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icon Audio Stereo 40 MK III 2A3 Instruction Manual page 7

Special edition


Replacing the 2A3 Valves
Important: Do not attempt to change the 2A3s
without reading these notes. Failure to do so could
be both dangerous and damaging to the amplifier.
When replacing valves, it is important that you use a
"matched quad" or two matched pairs if possible.
Health & safety; High voltages are present inside the
amplifier and on exposed valve sockets when valves
are removed, so take suitable care. It is not
necessary to remove the bottom cover. Beware
valves get hot in operation!
5, Changing valves: You should if possible check the
bias setting before you attempt to change the valve(s), in
order to familiarise your self with the procedure.
The safe way is to change and check one or two valves
at a time. Remove the first old valve and fit the
replacement. Switch on and measure bias, you should
be setting the reading for each valve to about 240mv
(0.24v), Do not allow the reading to go above 300mv.
Don't worry how low the reading goes this will not cause
damage. Continue in the same way and fit all four
valves. Do final adjustment when the amplifier is fully
warmed up.
If all is well there should be no more than a barely
detectable hum from the speakers, and the amplifier
should sound OK when tested.
6, If you cannot set up the 240mv then the valve is
probably faulty, worn out or unsuitable.
If the valves are brand new, you will need to check again
after approximately 10 & 100 hours, after that only
occasionally or if you suspect a problem.
NOTE: If you are changing to a different brand of
valve, be ready to change the bias quickly, as the
difference in setting may be quite large.
7, To avoid damage to the amplifier and electric
shock hazard you must use only valves marked 2A3,
6SL7, 6SN7 Or that you know to be direct
equivalents. Use only valves which you know to be new
or good condition and test the amplifier thoroughly
before resuming normal use.
8, Replacing the small valves:
6SL7 (centre) and 6SN7 valves. Neither of these
requires any set up procedure. It's just 'plug and play',
although care should be taken when removing and
inserting not to break the centre spigot. (These valves
are similar with the same pin connection; accidental
wrong insertion would not cause damage).
Icon Audio are happy to check the valves/amp or re-bias
your amp free of charge.
9, 274B Rectifier. This should normally last longer
than the audio valves. Replacements may be
obtained from Icon Audio. Alternative valves to
use are GZ34, 5AR4, GU5.
*RMS watts Do not literally exist! But this figure is based upon the RMS
voltage output (V²/R).
*Push Pull is a very elegant way of virtually cancelling out non linear
distortion, noise and hum. Whilst dramatically increasing the power and
damping factor. In Class AB about 1/4 of the output is pure class A. Unlike
transistor designs there is NO crossover distortion before the amplifier
reaches full output.
7 Specification & Features
(Typical conditions @ 240v 50Hz)
2A3 output valves
6SL7 double triodes for first stage
6SN7 double triodes phase-splitter
274B full wave rectifier
No feedback used
Custom hand wound transformers with Tertiary
Hand wired point to point components
No printed circuit board
No tag board
Ceramic valve bases for low noise/leakage
HT delay circuit to protect cathodes (optional)
17w RMS per channel
Signal to noise level -90db
Freq response better than 20-20kHz ±1db
Power bandwidth 10hz-30khz
0.1% THD at 10 watts
4 and 8 ohms output taps
Valve rectifier
Choke regulated power supply
Supplied with attractive safety guard
Audiophile quality metal film resistors
Audiophile quality polypropylene audio caps
Japanese 'Blue' ALPS volume pot.
Rubicon/Nichichron power caps.
Internal wiring using PTFE silver cable
Valves carefully matched for best performance
Gold plated Input & speaker terminals
Inputs for CD, Tape, Tuner, Aux
Tape monitor
250mv sensitivity for full output
230/240volts, 76w SB, 140w Min, 240watts max
1.6 amp AS rear fuse (with spare)
390W, 210H, 410D Amp overall 25kg
Carton= 34x50x47cm 28kg packed
IEC mains lead, (5amp fused)
Conforms to CE ROHS and WEEE where applicable
Specification subject to change without notice.
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