
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual
Serial No.: BMAA/HB/_ _ _
Approving Authority
British Microlight Aircraft Association
The Bullring, Deddington, Banbury
Oxon, OX15 0TT, United Kingdom
by delegation from the United Kingdom Civil Aviation Authority
Flylight Airsports Ltd, Sywell Aerodrome, Sywell Northants NN6 0BT
This manual is approved for use with Skyranger Swift aircraft issued with a United Kingdom
type accepted (amateur-built) Permit to Fly. It must remain with the aircraft, and not be
amended or altered without authority from the manufacturer in conjunction with the BMAA
or UK CAA.
All pilots should read this manual before flying as pilot in command of the aircraft to which
it refers.
Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Flylight Airsports Skyranger Swift

  • Page 1 Manufacturer Flylight Airsports Ltd, Sywell Aerodrome, Sywell Northants NN6 0BT This manual is approved for use with Skyranger Swift aircraft issued with a United Kingdom type accepted (amateur-built) Permit to Fly. It must remain with the aircraft, and not be amended or altered without authority from the manufacturer in conjunction with the BMAA or UK CAA.
  • Page 2 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    Contents Introduction ....................... 5 Description of the Aircraft ..................6 Limitations ......................... 8 Flying the Skyranger Swift ..................10 Performance ......................21 Emergencies ......................23 Rigging and De-rigging .................... 25 Weight and Balance ....................26 Maintenance ......................27 9.7 Check A ........................30 9.8 Routine maintenance worksheet ................
  • Page 4 TABLE OF AMENDMENTS Reference Changes incorporated date Issue 3 Revision of maintenance requirements 04.10.18 and worksheet. Addition of trim and tuning section. Description of fuel system, many other small corrections / changes. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 5: Introduction

    Skyranger Swift must be approved by the British Microlight Aircraft Association. The license required to fly the Skyranger Swift in the UK are either a EASA PPL / LAPL, UK PPL (A) with SEP or Microlight ratings, UK NPPL with microlight rating or NPPL SSEA with differences training for microlight aircraft.
  • Page 6: Description Of The Aircraft

    1998. The manufacture of the Skyranger was moved to Aeros in the Ukraine in 1998, incorporating many developments in the design. An updated shorter wing model – The Skyranger Swift then followed, updated again in 2014 (known as ‘Swift2’) to incorporate several features / options with the Skyranger Nynja.
  • Page 7 (optional) electrical back-up fuel pump. An anti vapour-lock restricted return allows fuel flow back from the engine compartment to the fuel tanks. 2.4.4 The tank outlet has a strainer, and an additional fuel filter is used in the supply line. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 8: Limitations

    Annex A to this manual. There will also be a placard in the cockpit, however space is allowed below for you to insert the IAS limitations and calibration details for your aircraft. IAS Calibration Card for Skyranger Swift G-_______. Kn CAS 33.5 (Calibrated)
  • Page 9 Operational Limitations 3.3.1 The Skyranger Swift must only be flown in day VMC conditions 3.3.2 The Skyranger Swift is certified to a "permit to fly" standard. This prohibits commercial operation. 3.3.3 UK Skyranger Swifts are approved to a UK standard, this means that permission is required from the host country to fly it overseas.
  • Page 10: Flying The Skyranger Swift

    Taxiing 4.3.1 Before Taxiing ensure that the engine has run for at least 2 minutes from cold. Do not use high RPM until the engine has reached its minimum flight operating temps. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 11 The turning circle normally is around 20 feet in diameter (at the aircraft centreline). 4.3.3 Relatively light weight aircraft like the Skyranger Swift can be blown over in winds over 25knots. It is imperative that when taxiing in strong winds that the correct control placements are used.
  • Page 12 Check wind speed and direction / crosswind component  Consider emergency actions – abort point EFATO options etc  A – All clear Confirm all clear on approach  R/T call if required and line up on runway  Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 13 When airborne allow the aircraft to accelerate to 48 knots CAS [ IAS] for best obstacle clearance. Be aware that at this speed prompt action will be needed to lower the nose and obtain glide speed in the event of power loss. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 14 4.8.4 As the aircraft lifts off, adopt a shallow climb attitude. Gently yaw the aircraft into wind to set up the required drift angle, and centralise the ailerons and balance ball. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 15 4.10.3 Accurate airspeed control is the key to short field performance and pilots new to the Skyranger Swift must practice until this is achieved, to be able to land in the published distance.
  • Page 16 4.12 Cross wind landing 4.12.1 The Skyranger Swift has a maximum demonstrated crosswind component of 15 knots. Cross wind components above 10 knots should not be attempted other than by experienced pilots fully familiar with the type.
  • Page 17 4.13 Cruise The Skyranger Swift has a large range of cruise speed. At the higher values fuel consumption will be correspondingly higher. Cruise is set up in the normal way by selecting the required attitude and power and trimming off any residual pitch forces.
  • Page 18 Because of the increased slipstream and torque effect at high power settings considerable rudder deflection may be required to keep in balance as the stall is approached. Stalling out of balance can result in considerable wing drop. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 19 4.16.6 In Turning Flight. Stalling speeds are increased with bank angle, in the manner normally expected. The Skyranger Swift often has the characteristic of rolling towards wings level as the stall occurs. Recovery is standard. Move the stick forwards to reduce angle of attack and apply power. Simultaneous opposite rudder should be applied against any rolling tendency.
  • Page 20 5kn or so slower. 4.19.3 The Skyranger Swift can also be flown with either the one or two- piece doors removed entirely. 4.19.4 The Skyranger Swift exhibits greater directional stability when flown with the doors open / removed.
  • Page 21: Performance

    Skyranger Swift. The pilot is encouraged to plan very conservatively until sufficient experience is gained of the fuel consumption and cruising speeds at the conditions in which the aircraft is normally flown.
  • Page 22 Now to be sure, multiply by 1.43, to take into account that you may not fly the aeroplane as well as the company test pilot did when he worked out the values in the manual. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 23: Emergencies

    If wearing lifejackets, do not inflate them until outside the aircraft. Note that it is very hard to judge height above water. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 24 In addition, the BMAA has not approved the system itself or considered in what circumstances, if any, it might be deployed. The approval does not require the system to demonstrate to be effective in safely recovering the aeroplane and its occupant(s). Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 25: Rigging And De-Rigging

    The tail plane is not designed to be a regular de-rig item, however it may be removed for long distance trailering, as may the rudder. When re assembling these parts replace all Nyloc nuts that were removed for disassembly. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 26: Weight And Balance

    So long as it is kept within the placarded operating limits, and no unapproved modifications have been made since construction (including the alteration of ballast), the Skyranger Swift can be flown with any permitted fuel, pilot and passenger weights without falling outside of its permitted CG limits.
  • Page 27: Maintenance

    Who may carry out maintenance, and who’s responsibility is it? 9.2.1 The Skyranger Swift has been designed and conceived to be maintained by a person without specific training in mechanics. However some...
  • Page 28 1. Check A – this is a daily inspection. A sub version of this is a subsequent preflight inspection, which may be slightly less detailed. 2. Check B – 50 hour / 6 month inspection (whichever comes sooner). This inspection may be also be extended by 10% (5 hours). Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 29 For convenience owners may choose to base times on engine hours. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 30: Check A

    Security of the engine cowling  Moving down the starboard side of the aircraft and along the starboard wing, inspect Static vent is clear of obstructions  Condition of door, hinges and latches  Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 31 Condition of door, hinges and latches  Static vent (if fitted) is clear of obstructions  Finally stand back and take an overall view looking for general symmetry.  Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 32: Routine Maintenance Worksheet

    Check condition and security of wheel spats (if fitted) 50hrs required tick Propeller Inspect blades for nicks and splits 50hrs Remove spinner and check hub and spacer for security and condition 50hrs Check securing bolts torque 50hrs Check blade pitch setting 50hrs Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 33 50hrs Check elevator joiner for condition, and security/ integrity between elevator halves (grasp each elevator 50hrs and apply some torque pressure in opposition – there should be no movement) Check operation of elevator 50hrs Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 34 Lubricate exhaust ball joints 100hrs Check heater components – security of heater wrap, ducting, valves and operation. 50hrs Check electrical system – engine connections, security and condition. Spark plug connections, CDI unit 50hrs security. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 35 Replace wing fold spar attachment pins 500hrs Replace control stick pivot bolt 1000hrs Replace control stick torque tube forward hinge bolt 1000hrs Replace all Control cables (elevator, aileron, rudder) 1000hrs Work carried out by…………………………………………on……………………………….Date Signed………………………………………………………….. Comments: Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 36 9.8. 9.10 Fabric 9.10.1 The Skyranger Swift can be fitted with either Dacron or Xlam coverings. It should be noted that Dacron degrades more rapidly than Xlam when exposed to UV light, and therefore requires more care to ensure a long service life.
  • Page 37 9.13.1 Engine mount rubbers slowly wear out over time. They should be changed ‘On Condition’: 9.13.2 They should be changed if external signs of cracking / perishing are present. 9.13.3 They should be changed if excessive movement is present. Check this in the following way: Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 38 SKR.15. Lock the brakes on and rock the aircraft backwards and forwards to assess this. Check also the main cross beam SKR.9 for straightness. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 39 9.16 Major strip down 9.16.1 It is recommended that the Skyranger Swift receive a major strip down inspection after a substantial period of use / time. In average conditions this is recommended at 1000hours / 5 years. Aircraft...
  • Page 40: Repairs

    10.4 Repair by replacement is the usual course of action, and as such requires no special additional approval. However repair of a particular Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 41 On a simple aircraft like the Skyranger Swift it is normally far simpler and cheaper to replace the damaged component. 10.5 Repairs to the Engine.
  • Page 42: 11. Trim And Tuning

    They fit in the outer ends of the wing struts. If aircraft is rolling left fit the longer strut end to the right wing, and vice versa. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 43 The bungee has a tendency to lose its effectiveness over time and should be replaced periodically. Details of how to fit the bungee are in the build manual. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 44: Vital Statistics

    Vital Statistics Weight values for this Skyranger Swift are at Annex D and a description of the aircraft is at Section 2. See also the 3 view at the beginning of this handbook The following describes the basic dimensions of the aircraft:- Length 5.9m...
  • Page 45 ANNEX A MAAN RECOMMENDING ISSUE OF A PERMIT TO FLY The approval MAAN for this aircraft is to follow this page. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 46 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 47 ANNEX B ENGINE MANUAL The operators and maintenance manual for the engine fitted to this aircraft is to follow this page. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 48 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 49 ANNEX C WEIGHT AND BALANCE REPORT Forms BMAA/AW/028 completed for this aircraft are to follow this page. Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 50 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 51 ANNEX D MINOR MODIFICATIONS FITTED TO THIS AIRCRAFT SINCE INITIAL PERMIT ISSUE Minor modification approval sheets are to follow this page Minmod Description Sign and date incorporated Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 52 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 53 MAJOR MODIFICATIONS FITTED TO THIS AIRCRAFT SINCE INITIAL PERMIT ISSUE BMAA MAANs and CAA AANs (other than the original approval MAAN) are to follow this page. MAAN / Issue Description Sign and date AAN No. incorporated Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 54 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 55 ANNEX F INSTRUCTIONS AND MANUALS FOR OTHER DEVICES FITTED TO THIS AIRCRAFT Description Issue or Approval Mod No., date or original equipment Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)
  • Page 56 Skyranger Swift Operators Manual (issue 3)

Table of Contents