Dab Radio; Fm Radio - Monacor WAP-200 Instruction Manual

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4.2 DAB radio

1) Press the button MODE repeatedly until
DAB radio
appears . When the digital
radio is switched on for the first time, the
station scan will automatically be started to
find the stations in your reception range:
Then, a list with the stations found will
Station list
Radio London
Hot PoP
RADIO Europe
2) To select a station, turn the knob CON-
TROL SELECT and then press the knob to
confirm .
With the remote control: Select the
station with the button  or  and call
it up with the button ENTER .
Radio London
Hits nonstop
with JD Mike
The display will show the station and in-
formation with regard to the programme
and / or with regard to the music title cur-
rently played . Press the button INFO (re-
peatedly) to show more information . The
icons in the lower line have the following
stereo replay
indication of the signal strength re-
no connection to the Internet
3) To switch to a different station, proceed as
described in step 2 .
4) To perform a new station scan (e . g . because
new stations are available or because the re-
ception antenna has been realigned), press
the button MENU, select the line
and press the knob CONTROL SELECT .
All DAB channels can also be manually
selected via the menu line
. To return from the manual selec-
tion of DAB channels to the station list,
press the button MENU repeatedly until
the menu "DAB" appears . Then select the
and press the knob
Station list
CONTROL SELECT to call up the list .
5) Ten stations can be stored on the ten stor-
age locations: Keep the button PRESET
pressed until the menu "Save to Preset"
appears (fig . 34) . Turn the knob CONTROL
SELECT to select an unused location and
then press the knob .
Save to preset
1. Radio London
2. [Not set]
3. [Not set]
4. [Not set]
5. [Not set]
Once the station has been stored, the display
will show information with regard to the
station stored . In the lower line, the storage
location number will be preceded by "P" .
To store stations with the remote con-
trol, keep the button PRESET pressed until
Fig. 31
the menu "Save to Preset" appears . Select
an unused storage location with the but-
ton  or  and then store the station with
the button ENTER .
6) To call up a station stored, briefly press the
button PRESET . Select the station with the
knob CONTROL SELECT and then press the
knob to confirm . To call up a stored station
Fig. 32
by means of the remote control, press one
of the buttons 1 – 5; for the storage loca-
tions 6 – 10, first press the button SHIFT
and then one of the buttons 1 – 5 .
7) Stations that currently do not broadcast
signals, can be removed from the station
list: Press the button MENU, select the line
Prune invalid
CONTROL SELECT . In the following con-
firmation prompt, select
8) To define the order of the stations in the
stations list: Press the button MENU, select
Fig. 33
the line
Station order
The following options are available:
A lphanumeric
alphanumerically .
E nsemble
channels; multiple stations are received
for each channel .
= First, the stations that currently
V alid
broadcast signals are listed in alphanu-
meric order . Then, the stations that cur-
rently do not broadcast signals are listed .
The asterisk
ting . Turn the knob CONTROL SELECT to
select the sorting desired and then press
the knob to activate it .
9) For some programmes, the dynamics of
the audio signal can be compressed: The
volume of quiet sounds will be increased
and loud sounds will be attenuated (ideally
suited for background music, for example) .
Press the button MENU, select the line
(dynamic range control) and press
the knob CONTROL SELECT . The following
options are available:
DRC high
DRC low
DRC off
The asterisk
ting . Turn the knob CONTROL SELECT to
select the compression desired and then
press the knob to activate it .
Note: The DRC setting will have no effect on the
audio signal when no data for compression are
sent along with the programme .
Fig. 34
and press the knob
and confirm .
= All stations are sorted
= The stations are sorted by
will indicate the current set-
= high level of compression
= low level of compression
= no compression
will indicate the current set-

4.3 FM radio

1) Press the button MODE repeatedly until
appears . Then, the operating
FM radio
mode indication "FM" will appear:
2) When the FM radio is switched on for the
first time, all stations must first be scanned
and stored . To start the station scan, press
the knob CONTROL SELECT . The scan will
start at the reception frequency 87 .5 MHz
and will stop at the first station .
3) If required, turn the knob CONTROL SE-
LECT for a fine adjustment of the reception
frequency in 50 kHz increments .
4) If the station broadcasts RDS information
(Radio Data System), R • D • S will appear
in the lower display line . The station name
will be shown and, if applicable, informa-
tion with regard to the station and / or with
regard to the current music title . Press the
button INFO (repeatedly) to show more
information . The icons in the lower line
have the following meaning:
stereo replay
indication of the signal strength re-
no connection to the Internet
5) To store the station, keep the button
PRESET pressed until the menu "Save to
Preset" appears . Turn the knob CONTROL
SELECT to select an unused storage loca-
tion and then press the knob .
Save to Preset
2. [not set]
3. [not set]
4. [not set]
5. [not set]
Once the station has been stored, the display
will show information with regard to the
station stored . In the lower line, the storage
location number will be preceded by "P" .
To store stations with the remote con-
trol, keep the button PRESET pressed until
the menu "Save to Preset" appears . Select
an unused storage location with the but-
ton  or  and then store the station with
the button ENTER .
6) To call up a station stored, briefly press the
button PRESET . Select the station with the
knob CONTROL SELECT and then press the
knob to confirm . To call up a stored station
by means of the remote control, press one
of the buttons 1 – 5; for the storage loca-
tions 6 – 10, first press the button SHIFT
and then one of the buttons 1 – 5 .
7) The automatic scan is factory-set to only
stop at stations with strong reception . For
the automatic scan to stop at stations with
poor reception, press the button MENU .
The menu "FM" will appear:
Fig. 35
Fig. 36


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