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Jantar LOKUS A-4 Manual page 2

Standalone rf controller/ receiver


The entire set-up procedure is carried out with the master remote
controller Remo.
The master Remo RF transmitter cannot be replaced or
duplicated. After registration the master Remo should
always be kept in a secure place. You cannot change any
setting without it and neither can we. Keep that in mind
when storing the master Remo.
Programming Lokus A-4 with the master remote
By Default every button on the Remo sends a different
code. So every button can present a different user to the
controller. You can set all three buttons on the Remo, to
send the same code. Read the Remo's user manual.
First connection to power supply and registration of
master Remo:
Turn the power supply on (2 beeps indicate power on) and press
the button on a Remo you wish to be the master button (3 beeps
indicate a successful registration). The first button registered
becomes the master button (master Remo). All other buttons
will be registered as user buttons (user Remo).
Usage of master remote:
Every time you press the master button, a double beep is heard.
The number of double beeps indicates the programming function.
Register or delete user buttons
Pulse time/ Duration of active output or toggle
Door status switch input/ time till pre-alarm
Pre-alarm and alarm/ duration of pre-alarm
Negate output
Delete a lost remote controller (button)
Delete a lost remote controller (button)
Switch to Wiegand 26-bit
Delete all
Function 1) User buttons
Register or delete user buttons.
Press the master button (1 double beep) and within a period of
three seconds press a user button. A user button is now
registered and with it you can open output on the controller. If
the button has already been registered, it is now deleted. Next
button you register will take its position. To delete the user
button, when remote controller was lost, you need to maintain a
list of registered buttons, arranged in order of registrations.
Function 2) Pulse time/ Duration of active output or toggle
Set the duration of active output/ the time in which you can open
door or set output to toggle mode. Toggle mode means, if the
button is registered, output will remain opened (if it was closed)
or closed (if it was open) till next registration.
Set the duration of active output:
Press the master button 2 times (2 double beeps). The controller
will start to beep every second. Each beep indicates 1 second of
active output. Duration of active output can be max. 10 seconds.
When you hear the required number of beeps, press a user
button for confirmation.
Set toggle mode:
Press the master button 2 times (2 double beeps). Press a user
button before first beep. Toggle mode is selected.
Black line
LOKUS A-4 – Standalone RF controller/ receiver
Function 3) Door status switch input
Set the time till pre-alarm / time in which doors can be opened,
without triggering pre-alarm and consequently the alarm. This
function is used when the door switch on el. strike is connected to
Input0/I0/wire 5 on the controller.
Press the master button 3 times (3 double beeps). The controller
will start to beep every second. Each beep indicates 1 second till
pre-alarm. Duration of the time till pre-alarm can be max. 10
seconds. When you hear the required number of beeps, press a
user button for confirmation.
Function 4) Pre-alarm and alarm/ duration of pre-alarm
Set pre-alarm time. This is time in which the controller alerts you,
with short beeps, that doors were left opened. If you don't close
doors in pre-alarm time, alarm will be triggered and the controller
will alert you with long beeps.
Press the master button 4 times (4 double beeps). The controller
will start to beep every second. Each beep indicates 1 second of
the pre-alarm time. Duration of the pre-alarm time can be max.
10 seconds. When you hear the required number of beeps, press
a user button for confirmation.
Function 5) Negate / switch output state
This function is used, when you connect an electric strike or
electric magnet which needs power supply to remain in locked
Press the master button 5 times (5 double beeps) and within a
period of three seconds press a user button for confirmation. The
output state will be switched from the current one.
Function 6) Delete a lost remote controller (button)
Delete the next button on the list. Use this function if you lost a
remote controller and you wish to delete it from the controller. In
order to use this function you must maintain a list of registered
buttons, arranged by order of registrations so that you can find
the button, which was registered before the lost one.
Press the master button 6 times (6 double beeps) and within a
period of three seconds press the user button, which was
registered before the lost one. The user button, on lost Remo, is
deleted. Next registered button will take its position on the list.
Function 7) Delete a lost remote controller (button)
Delete the previous button on the list. Use this function if you lost
a remote controller and you wish to delete it from the controller.
In order to use this function you must maintain a list of
registered buttons, arranged by order of registrations so that you
can find the button, which was registered after the lost one.
Press the master button 7 times (7 double beeps) and within a
period of three seconds press the user button, which was
registered after the lost one. The user button, on lost Remo, is
deleted. Next registered button will take its position on the list.
Function 9) Switch to Wiegand 26-bit
Switch between the controller and Wiegand 26-bit reader. When
you switch the controller on, it beeps twice in the controller mode
and once in the Wiegand 26-bit mode.
Switch to Wiegand 26-bit:
Press the master button 9 times (9 double beeps). The controller
will start to beep every second. Each beep presents different
function, which is selected with a user button.
1. beep – If a user button is pressed after 2 beep, the controller
will switch to Wiegand 26-bit reader and will delete everything.
2. beep – If a user button is pressed after 2 beeps, all data will
be deleted. The controller will be reset to default.
Switch from Wiegand 26-bit to controller:
Right after turning the power supply on, when the controller has
both LEDs lit, press a user button 9 times (9 beeps).

