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FS-3700 which do not function properly under normal use, within the manufacturer’s specifications. It does not apply to products that, in the sole opinion of Toshiba TEC America, have been damaged as a result of accident, misuse, neglect or improper packaging or shipping. This warranty is void if the TEC®...
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Toshiba TEC America provides this publication as is without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. This publication could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. Changes are periodically made to the information herein; these changes will be incorporated in new editions of the publication.
Owners Manual...1-1 FS-3700 Overview 1.1 Introduction ...1-3 1.2 Order Entry Screen ...1-4 1.3 Sample FS-3700 Screens...1-6 1.4 POS Key Functions - Summary ...1-13 Access the System 2.1 Manager Overrides ...2-3 2.2 Clocking In/Out...2-4 2.2.1 Clock In ...2-4 2.2.2 Clock Out ...2-5 2.3 Login/Logout ...2-6 2.3.1 Login...2-7 2.3.2 Logout ...2-7...
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3.3.4 Open Priced Menu Item... 3-11 3.3.5 Scalable Menu Item ... 3-11 3.3.6 Enter Modifiers With Forced Display ... 3-12 3.3.7 Enter Modifiers With Special Instructions... 3-13 3.3.8 Enter Modifiers With Spell-It Instructions ... 3-14 3.3.9 Enter Items by Seat Numbers ... 3-15 3.3.10 Enter by Menu Item Size ...
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3.11.1 Void Items on Stored Checks ...3-40 3.11.2 Add a Discount or Surcharge...3-41 3.11.3 Exempt Tax from a Check ...3-45 3.11.4 Add a Tip...3-46 3.12 Tender the Check...3-48 3.12.1 Tender a Check with Preset Key ...3-49 3.12.2 Tender With Tip Entry ...3-49 3.12.3 Overtender to Tip ...3-49 3.12.4 Split Tender...3-50 3.12.5 Partial Tender...3-51...
Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Introduction The FS-3700 is a touch screen POS system for use in the hospitality industry. In addition to the touch system, Toshiba TEC America offers a keyboard entry terminal system, the FS-2700 which utilizes similar software.
Order Entry Screen Order Entry Screen The order entry screen displays when the system is in POS mode. The left side of the screen displays guest check information as transactions are entered, adjusted and tendered. Each item is explained below and a sample screen is shown on the next page. The right side of each screen is fully programmable for each store, (see the next section of this chapter for examples).
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Order Entry Screen Sample Order Entry Screen FS-3700 Owner’s Manual...
Sample FS-3700 Screens Sample FS-3700 Screens When a FS-3700 workstation is powered on, the default screen for that station displays. This is typically a screen for employees to use to log into the station for POS operations. It can also be used for clocking into the optional Timekeeping system.
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview After logging in, the screen set as default for the employee’s Job Code will display. Different screens may display for servers, bartenders, cashiers, etc. In most operations, after an employee has logged in, the system allocates the next check number.
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Sample FS-3700 Screens Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Sample - Start/Recall Check Screen Assume from this screen sample that the {NEW~TABLE} key is pressed and that the check requires a table number and number of guests. FS-3700 Owner’s Manual...
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview In this sample {TABLE~NUMBER} and {#~GUESTS} are function keys which require a numeric entry. They are placed on a screen along with a numeric keypad. In addition to being a function key, in this sample the {#~GUEST} key is also a screen link to another screen from which the server will begin entering menu items on to the check.
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Sample FS-3700 Screens After any required prompts are satisfied the server is ready to enter items on the check. In the sample screen below, each menu category key shown is a screen select to that category’s items. NOTE - the {SERVICE~TOTAL} key. It is actually the {TOTAL} key but in this example has been renamed to suggest ending the service round.
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Assume the screen link key for STEAKS was pressed from the previous screen (FOOD MENU sample). As Menu Items keys are pressed, any programmed Forced Displays for that item will appear. NOTE - the {BACK} key in this example is a screen select to go back to the FOOD MENU screen from which another Menu Category can be chosen.
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Sample FS-3700 Screens When a check is ready to be tendered, a screen with cashier functions can be used. NOTE the {ENTER} key – this is actually the TOTAL key which is also used to finalize a numeric entry. In this example, it has been renamed to represent its function on the screen.
Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Add Check Add to Check Add to Check – Order Type #1 - #4 Add to Table Assign Op Login Banner Cancel Cash Advance FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Key Functions - Summary POS Function Description Used to combine two or more stored checks to the current check.
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Category Change Modifier Change Seat Clear Input Clock In/Out Cursor Keys Discounts Discount NLU (Number Look Up) Downline to OCB Enter Bar Code Enter PLU 1-14 Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Function Description Applies to the FS-2700.
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Key Function Exec Batch 1 - 4 Exit Finished Prod Waste #1 - #5 Foreign Currency Function NLU (Number Look Up) Guests Inventory Report Inventory Rpt NLU (Number Look Up) Labor Report FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Key Functions - Summary POS Function Description This function enables calling a DOS batch file...
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Labor Report NLU (Number Look Up) Hold Order Last Item Void Loan/Pickup Login/Logout Macro Meal Period Media Media NLU (Number Look Up) Menu Item Menu Item Size 1-16 Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Function Description Designed primarily for the FS-2700.
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Key Function Mgr Mode No Sale Numeric Open Refund Order Complete Order Type Paid In Paid Outs #1 - #5 Previous Screen Price Change Print Check Print Journal Print/Reset Journal Recall Check FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Key Functions - Summary POS Function Description This key type is used to access the Manager...
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Recall Check Order Type #1- #4 Recall Table Record Macro Re-Order Item Report Reprint Voucher Reset Journal Revenue Center Report Revenue Center Report NLU (Number Look Up) Review Check Screen Select Seat Select 1-18 Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Function Description...
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Key Function +Seat -Seat Select Keyboard Sell Media Spell-It Instr Split by Amount Split by Item Split by Seat Station Report FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Key Functions - Summary POS Function Description Used to increment the current seat number. When a new transaction is started, or a check is recalled, the current seat number is 1.
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Station Report NLU (Number Look Up) Stay Down Subtotal System Report System Report (Number Look Up) 1-20 Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Function Description Designed primarily for the FS-2700 to print a Station Report from the keyboard.
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Key Function Table Number Table Select Tare Tax Exempt Tax Exempt #1 - #8 Tip Payout FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Key Functions - Summary POS Function Description This key is used to assign a table number to a check, or change a table number of a check.
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Total Transfer Media User Login User Report User Report NLU (Number Look Up) 1-22 POS Function Description This key is used for several purposes: End a service round, storing the check and leaving it unpaid. ∗...
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Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview Key Function Video Mode # 1 - # 8 Void Void All Items Xfer All Checks Xfer Chk From Svr FS-3700 Owner’s Manual POS Function Description These eight function keys are used to set the current Kitchen Video System into the specified mode.
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POS Key Functions - Summary Key Function Xfer Chk To Svr 1-24 Chapter 1 - FS-3700 Overview POS Function Description This key type is used to transfer a check to one user from another. This key type is used when the server who created the check is giving the check to another server.
Chapter 2 - Access the System Manager Overrides The TEC FS-3700 system has an extensive security system. Security levels can be assigned to almost every key type and menu choice in the system. Access to different function levels are determined by the Security levels assigned to each Job Code.
Clocking In/Out Clocking In/Out The FS-3700 has an optional timekeeping function that tracks attendance records. The Timekeeping system is used only for the purpose of tracking attendance; it does not provide access to POS operations. 2.2.1 Clock In Notes The options for using the Timekeeping system are determined by employee in the User Setup Table.
Chapter 2 - Access the System 2.2.2 Clock Out Notes: Employees will be required to Declare Tips when clocking out if their Job Code has TIPPED set to YES. A minimum declared tip entry can be required by setting option MIN TIP in the System Config.
Login/Logout Login/Logout Logging into the system allows access, as the user’s security level permits, to guest check handling and Manager Mode. NOTES An employee can be logged into one station at a time. Only one employee can be logged into a station at one time, and that user’s security level determines what functions are accessible.
Chapter 2 - Access the System 2.3.1 Login Procedure 1. Index employee I.D. #. 2. Press {LOGIN/LOGOUT}. 3. If prompted, index the user’s password and press {TOTAL}. 4. If prompted, select the Job Code for this shift. 5. If the Job Code requires a Bank Loan, select {LOAN}. •...
Login/Logout 2.3.3 One-Touch Login NOTES This feature is used to create keys on the screen which employees press to login. To set up this feature: • Set the ONE TCH LOGIN option in the User Setup Table to YES for the employee(s). •...
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions New Guest Checks Guest Check Numbers • Guest checks are assigned a check number by the system. • Blocks of check numbers are allocated to each workstation, so the range of check numbers will always be the same for each workstation.
New Check Prompts New Check Prompts All checks are tracked by a system-assigned check number. In addition, other check information can be required and attached to the check. These options are Table Number, number of guests, and an order/tent number. 3.2.1 Table Number A table number can be required for the Order Type by the REQ...
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.2.2 Guest Count A guest count can be required for the Order Type by the REQ GUEST CNT flag in the Order Type Table. The Order Type is determined by the Job Code of the User logged in. •...
New Check Prompts 3.2.3 Order Type All checks must be assigned to an Order Type. Most Job Codes will be assigned a default Order Type. Or, the user can be prompted to enter the Order Type for each guest check. An Order Type can be required as an entry for a particular work- station.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.2.4 Order Number Order numbers are also known as TENT numbers. They can be used when pre-numbered order cards are given to guests to place on the table so food can be delivered to the correct table. An Order Number can be required for checks of a certain Order Type by setting the PROMPT ORD NUM flag in the Order Type Table.
New Check Prompts 3.2.5 Override Meal Period Meal Periods are set up by time for each day of the week in the Meal Period Setup table. The current setting can be overridden for the current check only or for all checks until the System Z report is done. The change can affect one terminal or all terminals.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.2.6 Add Guest Information An 8-character field can be added to a check using the GUEST INFO field in the Order Type Table. The information entered is saved with the check. It prints on the remote kitchen slip and the guest receipt.
Entering Menu Items Entering Menu Items Menu items can be entered after any new-check prompts have been satisfied. Screens may be organized by Menu Category, with a “main” order entry screen containing screen select buttons that display each menu item within that Category. An example would be a screen with buttons for Soup/Salads, Apps, Entrees, Desserts, and Beverages.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.3.4 Open Priced Menu Item An open priced Menu Item is one that has the flag OPEN PRICE in the Menu Setup table to YES. If the flag PREFIX PRICE is set to YES, the price is entered prior to entering the item. With PREFIX PRICE to Yes 1.
Entering Menu Items 3.3.6 Enter Modifiers With Forced Display A modifier can only be entered on a check following a Menu Item. The number of items that may be entered from a modifier screen is set in the Menu Setup Table. Procedure 1.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.3.7 Enter Modifiers With Special Instructions If a Menu Item’s Category has the USAGE field set to Special Instructions, the item can be used as a modifier but preset on the screen rather than be included on a Forced Display. Procedure 1.
Entering Menu Items 3.3.8 Enter Modifiers With Spell-It Instructions The server types Spell-It Instructions when a Menu Item needs a modifier which is not programmed. • Spell-It Instructions can only be entered on a check after a Menu Item has been entered. •...
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.3.9 Enter Items by Seat Numbers Seat numbers enable items on the check to be sorted and printed on the remote printers by table position. Entering checks by seat numbers is also very helpful when splitting the check into separate checks for payment.
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Entering Menu Items With Seat Select {SEAT~SELECT} presets seat numbers on the screen. Each preset key is programmed with a specific seat number. Procedure 1. Press {SEAT~SELECT~#}. 2. Enter menu item(s). 3. Continue until all items are entered. Change Seat Number Procedure 1.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.3.10 Enter by Menu Item Size Menu Item Size Levels are used for ordering Menu Items, such as soft drinks, which come in different sizes. Two ways to enter a different size menu item: •...
Check Corrections Before Sending Check Corrections Before Sending 3.4.1 Remove Items from Checks Remove Last Item 1. Enter menu items. 2. Press {LAST~ITEM~VOID}. 3. The menu item is removed from the check. Remove One Item Before an item has been sent/stored, the security level in the Function Setup table only applies if the option SEC EC VOID in the System Config.
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Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Check Corrections Before Sending Remove All Items Before Sending After a menu item has been sent to remote printers, the {VOID~ALL~ITEMS} key can only be used according to the security level set in the Function Setup table. Procedure 1.
Check Corrections Before Sending 3.4.2 Add a Modifier 1. Enter menu items with modifiers. 2. Press {CHANGE~MODIFIER}. 3. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the menu item and its modifiers. 4. Press {SPC~INST}. • Buttons display for each Special Instruction designated menu category.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.4.4 Replace a Modifier 1. Enter menu items with modifiers. 2. Press {CHANGE~MODIFIER}. 3. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the menu item and its modifiers. 4. Press {CHANGE~MODIF}. 5. Use the up and down arrow keys to highlight the modifier to be replaced.
Send Items to Remote Printers Send Items to Remote Printers 3.5.1 Printer Mode Options When items are sent to print at the remote printers depends on the setting of the MODE option in the Station Printer Setup Table. Printers can be set up for modes in Station Printer Setup as follows: •...
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.5.2 Send One Remote Slip from Multi Checks This feature allows remote orders to be grouped from different guest checks into a single remote order. Set the following options to use this feature: The {HOLD} key type is used to prompt the server to hold remote printing.
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Send Items to Remote Printers 8. Screen prompts: Hold Order: 9. This time – press {HOLD} again to change to response to No. • NO will send this check’s and the previous check’s items to the remote printer(s) this round. 10.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.5.3 Send Multi Remote Slips from One Check The ORD CHECK ON DMD (Order Check on Demand) setting in the Order Type Table can be used to print items from the same check on remotes when the {ORDER~COMPLETE} key is pressed.
End Service Round End Service Round Ending the service round sends menu items to kitchen printers (if they have not already been printed) and clears the check from the screen. If the flag in the Order Type Table, STORE OPEN CHECK is NO for the check’s Order Type, the service round can only be finalized by tendering the check with a {MEDIA} key.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Recall a Check The RECALL OTHER USER CHECK field in the Job Code Table can be set to allow users such as cashiers to recall checks entered by other employees. Checks can only be opened at one workstation at a time. 3.7.1 By Check Number Checks with Order Types requiring a table number can also be recalled by check number.
Recall a Check 3.7.2 By Table Number Using the Number Pad 1. Using the number pad, index the table number. 2. Press {RECALL~TABLE}. Using List of Open Checks 1. Press {RECALL~TABLE}. 2. A list of all open checks accessible by this server displays. 3.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.7.4 Recall Table with Separate Checks 1. Use either the number pad or the list of checks to recall the table. 2. List of separate check numbers display. 3. Touch the button of the check wanted. 3.7.5 Recall With a Bar Code Scanner If the workstation is connected to a bar code scanner and bar codes are being printed on the guest checks, scan the guest check.
Split a Check Split a Check Only items that have been sent can be split into separate checks. 3.8.1 Split By Item Procedure 1. Recall the check. 2. Press {SPLIT~BY~ITEM}. 3. Screen prompts: Enter number of checks 4. Index the number of new checks to create from this check and press {ENTER}.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.8.2 Split by Seat Number To split checks into separate checks using {SEAT~NUMBER} requires the option USE SEAT # in the System Config Table be set YES. Procedure 1. Recall the check. • If seat numbers were not entered prior to sending the check (i.e.
Split a Check 3.8.3 Split By Amount Procedure 1. Recall the check. 2. Press {SPLIT~BY~AMOUNT}. 3. Screen prompts: Enter number of checks 4. Index the total number of checks to create from this check and press {ENTER}. 5. Index the amount for the first check and press {ENTER}. •...
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Transfer a Guest Check 3.9.1 Transfer to a Server This procedure is done by the server who created the check. Procedure 1. Recall the check. Should be done by the server responsible for the check or a manager. 2.
Transfer a Guest Check 3.9.2 Transfer from a Server This procedure is used by the new server, who takes the check from the server/bartender who created it. Procedure 1. Press {XFER~CHK~FROM~SVR} key. 2. Screen prompts: Enter check number 3. Index the check number being picked up, using the keypad which automatically displays, and press {ENTER}.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.9.3 Transfer all Checks This procedure is used by the server who takes all open checks from the server/bartender who created them. Procedure 1. The server picking up the checks should be logged in to the station.
Combine Checks 3.10 Combine Checks 3.10.1 Combine Stored Checks This procedure combines two or more checks that have already been stored into one check. 1. Recall the first check. 2. Press {ADD~CHECK}. 3. Screen displays check numbers for this server’s checks. 4.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.10.2 Add New Check to Stored Check This procedure is used to add the current check to a stored check. The current check can be a new check (in the first service round). 1. Enter items for a new check, or recall a stored check. 2.
Combine Checks 3.10.4 Add New Check to Stored Check with Table # This procedure is identical to using {ADD~TO~CHECK} except it is used on checks with assigned table numbers. The current check can be new (in the first service round). 1.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.10.5 Combine Stored Checks to One Table This procedure is identical to using {ADD~TO~TABLE} except it depends on ONE CHK/TBL in the System Setup/System Config. Table (page 4 #2). • YES will add items from both checks to the resulting check. •...
Check Adjustments 3.11 Check Adjustments 3.11.1 Void Items on Stored Checks Remove Single Items The same procedure is used to void items before or after sending. After a menu item has been sent/stored and the check recalled, the {VOID} key can only be used according to the security level set in the Function Setup table.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.11.2 Add a Discount or Surcharge Notes Dollar or Percent • Discounts can be programmed to adjust the check by either a dollar amount or a percentage amount using the PERCENT option in the Discount Setup table. Discount Tax Status •...
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Check Adjustments NO – after a discount has been applied, additional dis- ∗ counts can be entered and applied to the same items. Automatic Discount • A discount can also be linked to a Media type so it is auto- matically entered on a check when the check is tendered.
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Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Item Discount An item discount is one programmed to one item or one category. It is entered on a check immediately following the item. 1. Enter the item to the check. 2. Press the {DISCOUNT} key wanted or index the Discount I.D. number wanted and press {DISCOUNT~NLU}.
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Check Adjustments Discount for Recipient This procedure is commonly used for Employee Meal discounts. The RECIPIENT field in the Discount table is used to prompt the server for an I.D. number, and the CHK RECIP ID field is used to check the User Setup table for a valid I.D.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.11.3 Exempt Tax from a Check Additional menu items cannot be added to a check after using a tax exempt key. Procedure 1. Enter item(s) or recall the check. 2. To exempt tax: • Press {TAX~EXEMPT} to remove all tax from the check.
Check Adjustments 3.11.4 Add a Tip A charge tip can also be entered when the check is tendered by defaulting an overtender entry to the tip amount. Auto Gratuity The Auto Gratuity feature is set using the AUTO GRAT GSTS field in the Order Type Table.
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Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions Add Charge Tip The default tip percentage is set in the TIP field of the System Config Table. Procedure 1. Enter item(s) or recall the check. 2. Press the {TIP} key and then press {ENTER}. 3.
Tender the Check 3.12 Tender the Check An Amount Tendered can be entered prior to pressing a preset {MEDIA} key. If an amount tendered is not entered prior to pressing a preset {MEDIA} key, operations are determined by the options SPEED TENDER and PAY IN FULL in the Media Setup table.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.12.1 Tender a Check with Preset Key 1. Enter item(s) or recall the check. 2. Index the amount tendered. 3. Press the {MEDIA} key for the media type used. • Press {TOTAL} if needed for the media type. •...
Tender the Check 3.12.4 Split Tender A check may be split tendered by up to eight media types. If using integrated credit card software, only one media type used can be a credit card and the credit card media must be the last tender used.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.12.5 Partial Tender This feature enables tendering part of the check but keeps the check open. Two options are used: The PARTIAL TENDER flag by Order Type must be set to YES. The PAY IN FULL flag in the Media Table must be set to NO.. Procedure 1.
Tender the Check 3.12.6 Tender to Charge Account This feature uses the CHARGE ACCT field in the Media Setup Table. Procedure 1. Enter item(s) or recall the check. 2. Press the {MEDIA} key programmed for the charge account. 3. Screen prompts: Enter amount 4.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.12.7 Tender with {MEDIA~NLU} The {MEDIA~NLU} key was designed as a FS-2700 function but can be used on the FS-3700. The numeric entry indexed prior to pressing {MEDIA~NLU} is recognized as the media’s I.D., so an amount tendered is not used.
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Tender the Check Split Tender With {MEDIA~NLU} The SPEED TENDER option in the Media Setup table should be set to NO if using {MEDIA~NLU}. 1. Enter item(s) or recall the check. 2. Index the media I.D. number for the first media type and press {MEDIA~NLU}.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.13 Corrections to Closed Checks Closed checks retained in the check file can be recalled and changed after they have been tendered. The length of time closed checks are available is set with the TICKET PURGE field in the System Config Table (page 4 #5).
Corrections to Closed Checks 3.13.2 Change a Discount Procedure 1. Index the number of the closed check. 2. Press {RECALL~CHECK}. • Check displays on the screen. 3. Press {VOID}. 4. If prompted, index a manager I.D. number and press {ENTER}. 5.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.13.3 Change Media Type Procedure 1. Index the number of the closed check. 2. Press {RECALL~CHECK}. • Check displays on the screen. 3. Press {VOID}. 4. If prompted, index a manager I.D. number and press {ENTER}. 5.
Enter a Refund Check Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.14 Enter a Refund Check This function creates a “negative” check. Items entered are sub- tracted from reports. This function can also be used to refund individual items from a check rather than using the {VOID} function on the closed check.
Chapter 3 - Guest Check Functions 3.15 Review a Closed Check This function is used to display and/or print checks that have been tendered but not yet purged. Closed checks can also be recalled and printed by indexing the check number and pressing {RECALL~CHECK}. A maximum of 250 checks can be displayed with this function.
Chapter 4 - Functions Outside of a Sale Finished Product Waste This is an inventory function. Items entered in this transaction type will update the waste totals. This procedure is used when an item is entered on a check and prepared, but then voided from the check.
Loan/Pickup Loan/Pickup This function uses the following options: BANK LOAN field in the Job Code Setup Table allows the employee to receive a Bank Loan. • The function can be set to prompt automatically when the user logs into the system with the REQUIRE LOAN option in the Job Code Table (Page 2 #3).
Chapter 4 - Functions Outside of a Sale 4.2.2 Pickup Procedure 1. Press {LOAN/PIC}. 2. If prompted, index a manager I.D. number and press {ENTER}. • NOTE: The Pickup will be posted to the employee logged on to the workstation, not the approving manager. 3.
Transfer Media Transfer Media Procedure 1. Press {TRANSFER~MEDIA}. 2. List of media types display. Screen prompts: SOURCE media 3. Press the button of the media to transfer the amount FROM. 4. Screen prompts: DESTINATION media 5. Press the button of the media to transfer the amount TO. 6.
Chapter 4 - Functions Outside of a Sale Price Changes This function changes the price of a Menu Item. With Meal Period Price Levels NO 1. Press {PRICE~CHANGE}. • Screen displays a list of Menu Categories. 2. Press the button of the Category of the Menu Item wanted. •...
Tip Payout Chapter 4 - Functions Outside of a Sall Tip Payout Procedure 1. Press {TIP~PAYOUT}. 2. If prompted, index a manager I.D. number and press {TOTAL}. 3. Screen prompts: Enter ID 4. Index the I.D. number of the employee receiving the tip. 5.
Chapter 4 - Functions Outside of a Sale Cash Out/In of Drawer 4.6.1 Paid Out Up to five Paid Out keys can be used to record cash taken out of the drawer outside of a sale. They should be placed on a screen with a numeric keypad and a {TOTAL} key.
Cash Out/In of Drawer 4.6.2 Paid In The Paid In key is used to record cash put into the drawer outside of a sale. It should be placed on a screen with a numeric keypad and a {TOTAL} key. Procedure 1.
Chapter 5 - Reports Reports Overview Report Group System Reports Revenue Center Reports Station Reports User Reports Time Card Reports Inventory Reports FS-3700 Owner’s Manual Description Reports in this group include totals from the entire system. Weekly totals are available for the Sales Mix, Financial and Sales Tax reports.
Reports Overview 5.1.1 Print or View Reports Printing or Viewing a Report from the Reports Menu All reports are available from the Reports Menu. From the Manager Menu, select #2 for Reports. The report menu displays: Printing a Report from the POS Screens Preset Keys •...
Chapter 5 - Reports 5.1.2 Report Balancing Notes Menu Item Sales • Sales of menu items update all reports as they are entered on to checks. So, reports always represent real-time, up-to- the-minute store activity. • If there are any discrepancies in a check amount from when the items are entered to when it is tendered, the difference is noted on reports.
“cut out” so a total could be included on the same page. Report Headers ---------------------------------------- 4:20 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- The time & date the report was taken. FINANCIAL REPORT SYSTEM REPORT Daily The report Name, Type and Period.
Chapter 5 - Reports 5.1.4 List of Reports This table lists each report maintained in the System and if it is available from the System, Revenue Center, Station or User report menus. The NLU Key Code column shows the number that can be used to print a report when using a Report NLU key or the Function NLU key.
An open check is one that has been stored in the system, but has not yet been paid. ---------------------------------------- 5:50 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- 0 0013 17:47 2 0 0014 17:47 4 0 0015 17:47 2 0016 17:47 3...
System The Hourly Productivity Report provides a sales breakdown by times of day. Subtotals are provided by Meal Period. ---------------------------------------- 10:00 am HOURLY PRODUCTIVITY REPORT FROM 7/17/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- 08-09 09-10 Breakfast 10-11 Lunch Total Time Periods –determined by OPEN and CLOSE options in...
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Hourly Productivity Report • Time Intervals – set by option HOUR PART in System Setup/System Config table. Options are for whole, half or quarter hours. Number of Guests – The guest count included in all checks for the interval. Gross Revenue – Sales for each period = Menu Item sales adjusted for discounts.
Chapter 5 - Reports Sales Mix Report System This report selection has three options: Detail - Detailed information for each menu item being tracked and that was sold for the period. The Track System flag in the Menu Setup table determines whether the item is detailed in the report.
Track User flag set. Net Sales on the System, Station and Revenue Centers include all items regardless of the System Tracking options. ---------------------------------------- 12:59 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- 15 - Potato Skins # SOLD Gross Rev Item Disc Net Sales...
The Total # Sold includes non-priced items only if the Track System Sales option is set in the Category Setup table. ---------------------------------------- 12:59 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- 1 - Food # SOLD Gross Rev Item Disc...
The Total # Sold includes non-priced items only if the Track System Sales option is set in the Category Setup table. ---------------------------------------- 12:59 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- 10 - Appetizers # SOLD Gross Rev Item Disc...
The report lists voids plus a total by approving manager. ---------------------------------------- 1:01 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- TIME Manager: Patty 9:19 9:57 Total Manager - This line shows the approving manager’s name.
Refunds. ---------------------------------------- 4:20 pm REFUND VOIDS REPORT FROM 1/01/70 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- TIME CHK DESCRIPTION Manager: Patty 12:43 0007 Cheesecake Total Manager - This line shows the approving manager’s name.
---------------------------------------- 4:20 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- Readings - Non-resettable totals maintained by each POS station. This section prints if the USE NRGT option in System Setup/ System Config is set. These fields do not appear on the User Financial Report.
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Financial Report DINE IN Tckts/Avg Tckt Guests/Avg Chk Avg Trans Time(min) Tckts/Avg Tckt Guests/Avg Chk Avg Trans Time(min) TO GO Tckts/Avg Tckt Guests/Avg Chk Avg Trans Time(min) Balance - This section contains a method of balancing the readings adjustment to the system's reported Gross Sales. It does not print if the NRGT is not being used in the READINGS section.
Page 133
Chapter 5 - Reports Server Sales - Summary of sales by server. Server Totals Server First Name and initial Susan Marie Mary Total Media - This section of the Financial Report contains media balancing totals to be reconciled with deposits and cash drawers. Media Cash VISA...
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Financial Report Deposit – This section is created from entries made from the Deposit Entry report selection (see page 5-29). Media types that display are those with the option set for IN DEPOSIT LST. Deposit Cash VISA HOUSE Deposit Diff Cash Balance –...
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Chapter 5 - Reports Sales Mix – Department and Category summaries of menu item sales. Each category flagged to track sales (Track System Sales for the System, Revenue Center, and Station reports and Track User Sales for the User report) will appear on this report. Any items not flagged to track sales will be added to an “Other”...
Page 136
Financial Report Statistics – Number and average Net Sales of guests and checks. Average Transaction Time is minutes all checks are opened divided by the total # of checks. # of Guests # of Tickets Average Check Average Ticket Average Trans Time 5-22 Chapter 5 - Reports 5.62...
Check data will vary from statistics on the Financial Report if Z Reports are done with open checks. ---------------------------------------- 4:21 pm CUSTOMER SUMMARY REPORT FROM 7/14/70 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- Lunch Tckts/Avg Tckt Guests/Avg Chk Dinner Tckts/Avg Tckt...
This report details the totals for each different media type by Server. Totals for CASH include any loans and pick-ups that were recorded by the system. ---------------------------------------- 4:21 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------- Susan #2 - Shift 1 ------------------ Cash HOUSE...
The Net amount of this report is included in the CASH amount on the Financial and Media Reports. ---------------------------------------- 4:55 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- Mary #6 DESCRIPTION Loan Loan Total Pickup Total...
Sales tax for inclusive tax tables is computed as a percent of sales posted to the tax table. ---------------------------------------- 4:23 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- FOOD Taxable Sales Non-Taxable Sales Sales Tax...
CHARGE ACCT option in the Media Setup table. ---------------------------------------- 5:31 pm FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- MgrVIP MgrVIP Total ACCOUNT - This is the account number of the person making the charge.
---------------------------------------- 4:23 pm DISCOUNT RECIPIENT REPORT FROM 7/14/05 TOSHIBA TEC AMERICA - Atlanta, GA ---------------------------------------- RECIPIENT Total RECIPIENT - This is the ID number of the employee receiving the discount. The server is prompted for the ID number when applying the discount to a check.
Chapter 5 - Reports 5.14 Deposit Entry System The Deposit Entry function can be used to record actual amounts in the cash drawer for comparison with reported totals. Notes: The amounts entered in this function are on the Financial report if the option REQ CASH DECL in the System Setup/System Config table is set.
X Report 5.15 X Report System The X Report allows a user to print a pre-defined sequence of reports with a single command, without clearing any totals. The option to include each report is set in the Function Setup table. The pages/options for each report are shown on page 5-33 Set the System X option for a report to print it with a System X function.
Chapter 5 - Reports 5.16 Z Report System The Z Report allows a user to print a pre-defined sequence of reports with a single command. In addition, Z Reports clear all totals for the report type, regardless if they are set to print or not. The option to include each report is set in the Function Setup table.
Z Report 5.16.1 Programming Options for Z Reports The following table lists programming options that affect Z Reports. Refer to the Programming Manual for more explanations. Page / Table Field Station Setup System Setup Table / System Config. 5 / 11 5-32 Option Description 3 / 4...
Chapter 5 - Reports 5.16.2 Reports Included in X and Z Reports Setting the reports to include for printing in X and Z Reports is done in the Function Setup table. The locations are below. Function Table Option Report Charge Account Close Time Clock Customer Summary Deposit Entry...
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