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WilTec 51865 User Manual page 7

Automatic water softener


2. System setting menu (Taking ASD2 as an example to illustrate)
After you turn on the system, during it displays the valve type, if you
ESC and
key in turn, it will display the system setting
a) Set Mode
B) Set Valve Type
c) Set Type
d) Set Resin Vol
Caution: The parameters
are all set in the factory. So
DO NOT change them to
prevent unknown errors.
Caution: DO NOT change
the parameter, otherwise the
v a l v e c a n n o t w o r k
Caution: DO NOT change
the parameter, otherwise the
v a l v e c a n n o t w o r k
e) Set Rchg Day
Set max days between recharges.
f) Set BackWash
g) Set Brine
h) Set Refill
i) Set Fast Rinse
Caution: The value of 08 is
just taken as an example. DO
NOT change the parameter,
otherwise the water may not
be treated well.

