Safety Information - Canon IVY REC User Manual

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Please read the following instructions and safety precautions before using the device.
For regulatory and additional safety information, refer to the Regulation and Warranty
Information sheet included in your package contents.
RMN: PG1001
Regulatory Model Identification Number is assigned for regulatory identification purpose.
• Keep away from children and infants. Improper use of this product may cause suffocation
or accident.
• Stop using the device immediately if it emits smoke or a strange smell, or otherwise
behaves abnormally.
• A strap wound around a child's neck may result in asphyxiation. If your product uses a
power cord, mistakenly winding the cord around a child's neck may result in asphyxiation.
• Turn the device off in places where camera use is prohibited. The electromagnetic waves
emitted by the camera may interfere with the operation of electronic instruments and
other devices. Exercise adequate caution when using the product in places where use of
electronic devices is restricted, such as inside airplanes and medical facilities.
• This product is embedded with magnets. Please be careful if implant electronic devices
(such as cardiac pacemaker) nearby, as magnets may cause malfunctions. If this happens,
please distance the magnet from the implant electronic device and consult the doctor at


Used to indicate a potentially hazardous situation which,
if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

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