
Roll up the tent. Never fold a tent as you would a shirt or a flag. To avoid folding creases into
the tent, you want to stuff or roll them into the stuff sack included with the tent. This will help
keep the tent solid and waterproof, making it an essential maintenance step in the life of the
tent. Stuff in the tent into the stuff sack before you put anything else in.
Slide in the poles and stakes. After you stuff in the tent, slide the poles and the stakes in to
the side of the other materials, being careful not to catch the metal on the side of the tent and
tear it. The stakes and the poles have separate bags to help you keep them together.
Air the tent out, if necessary. Periodically, pull your tent out of the bag and let the air get to
it, especially if it gets wet at some point during use. If you don't camp much, it's important to
let the tent air out so you won't be confronted with a mouldering tent a year from now. Let it
air out in the sun if necessary.

