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Subaru Forester 2.5 XS L.L.BEAN Brochure & Specs page 2

Subaru 2005 car brochure


A B A L A N C E O F C O M F O R T , U T I L I T Y A N D C A P A B I L I T Y .
Beware the beaten path. It is the path of
followers, not leaders. Of tourists, not
explorers. It is the road traveled by those
more trusting of convention than invention.
And it is not the path of Subaru. Because
for over three decades we have blazed
our own trail, building the kind of cars
people depend on every day. Capable
cars. Rational cars. Intelligent cars.
We introduced America to the beauty of
All-Wheel Drive. We proved ourselves on
rally courses around the world, but our
journey never truly ends, it merely evolves.
As do we, with cars that offer more than
mere capability. Much more. They are
stylish. Powerful. Exhilarating. They
ignite passion. In this way, we constantly
push the boundaries. Continually
redefining what a Subaru can be.

