1MRS 750540-MUM EN SRIO 500M Issued 1996-10-23 Data communication Modified 2002-10-09 Version B (replaces 34 SRIO 500M 1 EN1) and reporting unit Checked MK Approved OL Data subject to change without notice Features .......................... 2 Contents Introduction ........................3 Applications ........................4 Substation and remote control systems ..............
The task of the SRIO 500M unit is to form the control system of a foreign manufacturer. master unit of the SPA bus, to connect the SPACOM system to a host computer.
The user can define up to 500 data items for Cyclic data acquisition (polling): the data base. A data item can be one of the The SRIO 500M unit acquires DI and AI data following data types: for the data base by cyclic polling.
GND7 ———7 GND GND5 ——— 7 GND Cable between a display Cable between 9-pin serial port terminal and SRIO 500M. of a PC/AT and SRIO 500M. Figure 4. Cables for connecting a terminal or PC to the SRIO 500M unit.
The following programming commands are Commands for programming the ANSI X3.28 available: host interface ADDRESS_MAP command General commands ANSI_DATA command HELP command ANSI_ADDR command VERS command CLOCK command Control commands for local event reporting STORE command SET_PRINTER command DEVICE command Commands for serial interface setup PAGE_HEADER command BUS_MODE command...
Printed circuit In addition to the boards mentioned in the fig- mother board, a connection board and a LED boards ure below the SRIO 500M unit includes a board. I/O module, two boards Memory board CPU board Communication board Power supply module...
Serial interface 2: 9- pin RS 485 connector Serial interface 4: 25- pin RS 232/current loop connector Serial if Serial if Serial if RS 232 RS 232 RS 485 Figure 5. Connectors of the rear plate of the SRIO 500M unit.
Serial interface Serial interface 1, RS 232/Current loop connector: connector pin assignment Direction Name TXD, Transmit data RXD, Receive data RTS, Request to send CTS, Clear to send DSR, Data set ready GND, Signal ground DCD, Data carrier detect DTR, Data terminal ready TX+, Current loop, transmit data + TX-, Current loop, transmit data - RX+, Current loop, receive data +...
RS 232 Current loop DCD CTS Short-circuited to DTR Power supply The SRIO 500M unit can be supplied from two The supply voltages are connected to the screw sources: terminals 20...24 of the rear plate: Supply 1: 80...265 V DC or...
Technical data Serial interfaces (modified 2002-10) Serial interface 1: RS 232 C, max. 9600 b/s Interface to host computer or (also current loop if used programming terminal as programming terminal) Serial interface 2: RS 485, max. 9600 b/s Interface to SPA-bus Serial inteface 4: RS 232 C or current loop, Interface to programming terminal or event printer...
If the self-supervision system of the SRIO 500M Maintenance unit detects a fault on one of the serial inter- and service faces, the fault relay is activated and the "FAULT" indicator on the front panel and one of the "SE- Self-diagnostics RIAL IF"...
Service and If the fault is found to be in the SRIO 500M If the improper function cannot be eliminated, spare parts unit, the normal service operation is to replace please contact the manufacturer or his nearest the faulty printed circuit board or fibre optic representative for further information on meas- connector module with a new one.
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