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Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Individuel Individuel Pro Aestetic Device

  • Page 1 I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A L I n d i v i d u e l P ro Ae s te t i c D e v i c e...
  • Page 2 I N S T R U C T I O N M A N U A L I n d i v i d u e l P ro Ae s te t i c D e v i c e...
  • Page 3 CO NS U LT IN STRUC TI ONS FOR US E © Synoia Since 2006 This manual is copyrighted. All rights are reserved and no part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without prior consent If the product should become defective within the warranty period, contact our local distributor for repair or replacement Synoia Technologies Ltd.
  • Page 4: Table Of Contents

    C O NTEN TS Device classif ication ..................Important information ..................Get to know device .................... Get to know your device hand piece ............ LCD control display and operating controls ........Error Code Explanation .................. Operating instructions ..................Frequency of Use ....................
  • Page 5: Important Information

    ... Capsules are programmed for single use only. Hand piece and capsules are encoded. Capsules should be bought from Individuel GENEVE in your region as other capsules won't support the system you have.... Do not detach the Technology Head or Capsule while the device is on the "ON"...
  • Page 6: Get To Know Device

    GE T TO K NOW D E VIC E System contains: 1. Charging base 2. Handset 3. Technology heads: A. Technology head Peel Exfoliation B. Technology head Gold 4. USB cabel 5. Power supply or power supply with adapter in surtain countries Get To Know Device...
  • Page 7: Get To Know Your Device Hand Piece

    GE T TO K NOW D E VIC E HAND PI EC E LCD Display Decrease Intensity Increase Intensity Control Button Control Button ON/OFF Button Handset Get To Know Device Hand Piece...
  • Page 8 LC D C O N T ROL D I SP L AY LCD Display Intensity Control Battery Level Battery Void Capsule Indicator Treatment Time Country Code Error Code Controlling device intensity To increase intensity level, press the right control button To decrease intensity level, press the left control button Level 2 Level 1...
  • Page 9: Error Code Explanation

    E R ROR CO D E E X P L ANATI ON E01 - NOT CHARGING Check power connection to the charger. Take the hand piece out of the charger for 10 seconds and then return back to the charger. If the message continue to appear contact technical support.
  • Page 10 O PER AT ING I N ST RUCT ION IMPORTANT! Be sure that your hand piece is fully charged prior to initial use. Keep the hand piece at the charger whenever it is not in use. Attach the technology head to the handpiece.
  • Page 11: Operating Instructions

    Press the ON / OFF button to begin the procedure. Adjust the intensity using the control buttons. Press left arrow twice to reduce intensity to half circle. Follow the tutorial video tailored to your treatment at http://individuelcosmetics/tutorials Once the matching Technology Head and Capsules are attached to the fully charged Handset, you can begin procedure.
  • Page 12 A FT ER USAG E IMPORTANT! Do not grip the technology head by the rubber sleeve. Be sure to grip the head on the hard plastic casing. Shut off the device by pressing the ON/OFF button. Firmly hold the handpiece in your right hand and remove the technology head with the capsule from handpiece by twisting it...
  • Page 13 PAUSE option 1. Pause - the Hand piece can be paused during procedure by pressing the ON/ OFF button, the remaining procedure sequence will be saved in device memory. 2. Resume - the Hand piece can be reactivated by pressing the ON/ OFF button and the device will automatically resume the procedure with the remaining sequence.
  • Page 14: Frequency Of Use

    F RE QU E NCY OF USE Frequency of use depend on patient skin condition. There is no upper limit for facial procedure. Procedure shuld be provided at list twice per week. GE T TING R EA DY FOR P ROC E DUR E The hand piece charger should be connected to a power outlet for hours to fully charge the hand piece prior to initial use.
  • Page 15: Procedure Guide

    P ROC E DU R E G U I DE Stage 1- Facelift Set the treatment intensity to level 2 (half circle). Starting at point 1 in the diagram below press the WISH Plus handset gently but firmly for 5-7 seconds. Follow the numbers in the diagrama pressing on each point for 5-7 seconds until all points have been covered 22 31 30...
  • Page 16 P ROC E DU R E G U I DE Stage 2 - PEEL Exfoliate IMPORTANT! When working on the face always support the skin with your other hand to make sure the skin doesn't move. Repeat each motion at least twice on both sides of the face.
  • Page 17 Starting from below the eyebrows pull up towards the hairline. Start pulling from the cheeks towards the ear. Starting between the eyes pull straight up to the hairline. Move along one side of the forehead pulling up from the eyebrow to the hairline continue until the temple is reached.
  • Page 18 M OV EM EN T P ROTOCOL The basic treatment motions are the same for all procedures. Be sure to pay special attention to inflamed or tender areas. IMPORTANT! When working on the face always support the skin with your other hand to make sure the skin doesn't move.
  • Page 19 Starting from below the eyebrows pull up towards the hairline. Pull up from the lips towards the ear. Continue this motion again from the chin along the jaw and towards the ear. Start pulling from the cheeks towards the ear. Starting between the eyes pull straight up to the hairline.
  • Page 20 Starting from the décolleté pull towards the shoulder bones. Starting from the décolleté move upwards along the neck till the jaw. Starting from the shoulder move up along the side of the neck to behind the ear Pull from the shoulders towards the cheeks and around the eye.
  • Page 21: Aftercare

    A FT ER CA R E Wipe the leftover from the face. No need to wash Avoid exposing the treated area to the sun for at least 24 hours after the treatment. Protect the treated areas exposed to the sun with SPF 30 sun lotion throughout the course of treatment and for two weeks after your last procedure D EV I C E M A I N TA I NING After using device, detach the Technology Head from the...
  • Page 22 A DV ER S E R E AC TI O NS A ND PO SS I B L E S O LUT IONS Some people may experience slight discomfort (heat or redness of the skin) when using device this is normal. Clients may feel heat and a slight itch during the light prodece, possibly followed by localized redness in the skin.
  • Page 23 A DV ER S E R E AC TI O NS A ND PO SS I B L E S O LUT IONS Strong Pain In The Area Being Treated Stop procedure immediately, cool the affected area with cooling gel packs and apply aloe vera gel or similar over the counter emulsions used for skin calming.
  • Page 24: Warnings And Safety Information

    WA RN I NG S A N D SAF E T Y I NFOR M AT I O N Device is not suitable for everyone Read the following warnings carefully and verify that procedure is suitable for your. Always keep these instructions handy for future reference.
  • Page 25 M ED IC A L WA R N I NGS If you have a medical condition or are taking any of the medicines described in appendix a, procedure is not suitable for you. Do not use if you have any of the listed conditions: •...
  • Page 26 • Current use of medications, herbal preparations, vitamins or food supplements that cause your skin to become fragile or very dry This is not an exhaustive list, if in doubt, please ask for medical attention. If you have a medical condition or you are taking medicines and are unsure about using device, ask for medical attention.
  • Page 27 E LEC T RI CA L WA R NI NGS Do not: • Use if damage is found e.G. Cracked case, hand piece, cracked or badly chipped technology heads, broken charger. Internal parts contain energy levels and voltages that are hazardous •...
  • Page 28: Troubleshooting

    TROU B L ES H O OT I NG The following troubleshooting guide should be used initially to try to solve any problems you may experience with device. Please contact your local distributer or local customer service support if you are experiencing any other technical difficulties that are not covered in this section.
  • Page 29: Technical Specif Ications

    TEC H N IC A L S P EC IF I CATIONS Device Capsule Operating Operating 0 °c to 20 °c to Conditions temperature +40 °c +40 °c Charging temperature Relative humidity 10-100% 10-100% Atmospheric 700hPato 700hPato pressure 1060hPa 1060hPa Storage Storage -20 °c to...
  • Page 30 CE RT IF I C AT IO N AND C OM P L IANC E Classification Charger-Class II equipment Handset-internally powered Blue light Technology (L T1 ): class1 LED product Red light Technology (L T2): class1 LED product Hand piece, Technology Heads and Capsules-Type BF applied part Degree of protection against ingress of water: •...
  • Page 31 • I EC 61000-3-3 • IEC 61000-4-2 • IEC 61000-4-3 • I EC 61000-4-4 • I EC 61000-4-5 • I EC 61000-4-6 • I EC 61000-4-8 • IEC 61000-4-11 FCC Part 15-Class B FCC ID: ZAI-SYNOIAWISHA01 caution: In some locations device could interfere with wireless reception.
  • Page 32: Fcc Radio Frequency Interference Statment

    FCC R A D I O F R E QUE NCY I NT E R FE R ENC E STATE M EN T This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules.
  • Page 33 This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: 1. This device may not cause harmful interference, and 2. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. Fcc Radio Frequency Interference Statement...
  • Page 34: Appendix A Incompatible Medications

    A PPE N D I X A - I NC OM PATI B L E M E DIC ATI ONS Do not use device while taking medication for the following conditions. • Medicines for cancer • Medicines for heart or blood pressure problems •...
  • Page 35: Index

    I ND EX After care ........20 Getting ready Atmospheric pressure ....28 for procedure ......13 Battery life span ....12,20 Heart disease ......24 Biaf ine emulsion .....22 Heat or redness Bleaching creams ....25 of the skin ........21 Blistering ........22 Herpes Simplex ......24 Bruising ......
  • Page 36 Pacemaker ......24 Troubleshooting .....27 Pain in the area being treated .............22 Pause ........12 Voltage ........26 Possible adverse reactions ............ 21,22 Pregnancy .......23 Warnings and safety Preparation ......13 information ....23,24,25,26 Psoriasis ......24,33 Radio frequency ....31 Rash ........24,33 Relative humidity ....28 Resume treatment ....27 RFID ...........
  • Page 37 19+41 22 310 21 58 Streitgasse 5, 4051 Quai des Bergues 29 +41 61 271 18 73 +41 22 731 00 95 Oslo Individuel SPA Oslo city Rue De La Fontaine 43 shopping centre +41 22 810 83 67 Stenersgata 1, 0050...

Table of Contents