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Maintenance - Strong Ultra 80 Instruction Manual

Xenon lamphouse type 40001, 40002


THE ULTRA 80 LAMPHOUSE requires very little maintenance to keep it in good
working order. Cleanliness is the most important element.
THE REFLECTOR should be cleaned periodically with a soft, clean, lint free cloth to
remove any dust from the reflecting surface. If excessively soiled, use of a mild commercial glass
cleaner (Windex
or equivalent) is acceptable; USE NO ABRASIVE CLEANERS.
THE XENON BULB should be checked occasionally for the presence of foreign ma-
terial on the envelope. Any dirt or other foreign material should be removed promptly. Use only
alcohol and a clean cloth to clean the bulb; rinse with distilled water and dry carefully. DO NOT touch
the bulb with bare fingers, and observe all safety procedures when working around the bulb.
THE INSIDE OF THE LAMPHOUSE and the impeller blades of the blower should be
cleaned periodically, depending on the dust conditions at each installation. The grilles over the air
intakes can be removed for cleaning; do not allow dirt or dust to build up on the grille or in the fan
THE XENON LAMPHOUSE does not require any lubrication other than at the
blower(s). Use two or three drops of non-detergent motor oil every four to six months. The oil holes
are located on the motor portion of the blower. Removing the blower covers will not affect the
mounting of the blowers.
CHECK ALL ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS periodically for tightness, especially
the DC leads at the xenon bulb and at the shunt and igniter. Inspect crimped joints for oxidation, and
remake the connection if oxidized.
FOLLOW THE RECOMMENDATIONS of the xenon bulb manufacturer regarding
periodic bulb rotation. It is a general practice to rotate the bulb 180° at 50% of warranty life. After
rotating a bulb, increase current to the maximum allowable level, and operate the bulb at this elevated
level for three or four shows.
ALWAYS allow the lamphouse blower and the exhaust system to operate for at least
ten minutes after extinguishing the bulb. Failure to do so will shorten bulb life.



