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n 80HP CDF -
P CDF Tractor
peration Manual
peration Manual


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Summary of Contents for Agrison 80HP CDF

  • Page 1 Agriso n 80HP CDF - 100HP P CDF Tractor peration Manual peration Manual...
  • Page 2   用 户 须 知 Instructions to the User    用 户 须 知 Instructions to the User 尊敬的用户: Dear user, 感谢您对我公司的信任,购买我公司生产的“沭河”牌系列轮式拖拉机,为了您能正确、合理、高 效地使用该拖拉机,请您注意以下重要信息: Thank you for your trust of our company and procurement of our “Shuhe” series wheeled tractor. To correctly, rationally, and efficiently use the tractor, please pay attention to the following important information: 使用本拖拉机之前,不管您以前有无驾驶经验,都应该认真阅读本说明书。这样将会有助于您更合...
  • Page 3   用 户 须 知 Instructions to the User    本使用说明书并非产品质量保证书, 本书的数据、 插图和说明等内容仅限于操作、 保养和维修机器。 The Use And Maintenance is not same as the product quality guarantee, and the data, illustrations, and descriptions are only applicable for the tractor operation, maintenance, and repair. 本系列拖拉机的执行标准为 GB/T 15370.2《农业拖拉机通用技术条件 第 2 部分:50kW~130kW 轮式拖拉机》和...
  • Page 4   常用单位中英文对照表 Common Unit Contrast List (Chinese - English) 常用单位中英文对照表 Common Unit Contrast List (Chinese - English) 序号 单位类别 国际单位 中文对照 Unit Category International Unit English Meaning 秒 Second 时间 分钟 Time Minute 小时 Hour 毫米 Millimeter 厘米 长度 Centimeter 米...
  • Page 5   常用单位中英文对照表 Common Unit Contrast List (Chinese ‐ English)    电流   安培 Current Ampere 电压 伏     Voltage Volt 升       容积 Liter Capacity 毫升     Milliliter 流量 升、分钟     L/min Flow Liter per minute 千瓦       功率 Kilowatt  ...
  • Page 6   概 述、预期用途 Overview,Expected purposes      概 述 Overview 本说明书详细地介绍了 SH90 系列轮式拖拉机安全规则及使用注意事项、主要技术规格、磨合、使用、 技术保养、调整、常见故障和故障排除方法等,是本产品使用和维修人员必备的技术资料,也可供有关农机 管理人员参考。 This instruction book makes a detailed description of safety rules, precautions, main technical specifications, running-in, use, technical maintenance, adjustment, common faults and failure elimination methods of the SH90 series wheeled tractor, and it is a necessary technical document for the users and maintenance personnel of this product and it can also be available as reference for agricultural machinery management personnel.
  • Page 7   概 述、预期用途 Overview,Expected purposes      This tractor can only be operated, maintained and repaired by those who are familiar with its characteristics and have ralated safe operation knowledge. 任何时候都必须遵守防止发生意外的规则和其他安全以及道路交通规则。 Rules that prevent accidents and other safety and road traffic must be obeyed at any time. 任何对本拖拉机的擅自改制,或用于拖拉机预期用途相违背的作业,而导致及其可靠性降低、机器损坏...
  • Page 8: Table Of Contents

      目录 Catalogues  目录 Catalogues 1 .安全注意事项 Safety precautions ..........................  1   安全规则及使用注意事项 Safety rules and notices of use ................  1   安全警告标志 Safety Warning Mark  ........................  9   2 .产品标志 Product Marking ............................  1 9  3 .拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  ................  2 1  产品型号 Product model ............................  2 1  产品技术规格 Product Specification ........................  2 3  发动机主要技术规格...
  • Page 9   拖拉机的启封 Tractor unsealing ........................ 166  8 交货、验收、运输 Delivery, inspection and transportation  ................... 168  交货、验收 Delivery & inspection ........................ 168  运输 Transportation  ............................... 168  9 拆散和处置 Disassemble and dispose  ........................ 170  10. 保修事项 Warranty term ............................ 171  产品保修的依据 Product warranty basis  ....................... 171  不实行保修的情况 Cases not covered by the warranty policies  .............. 171  11. 附录 Appendixes .............................. 173  拖拉机的用油和溶液 Oils and solutions used on the tractor  ................. 173  主要螺栓、螺母拧紧力矩表 Tightening torque table of major bolts and nuts  ........... 175  油封...
  • Page 10: 安全注意事项 Safety Precautions

      安全注意事项 Safety precautions 1.安全注意事项 Safety precautions 1.1 安全规则及使用注意事项 Safety rules and notices of use 操作前必读 Reading prior use 必须充分地阅读并理解使用保养说明书及安全警告标志; The instructions for use and maintenance and the safety warning identifiers have to be fully read and understood. 必须记住正确的操作及作业方法。 The correct manipulation and operating method have to be kept in mind. 图...
  • Page 11   安全注意事项 Safety precautions        油料的使用 Use of fuel 燃油为易燃物,使用时应严禁烟火; The fuel is the combustible substance,fire is strictly prohibited when in use. 燃油箱加油前,应将发动机熄火; Prior to tank refueling, the engine should shut down. 加油和检修燃油系统时严禁吸烟; Smoking is strictly prohibited when the fuel system is refueled and overhauled.
  • Page 12   安全注意事项 Safety precautions 紧急事件的处置 Disposal in emergency cases 1. 刹车失灵时,英文定方向盘,到达安全的地方立即熄火,关闭发动机。 In case of brake fail, steadily holds the steering wheel. Shuts down the engine at a safe place and shut the engine down. 2. 方向盘失灵时,应立即刹车,然后熄火关闭发动机。 In case of malfunction of the steering wheel malfunctions, brakes immediately, and then shuts down the engine.
  • Page 13   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  mats are not allowed to lay around the pedals, in order to avoid the influence on the treadle movement and cause the accidental danger.  拖拉机行走时不允许有人上下拖拉机, 发动机运转时不允许爬到拖拉机底下进行检查和修理, 以防 发生危险。 While the tractor is moving, persons are not allowed to get on and off. During the engine run. no check and repair operation by crawling under the bottom of' the tractor are permitted for prevention from the accidental danger.
  • Page 14   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  拖拉机进行收割或场院作业时,须在排气管上安装火星消灭装置,以免发生意外危险事故。 When the tractor carries on the harvest or backyard work, the spark extinguish device must be fixed on the exhaust pipe, in order to avoid the accidental fire.  雨雪天作业时,必须降低作业速度,避免道路、地面湿滑造成的翻车危险。 When working on rain day, the operation rate must be reduced to prevent the path and ground from creating slippery and the danger of overturns.
  • Page 15   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  prevent the tractor from the sudden startup, action out of control and accidental risk.  不得已在斜坡停放车时,应使手制动手柄处于工作状态,使发动机熄火,挂上档(上坡位置挂前 进档,下坡位置挂倒档) ,一定要使用驻车制动并用三角塞块将后轮塞住,以防拖拉机自行动作失 控,发生意外危险。 When, the hand braking handle should be in active state, let the engine shut down, put on gear (Uphill position on front gear, downhill on reverse gear position), The auxiliary brake must be used with three pieces of triangle chocks blocking the rear wheels, to prevent from the action out of control and the accidental risk.
  • Page 16   安全注意事项 Safety precautions connection, for this will cause the damage on the Rototiller and severe damage on the tractor clutch [To increase the work efficiency, the power supply can not be shut off at the time of curve, however, the lifting height of tools must maintain ca.
  • Page 17   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  进行电器部件维修时 Maintenance of electric parts 将电锁开关的钥匙拔下来。 Tanks out the electrical locking switch key. 将搭铁线与蓄电池断开后,才能进行电器维修。 Only the electric appliance service can be carried out after the earth wire has been separated from the battery. 图 1-8 进行电器部件维修 Fig. 1-8 Maintenance of electric parts  ...
  • Page 18: 安全警告标志 Safety Warning Mark

      安全注意事项 Safety precautions 1.2 安全警告标志 Safety Warning Mark 注意: CAUTION: 安全警告标志应保持清晰易见,变得脏污时,可用肥皂水来洗,以柔软抹布擦拭干净; The safety warning mark shall be kept clear and visible; if becoming dirty, the soapy water and a piece of soft cloth shall be used for cleaning; 安全标志丢失或不清晰时,需及时同经销部门或生产厂家联系进行更换; When the safety mark is lost or unclear, the dealer or the manufacturer shall be timely contacted for replacement;...
  • Page 19   安全注意事项 Safety precautions    含义:禁止乘坐在拖拉机非乘员位置上,以免妨碍驾驶员的视 线,造成人身伤害; Meaning: It is forbidden to sit on the driver’s seat, so as to avoid hindering the driver’s sight and causing personal injury; 粘贴位置:左后挡泥板前侧 Sticking position: Front side of left and right fenders     含义:见左图所示。...
  • Page 20   安全注意事项 Safety precautions 含义:按要求对吸油滤清器进行清洗,并同时检查滤网、 密封圈等易损件,若有损坏,应及时更换。 Meaning: Clean filter required, simultaneously check the filter screen, seal ring, and other vulnerable parts. If damaged, timely replace them. 粘贴位置:吸油滤清器固定板上。 Sticking position: On the fixing plate of the oil filter. Maintenance of the oil filter When the tractor has been worked for 125 h, the initial cleaning can be done;...
  • Page 21   安全注意事项 Safety precautions        含义:动力输出轴工作时,应远离动力源;动力输出轴挂接农机具 时应停机操作。 Meaning: The working power-take-off shaft shall be away from the power source; when the power-take-off shaft is hooked with the agricultural machinery, it shall be stopped for operation. 粘贴位置:动力输出防护罩上部 Sticking position: Upper part of the power-take-off shaft shroud  ...
  • Page 22   安全注意事项 Safety precautions 含义: 应定期检查位于后桥壳体端面的油尺高度, 以避免润滑油液面低于 油尺下限而造成传动系零部件损坏. Meaning: The oil dipstick height at the end surface of the rear axle housing shall be regularly checked, so as to avoid damaging the transmission system parts owing to the fact that the lubricating oil level is lower than the lower limit of the oil dipstick.
  • Page 23   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  含义:只有在机器的所有部件完全停止运转后,才能与其接触,以免造成人 身伤害。 Meaning: The parts can be contacted after they completely stop, so as to avoid personal injury. 粘贴位置:PTO(动力输出轴)防护罩上。 Sticking position: On the PTO (power-take-off shaft) shroud.                      ...
  • Page 24   安全注意事项 Safety precautions 含义:请阅读使用说明书,了解无文字安全标识的含义,以免造成人身伤害。 Meaning: Please read the Use And Maintenance to comprehend meanings of the safety marks without characters, so as to avoid personal injury. 粘贴位置:仪表台正面。 Sticking position: Dashboard front side. 含义;为防止人身伤害,此处禁止乘坐、脚踏。 Meaning: To prevent personal injury, it is not allowed to sit or stand on it. 粘贴位置:地板后横板。...
  • Page 25   安全注意事项 Safety precautions  含义:驾驶员必须在驾驶座位上起动发动机,严禁在起动机处以短路的方 式起动发动机,以免造成人身伤害。 Meaning: The driver must start the engine on the driver’s seat; it is not allowed to start the engine by short circuit method at the starter, so as to avoid personal injury. 粘贴位置:仪表台正面。 Sticking position: Dashboard front side.  ...
  • Page 26   安全注意事项 Safety precautions 含义:见左图所示。 Meaning: It is shown in the left-side picture. 粘贴位置:动力输出轴附近。 Sticking position: Near the power-take-off shaft To prevent personal injury, please mount the shroud on the power-take-off shaft when it doesn’t work.  ...
  • Page 27   安全注意事项 Safety precautions    含义:见左图所示。 Meaning: It is shown in the left-side picture. 粘贴位置:气制动储气罐表面。 (选装) Sticking position: Air brake reservoir surface. (Optional)                               To prevent ineffective air brake system, after every 50 working hours, the drain valve...
  • Page 28: 产品标志 Product Marking

      产品标志 Product Marking  2.产品标志 Product Marking 产品铭牌 Product nameplate 产品铭牌是拖拉机的重要有效识别标志, 其位置在拖拉机仪表台左侧。 在接受服务时服务人员要查 。 看产品铭牌,因此,请不要丢失产品铭牌,并要保持清晰 The nameplate is an important and effective identification mark of the tractor, which location is at the left side of the tractor dashboard. The service personnel will chek the product nameplate when received service so it is important to keep it safe and clear.
  • Page 29    ...
  • Page 30   产品标志 Product Marking  整机型号和出厂编号 Overrall unit model and serial number 拖拉机出厂时,整机型号和出厂编号打刻位置在变速箱右侧面上,具体位置如图所示。 When the tractor is delivered from the factory, the overall unit model and serial number are engraved on the left side of the gearbox. The specific location can be seen in the Figure  ...
  • Page 31: 拖拉机主要技术规格 Main Technical Specifications Of The Tractor

      拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 3.拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 3.1 产品型号 Product model 沭河 SH 系列拖拉机产品型号含义如下: The implication of Shuhe SH series tractors models is as follows: ○ ○ ○ □ — □ 重大变形顺序号 Sequence number of major transformation 功能代号,空白表示一般农业用式,T 表示运输用式。...
  • Page 32   产品型号对应的功率: Power corresponding to product model: SH800/SH804 轮式拖拉机额定功率为 59kW(千瓦)[80PS(马力)] The rated power of SH800/SH804 wheeled tractor is 59kW[80PS] SH850/SH854 轮式拖拉机额定功率为 62.5kW(千瓦)[85PS(马力)] The rated power of SH850/SH854 wheeled tractor is 62.5kW[85PS] SH900/SH904 轮式拖拉机额定功率为 66.2kW(千瓦)[90PS(马力)] The rated power of SH900/SH904 wheeled tractor is 66.2kW[90PS] SH950/SH954 轮式拖拉机额定功率为...
  • Page 33: 产品技术规格 Product Specification

      拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 3.2 产品技术规格 Product Specification SH800/SH804/SH850/SH854/SH900/SH904 项目 单位 SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit 型式 4×2 轮式 4×4 轮式 4×2 轮式 4×4 轮式 4×2 轮式 4×4 轮式 —— 4×2WHEELED 4×4WHEELED 4×2WHEELED 4×4WHEELED 4×2WHEELED 4×4WHEELED...
  • Page 34   1410 轮距 (标准轮 1510 1410 1410 胎) 1610 1510 1510 前轮 mm(毫米) Wheel track 1710 1610 1610 1610 1610 1610 Front wheel (常用 1510) (standard 1710 1710 (常用 1510) (常用 1510) Frequently-used , tyre) 1,510)  ...
  • Page 35   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位             SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit 前轮调整方式     有级可调 固定式 有级可调 固定式 有级可调 固定式 Front wheel adjustment —— Step adjustable Fixed type Step adjustable Fixed type Step adjustable Fixed type method...
  • Page 36   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit Mass Front With CAB               distribution wheel 不带驾驶室 kg(千克) 1300 1500 1300 1500 1300 1500 Without CAB 带驾驶室...
  • Page 37   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位             SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit 前轴           前轴 伸缩套管式 伸缩套管式 伸缩套管式 Front —— —— —— —— Front shaft Telescopic type Telescopic type Telescopic type shaft 中置式传动轴...
  • Page 38   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit /225~245( tra (transport /225~245( tra (transport /225~245( tra (transport         nsport operations) nsport operations) nsport operations) operations) operations) operations) 118~138(田间作业)/167~176(运输作业)...
  • Page 39   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位             SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit   Distributor   Side valve type 直径 X 行程       mm(毫米) 油缸 DiameterX φ110×128 stroke cylinder 型式   双作用 ——...
  • Page 40   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit 型式   液压输出(选装) —— 液 压 输 Type Hydraulic output (optional) 出 数量 —— Hydrauli Quantity c output 规格 —— M18X1.5 Specifications 后置独立式...
  • Page 41   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位             SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit 型号 包含在电器盒中       —— 调节器 Model Included in the electrical box Regulat 调节电压     V(伏) Regulating voltage   型号...
  • Page 42   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit     lamp     后组合灯 示宽 10W,转向 21W,制动 21W,反射器(红)左右各一个 Rear combination —— For width of 10W, for steering 21W, one reflector(red) on either side. lamp 后工作灯...
  • Page 43   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位             SH800 SH804 SH850 SH854 SH900 SH904 Project Unit   Oil-bath air cleaner   Filled to specified oil lever as required. 液压转向用油   L(升) Hydraulic steering oil 传动系用油   L(升) Transmission system oil 提升器...
  • Page 44   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit   Height (to the muffler top, standard     tyre) 轴距 mm(毫米) 2195 Wheel base 1410 1410 1510 1510 前轮 1610 mm(毫米) 1610 1610 1610 Front wheel 1710...
  • Page 45   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位         SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit   Without CAB           带驾驶室         kg(千克) 最小使用质量 3590 4200 3590 4200 With CAB Minimum 不带驾驶室      ...
  • Page 46   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit 差速器 四行星轮、闭式     —— Differential Four planetary wheels, closed type 差速锁 花键套式 —— Differential lock Spline bushing type 后最终传动 行星齿轮式 —— Rear final drive Planetary gear type 前轴...
  • Page 47   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位         SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit 167~186 118~138 167~186 118~138         (field work) (field work) (field work) (field work) /225~245(运输作 /167~176(运 /225~245(运输作 /167~176(运 业) 输作业) 业) 输作业) /225~245( transport /167~176 /225~245( transport /167~176...
  • Page 48   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit device     Open, split type 液压油泵 齿轮泵、CBJ30-F20HZ —— Hydraulic oil pump Gear pump, CBJ30-F20HZ 分配器 滑阀式 —— Distributor Side valve type 直径 X 行程 φ110×128 φ110×128 油缸...
  • Page 49   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位         SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit 液压输出(选装)   型式 液压输出(选装)   Hydraulic output Type Hydraulic output (optional) 液压输出 (optional) 数量 Hydraulic     output Quantity 规格     M18X1.5 M18X1.5 Specifications 后置独立式...
  • Page 50   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit     Power     型号 包含在电器盒中 —— Model Included in the electrical box 调节器 调节电压 Regulator V(伏) Regulating voltage 型号 —— QDJ154F/QDJ1408GM/ A8300-3708100/ QDJ1567 Model 起动机...
  • Page 51   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 单位         SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit 前位置灯         Front 12V,5W,2 个 —— position lamp 后组合灯     示宽 10W,转向 21W,制动 21W,反射器(红)左右各一个 Rear —— For width of 10W, for steering 21W, one reflector(red) on either side. combination lamp 后工作灯...
  • Page 52: 发动机主要技术规格 The Engine Main Technical Specifications

      拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 单位 SH950 SH954 SH1000 SH1004 Project Unit 散热器 L(升) Radiator 发动机油底壳 按发动机说明书 L(升) Engine oil pan In accordance with the instruction instruction book of the engine 燃油箱 L(升) Fuel tank 油浴式空气滤清器 按需加至规定油面...
  • Page 53   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 Item 单位 Unit SH800/ SH804 SH850/SH854 SH900/SH904 动 Manufacturing   YTO (Luoyang) Diesel Engine Co., Ltd. / Guangxi Yuchai Machinery Co., Ltd. 机 enterprise 商标与品牌   东方红/玉柴 Trademark and —— Dongfanghong/Yuchai brand 型号        ...
  • Page 54   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 Item 单位 Unit SH800/ SH804 SH850/SH854 SH900/SH904 额定工况燃油消耗   率 Rated condition ≤242 fuel consumption rate g/kW·h(克/千瓦·小 时) 额定工况机油消耗 率 Rated condition ≤1.63 engine oil consumption rate 润滑方式 强制、飞溅润滑 —— Lubrication mode Forced splash lubrication 启动方式...
  • Page 55   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  项目 Item 单位 Unit SH950/ SH954 SH1000/SH1004 brand       型号           —— LR4V5-23 YC4B105Z-T22 LR4M3Z-23 YC4A110Z-T20 Model 缸数     Number of —— cylinders 缸径×行程           Cylinder mm(毫米)...
  • Page 56: 拖拉机理论速度 Theory Of Tractor Speed

      拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 项目 Item 单位 Unit SH950/ SH954 SH1000/SH1004 额定工况机油消耗     率 Rated condition ≤1.63 engine oil consumption rate 润滑方式 强制、飞溅润滑 —— Lubrication mode Forced splash lubrication 启动方式 电起动 —— Starting mode Electric start 冷却方式...
  • Page 57   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  低 1               2.315 3.106 2.315 3.106 2.315 3.106   Low 1   低 2               3.601 4.832 3.601 4.832 3.601 4.832 Low 2    ...
  • Page 58   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor 高 3   4.998 4.998 4.998 High 3 高 4 6.975 6.975 6.975 High 4 注: 1.上表数值是以发动机 2300r/min(转/分) 、标准后轮胎时的理论速度。 Notes: 1. The theoretical speed value in above table based on engine 2300r/min (rev / min), the standard tire. SH950/SH954/SH1000/SH1004 拖拉机理论速度...
  • Page 59   拖拉机主要技术规格 Main technical specifications of the tractor  高 4           34.873 34.873 High 4 低 1           0.463 0.622 0.463 0.622   Low 1   低 2           0.72 0.966 0.72 0.966 Low 2  ...
  • Page 60: 4.操作说明 Operator Instruction

      操作说明 明 Opera ator Ins struction .操作说 说明 Oper rator Inst truction 注 注意:正确的 的操作拖拉机 机,可以充分 分发挥拖拉机 的效能,减少 少拖拉机的磨 磨损和防止事 事故的发生。 保证操 操作者优质、 高效、低耗 、安全地完成 成田间及道路 路作业。 Note: o operating th e tractor pro operly can br ring efficienc cy of the trac ctor into full play to redu...
  • Page 61: 产品描述 Product Description

      操作说明 Operator Instruction   发动机冷却液 温度 燃油油量 驻车制动 Engine coolant Fuel volume Parking brake temperature   危险指示灯 差速锁 警报灯 Hazard differential lock Warning light indicator light 4.1 产品描述 Product Description 本说明书介绍了沭河 SH90 系列包括 SH800/SH804、SH850/SH854、SH900/SH904、SH950/SH954、 SH1000/SH1004 十种型号的轮式拖拉机的使用、技术保养、调整、故障和排除方法等。 This Operation Instruction introduces application, technical maintenance, adjustment, failure and its elimination of SHUHE SH series, including ten models of wheeled tractors.i.e.SH800/SH804/SH850/SH854/SH900/SH904/SH950/SH954/SH1000/SH1004 沭河...
  • Page 62   操作说明 Operator Instruction 图 4-1 操纵机构手柄及操纵踏板 Figure 4-1 Control Mechanism of Tractor 1.动力输出操纵手柄 2.制动器操纵手柄 3.主离合踏板 4.熄火拉线 5.左右制动踏板 6.仪表盘 7.油门操纵踏板(脚油门) 8.副离合器操纵手柄 9.主变速杆 10.副变速杆 11 油门操纵手柄(手油门) 12. 分配器操纵手柄 1. Power take-off control handle; 2. parking brake control handle; 3. main clutch pedal; 4.
  • Page 63   操作说明 Operator Instruction 拖拉机仪表及开关 Instrument and switch 组合仪表包括水温表、燃油表、发动机转速表,还有转向指 示灯、远近光指示灯、位置指示灯、充电报警灯及发动机油压 报警灯和气压报警灯等各种指示装置,以便于用户随时监测整 车工作情况。 Combination instrument is composed of water temperature gauge, engine tachometer, turn light indicator lamp, high/low beam indicator lamp, position indicator lamp, charge indicator lamp oil pressure indicator lamp of engine and alarm indicator lamp of air pressure, etc.
  • Page 64   操作说明 Operator Instruction 水温表 water temperature gauge 用刻度标记发动机冷却液温度值,指针由左向右运动,其中红色区域为高温 区。 To mark the engine cooling liquid temperature, with the finger moving from left to right Red area is high temperature zone. 图 4-4 水温表 Figure 4-4 water temperature gauge 油量表 Oil gauge 油量表用刻度表示油箱内的油量。...
  • Page 65   操作说明 Operator Instruction 气压报警灯(红色) Air pressure alarm lamp ( red) 当气刹系统气压低于 0.4Mpa 时,该灯亮,表明制动气路有故障,应检修。接通钥匙, 发动机未起时,气压不足,灯亮为正常状态。 For a tractor with air brake, when the pressure of air brake system is lower than 00Mpa,the light is illuminating Indicate brake pneumatic line is faulty or pressure warning device is broken. Switch on the key but unstart the engine under inflation, it is normal that the lamp is illuminating.
  • Page 66   操作说明 Operator Instruction 预热指示灯(黄色) Preheating indictor (yellow) 拖拉机预热时,该灯亮。 When the tractor is preheating, the lamp will be lit. 左侧翘板开关组合 Left rocker switch combination 1.变光开关 Dimmer switch 2.灯光开关 Light switch 3.顶、后工作灯开关 Roof/rear light switches 4.雨刮器开关 Rain brush switch 图 4-6 左侧翘板开关组合 Fig.
  • Page 67   操作说明 Operator Instruction 右侧翘板开关组合 Right rocker switch combination 1.夜间照明开关 1. lighting switch at night; 2.危险报警开关 2. warning switch for danger; 3.转向开关 3. steering switch 图 4-7 左侧翘板开关组合 Fig. 4-7right rocker switch combination 夜间照明开关 Lighting switch at night “1”位:所有开关上的指示灯仪表照明灯全亮。“0”位:各指示灯灭。用于夜间 行驶时,照明各开关。 All indicator lamp on the switch and instrument lamp are lit Position "0": each indicator off.
  • Page 68: 发动机的起动 How To Start Engine

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 点火锁 Ignition lock  将钥匙插入点火锁中,顺时针转动钥匙依次为:ON 档(点 火档),接通整车线路的电源;ACC 档(辅助档),联通辅 助电器元件,如:暖风、雨刮、风扇等;ST 档(起动档), 使整车起动工作,发动机起动后钥匙返回 ACC 档,此时 ON 和 ACC 同时接通,提供整车电器元件电源。 Insert the key into the electric lock, turn it clockwise, start the engine, then return to "ON". "OFF" means switching off, i.e.
  • Page 69   操作说明 Operator Instruction  扳动熄火拉线锁紧装置,使熄火拉线松回,此时喷油泵处于供油位置。 Turn flameout cable lock device to retract flameout cable, at this time oil-spraying pump is in oil- supplying position.  手油门置于半开状态。 Place the hand throttle in the status of half-open;  对于新的、经过大修或长时间停置不用的拖拉机,起动前首先要排除油路中的空气,以保证柴油发 动机顺利起动。 For the tractor which is new, overhauled or not in use for a long time, before starting, first discharge the air in oil line to ensure that diesel engine can start smoothly.
  • Page 70   操作说明 Operator Instruction 常温起动(气温在-5℃以上时):将钥匙顺时针转动至“ON”位,接通电路,然后再转动钥匙至“ST”位起动 发动机,钥匙自动弹回到“0N”位。若带安全启动开关,则应先踩下主离合器踏板,再转动钥匙起动发 动机 Normal temperature starting (when air temperature is above -5℃ ); turn the key clockwise to "ON" to switch on the circuit. and tum the key to "ST" to start the engine; you let go immediately after the engine starts, and the key will bounce back to "ON".If there is a safe starting switch, you shall step on the main clutch...
  • Page 71   操作说明 Operator Instruction starting the engine in winter until hot water goes out of drain valve and shut off the drain valve. Then make the whole cooling system full of hot water. Discharge engine oil on the oil pan (it is better to discharge at engine kill).
  • Page 72: 拖拉机起步 How To Start Tractor

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 95℃(摄氏度)压力应在 294kPa~490Kpa(千帕) 。 During the running of the engine, engine oil pressure and coolant temperature shall be checked normally. During the normal operations of the engine, the cooling temperature is 85~9℃, engine oil pressure is 294 to 49kPa.
  • Page 73: 拖拉机的换档 How To Gear Shift Tractor

      操作说明 Operator Instruction  挂档或换挡时必须踩下主离合器,以防变速箱传动齿轮打齿及离合器早期损坏。 When putting into gear or gear shifting, the clutch pedal shall be stepped on to disengage main clutch to prevent drive gear tooth of gearbox from being broken or prevent the clutch from being damaged early. 4.5 拖拉机的转向...
  • Page 74   操作说明 Operator Instruction 主变速杆 A 副变速杆 B Main gear shift lever A Auxiliary gear shift lever B 图 4-12 拖拉机的换挡 Fig. 4-12 Gear shift of the tractor 踩下主离合器踏板,操纵副变速杆 B,由空档位置向左推,再向前推得到低档位 L,若向后推得 到高档位 H,由空档位置向右推,再向前推得到倒档位 R。 Press the main clutch pedal to the floor, move the auxiliary gear shift lever B, push it to the left from "NEUTRAL", then push it forward to low speed gear L, if push it backward, it will be high speed gear H;...
  • Page 75   操作说明 Operator Instruction 8+4 档和 16+8 梭式换挡 4.6.2 8+8 gears and 16+8 shuttle-type gear shift: 主变速杆 A 副变速杆 B Main gear shift lever A Auxiliary gear shift lever B 图 4-13 拖拉机换挡 Figure 4-13 Gear shift of the tractor 踩下主离合器踏板踩到底,将副变速换档杆...
  • Page 76   操作说明 Operator Instruction 重要事项: IMPORTANT:  发动机运转时,在换档前应将主离合器踏板踩到底,过几秒钟后再换档,以防变速箱啮合套啮合不 良,发生“打齿”现象。 When engine runs, step on main clutch pedal to bottom prior to gear shifting, shift after several seconds to prevent improper engagement of gearbox engagement sleeve to produce "Tooth Breakage".  只有在拖拉机静止时,才可挂入倒档。...
  • Page 77   操作说明 Operator Instruction 动力输出轴转速 旋耕、割晒、汲水、脱粒 高 Quick 1000 低 Slowly 760(540) Rotational speed power take-off shaft Rotary tillage, windrowing, water (r/min) drawing, threshing 表 4-3 拖拉机作业基本工作档位: 16F+8R(梭式换挡)-后轮胎 16.9-34 Table 4-3 Operating gear of the tractor: 16F+8R (shuttle-type gear shift)-real tyre16.9-34 档...
  • Page 78: 差速锁的操作 How To Operate Differential Lock

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 注:上表中各速度为拖拉机理论行驶速度,而非实际作业速度。“/”前、后分别为发动机转速 2300r/ min 和 2400r/min 的行驶速度。由于各地农艺状况和土壤状况差异较大,用户应根据实际情况合理选 择作业档位和机具型号(仅供参考)。 Notes: The speed in the above table is theoretical running speed, not the actual operating speed. Before and after"/" are the running speeds (rotational speed of engine: 2300r/min and 2400r/min) respectively .The user shall properly select the operating gear and implements model according to the actual condition due to different agricultural and soil conditions.
  • Page 79: How To Use Front Drive Axle

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.8 前驱动桥的使用 How to use front drive axle 沭河 SH90 系列四轮驱动拖拉机在田间重负荷作业或在潮湿松软土壤上工作, 若只靠后轮驱动, 拖拉机的牵引力可能不足,此时挂接前驱动桥可以增大拖拉机的牵引力,降低打滑率,从而提高拖拉 机的作业适应性。为了便于接合和分离前驱动桥,应遵循下述操纵程序。 SHUHE SH 90series of 4-wheel drive tractor can make heavy-duty operations in the field or on the wet and soft soil. If only rear wheel acts to drive, the traction performance of the tractor may not be enough. Now front drive axle can be used to increase the traction force and decrease the slippage so as to improve the operation adaptability of the tractor.
  • Page 80: 拖拉机的制动 How To Brake Tractor

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.9 拖拉机的制动 How to brake tractor 一般情况下,应先减小油门,踩下离合器踏板,然后根据情况逐渐踩下制动器踏板使拖拉机平稳停住。 Usually, minish oil throttle, step on clutch pedal, and then gradually step on the brake pedal to park the tractor stably. 紧急停车时,应同时踩下离合器和制动器踏 板,不能单独踩下制动器踏板,以免制动器 摩擦片急剧磨损或使发动机熄火。 At emergency, step on the clutch and brake pedal simultaneously.
  • Page 81: 轮距的调整 Adjustment Of Wheel Track

      操作说明 Operator Instruction neutral gear.  松开离合器、制动器踏板,减小油门使发动机怠速运转。 Release clutch/brake pedal, and reduce the oil throttle to make the engine run idly.  熄火拉线手柄向后拉,油泵停止供油,发动机立即熄火,随后将熄火拉线手柄推回至供油位置。 Pull backward flameout bar by which oil pump stops supplying oil and engine flame goes out. Afterwards, push it back to its oil supplying position.
  • Page 82   操作说明 Operator Instruction  沭河 SH90 系列轮式(后轮驱动型)拖拉机前轮距的调整:用千斤顶将拖拉机前轴抬起,拆下左、右 主副套管锁紧螺栓 1,然后拆下锁紧螺栓 2 和油缸固定螺栓 3,调整副套管及油缸位置并相应调整 横拉杆长度至所需位置, 最后将拆卸的螺栓重新装好并紧固。 调整前轮距有 4 种可供选用: 1410mm、 1510mm、1610mm、1710mm。 Adjustment of front wheel track with the model of two- wheel drive: jack up the front axle of the tractor, dismantle the locking bolts 1 and 2 0f the left/right main/auxiliary sleeves, then removelocking bolt 4 and fixing bolt 3 0f the oil cylinder, adjust the auxiliary sleeve, position of the...
  • Page 83   操作说明 Operator Instruction simultaneously.  将前轮档泥板拆掉 Remove the front fender;  如图所示,将前桥左转向节调节螺孔处各拧入 M10X20 螺栓,通过调整螺栓的旋入长度限定前轮 的转向角度,使前轮转向摇摆到极限位置时,不与相邻零部件干涉,然后用薄螺母锁紧。 ,As shown in Figure 4-17, screw M10x20 bolt into the adjusting screw holes of the left/right steering knuckles of the front axle; limit the steering angle of the front wheels by adjusting screw-in length of the bolt;...
  • Page 84   操作说明 Operator Instruction and 2095mm; 6 kinds of wheel track are available after inverting the radials and changing the fixing positions of the bolts 1651mm, 1751mm, 1851mm, 1951mm, 2051mm, 2151mm. 图 4-19 拖拉机前轮距的调整(单位:毫米) Fig. 4-19Adjustment of the front wheel track of the tractor ( unit: mm ) ...
  • Page 85   操作说明 Operator Instruction 后轮距的调整(13.6—38 轮胎) Adjustment of rear wheel track ( tyre13.6-38)  常用轮距为 1620mm,通过辐板、轮毂和轮辋的不同连接位置可获得如图所示的 7 种轮距位置,在 每种位置通过调整轮毂和轮毂安装座可以得到 7 种轮距调节范围。 The normal wheel track is 1620mm, 7 kinds of wheel track as shown in Figure 2-36 are available by changing the positions of radials, wheel hub and rim.
  • Page 86: 轮胎的使用与拆装 How To Use And Assemble/Disassemble Tyre

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 拖拉机停放在水平的地面上, 使前轮处于直线行驶位置, 如 图所示,通过调整横拉杆 2 的长度使 A-B=前束值。注意前 束检查调整完后,应将横拉杆两端锁紧螺母 l 紧固。 Place the tractor on the horizontal ground, make the front wheel in the position of straight running, as shown in Figure 2-38. Adjusting the length of the tie rod 2 to make A-B=value of toe-in.
  • Page 87   操作说明 Operator Instruction 及前束也须经常检查是否正确,以免轮胎偏磨。当轮胎花纹磨损不均时,可将左、右轮胎对换使用。 During using, the tyres should be prevented from adhering any oil, acid or alkaline chemical corrosive. Or explosion under burning sun as little as possible. in order to avoid rubber aging and degraded. Front wheel alignment and toe-in should be regularly checked for correctness, in order to avoid tyre partial worn.
  • Page 88   操作说明 Operator Instruction 轮胎的安装 How to mount tyre 安装轮胎时,应先检查轮辋与轮胎是否配套,轮辋边不得有毛刺和严重变形,并清除轮辋上的铁锈,检 查轮胎有无破损。安装时将各零件擦净后,在内外胎之间涂以薄层石粉。把轮辋放平,装上外胎,用脚 踩或撬棍撬入轮辋中。放入内胎(可将外胎稍稍垫起) ,用铅丝把气门嘴固定在轮辋气门嘴孔中,防止 滑脱。将外胎另一边用撬棍撬入轮辋中(在最后一段最费劲,可用手锤轻轻敲击撬棍,如图所示) 。最 后检查一下气门嘴位置是否歪斜,轮缘与轮辋是否贴合紧密。充气时再检查内胎是否撬破,边充气边用 手锤敲打外胎,最好充到规定气压后,再放掉一半重新充气,以使内胎正常膨胀和消除折绉现象。轮胎 向拖拉机上安装时,还须注意轮胎花纹的方向,否则会影响附着性能和耐磨性,而且积泥。 When mounting the tyre, the rim shall match with the tyre; the edge of the rim shall be no burr or Severe distortion; without rust on the rim; and with no damage on the tyre.
  • Page 89: 配重的使用 How To Use Counter Weight

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.13 配重的使用 How to use counter weight 4.13.1 后配重 Rear counter weight 拖拉机进行田间作业时,为了提高拖拉机作业性能,根据不同作 业类型可选择不同的配重数量。 铸铁配重每块质量 40kg, 单边最 多可装 6 片(240kg)。 When the tractor is performing field operation, in order to raise operating performance, the user could choose different ounter weight according to different operations.
  • Page 90: 驾驶座的调整 How To Adjust Driver's Seat

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.13.2 前配重 Front counter weight 为了调整拖拉机前后重量关系, 有必要在拖拉机的前部安装前配重块。 对于大负荷犁耕作业或配挂大型 播种机械等,为保证拖拉机不翘头和行驶安全性能,必须配装前配重。拖拉机最多选装铸铁前配重为 11 块,重 270kg,其中前配重架质量为 57.6kg。 In order to adjust the relation between front and rear weight of the tractor, it is necessary to mount front counterweight in the front of the tractor. For the ploughing operation with heavy load or mounting with large sowing implements, you must mount enough front counter weight in order to ensure the...
  • Page 91   操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.14.2 驾驶座的刚度调节 Rigidity adjustment of driver’s seat 根据驾驶员的身高、体重调整调节驾驶座手轮。 The driver's seat hand wheel 1 is adjusted according to the height and weight of the driver. 图 4-28 驾驶员座椅前刚度调整 Figure4-28 Rigidity adjustment of the driver's seat 注意: CAUTION: ...
  • Page 92   操作说明 Operator Instruction 2 仪表台 Instrumentation console : 拖拉机的电器控制开关和组合仪表全部安装在仪表台上,仪表台 主要起控制开关支架和装饰密封作用。 All the control switches of the electric devices and combination instruments are all installed on the instrumentation console. The instrumentation console mainly plays the role of con trolling switch bracket and decorational sealing 图...
  • Page 93   操作说明 Operator Instruction 5 驾驶室内饰 The Cab interior 驾驶室内饰包括挡泥板内饰、地板垫、仪表台、内顶衬 等,如图所示。 Interior decoration of the cab includes interior decoration of the Fender, floor mat, instrumentation console and roof lining, etc, asshow in Figure 4-32. 图 4-32 驾驶室内饰 Fig. 4-32 Interior decoration of the cab 6 车门...
  • Page 94   操作说明 Operator Instruction 7 左、右侧窗 Left/right Window Adopt all-glass construction. When opening, lift the locking handle and push it outward simultaneously till it is seized, lift the locking handle slightly, then, the side window is open and its position is limited. The maximum the side window could open is the effective length of the locking handle.
  • Page 95: 拖拉机工作装置的使用 How To Use Operating Device Of Tractor

      操作说明 Operator Instruction 9 顶窗 Roof window 顶窗为玻璃钢结构,开启时,握住手把,同时用拇指按动 顶窗锁按头,锁将自动弹开。轻轻向外推顶窗,在左右两 根气弹簧的作用下, 顶窗将自动打开。 关闭时反向操作即 可。 The roof window adopts fiberglass reinforced plastic construction. When opening, hold the handle, at the same time, press the compression head of the roof window lock by thumb, the lock will spring open automatically.
  • Page 96   操作说明 Operator Instruction 半分置式的液压提升器可实现位控制、力位综合控制和浮动控制等控制功能。液压提升器工作时,操纵 手柄用来升降农具,控制耕深。 Semi-separate hydraulic lifter possesses the functions of positon control, comprehensive draft/position control and floating control. When hydraulic lifter working, the operation handle can lift the farm machine and control the working depth.  位控制:当拖拉机配带农具进行旋耕、割草、收割等作业时上拉杆受拉力,力控制弹簧不起作用, 这时应采用位控制。在位控制范围内,农具的升降移动量与操纵手柄的前后移动量成正比。操纵手...
  • Page 97   操作说明 Operator Instruction 分置式液压提升器 Application of separate hydraulic lifter  操纵手柄由“中立”位置向下扳到最低位置时 (明显感到操纵手柄被定位),悬挂机构开始提 升,当提升到终了位置时,操纵手柄自动复位 (即回到中立位置); Move the control handle from “Neutral" to the extreme forward (feel the control handle is positioned significantly);the hitch begins to lift; when lifting to the ultimate position, the control handle will automatically reset(i.e.return to ‘‘Neutral");...
  • Page 98   操作说明 Operator Instruction damage arising from too large anle between power output shaft and drive shaft of farm machine, it is required that lifting height will not affect turns at the end of field. 4.16.2 简单液压输出(半分置式液压提升器) Simple hydraulic output (semi separate hydraulic lifter) 需要液压输出时,应按下述步骤进行:...
  • Page 99   操作说明 Operator Instruction 根据需要选装 l 片(DFl50F)或 2 片(DF250F)滑阀式 液压输出多路阀,两阀片分别由 C、D 两根操纵 手柄操纵,用以控制机具上的两个双作用油缸。 用 4 个 M10 螺栓将多路阀总成固定在多路阀固定 板上,此固定板与后桥半轴壳体连接,多路阀的 进油口与回油口分别与齿轮泵和提升器接通,出 油口与分配器进油口接通。每片控制阀有 2 个 M22×1.5 的快换接头阴接头 Al、B1 和 A2、B2(如 图所示),不用时,用密封盖封好。使用时将备用 图 4-39 多路阀总成 的阳接头(置于备件箱)与快换接头的阴接头联接 好,再与液压农机具的油缸进、出油口接通。操 Fig.4-39Multiple unit valve 纵手柄“C”控制第一路液压输出 A1、B1,操纵手 柄“D”控制第二路液压输出 A2、B2。若接单作用 缸,油缸的油管要与第一路输出口...
  • Page 100   操作说明 Operator Instruction 重要事项: IMPORTANT:  不用快换接头时,座孔一定要用备用防尘盖盖好。 When the quick joint is not used, its socket hole shall be covered with dust coverto avoid dust; 提升器和液压输出阀不能同时使用。 Lifter and hydraulic output valve can not be used simultaneously.  液压输出阀操纵完成后,操纵手柄必须回到中立位置,否则将引起液压系统过热。 After hydraulically output device is operated over, its operating handle should be set to neutral position, otherwise, which may cause hydraulic system overheat 4.16.4 悬挂机构的使用...
  • Page 101   操作说明 Operator Instruction the height of the upright post is less than 510mm; choose the central hole if the height of the upright post is between 510mm and 610mm: choose the upper hole if the height of the upright post is more than 610mm. Can be suitably adjusted according to the real condition.
  • Page 102   操作说明 Operator Instruction 图 4-42 半分置式液压提升器悬挂机构运动图 Fig. 4-42 Hitch mechanism movement diagram for the model with a semi-separate lifter  ...
  • Page 103   操作说明 Operator Instruction 图 4-43 分置式液压提升器悬挂机构运动图 Fig.4-43 Hitch mechanism movement diagram for the model with a separate lifter 1.驱动轮中心 2.下铰接点 3.提升轴连接点 4.下油缸支撑点 5.上铰接点 1. center of the driving gear; 2.lower link point; 3.connecting point of the lifting shaft; 4.supporting point of the oil cylinder; 5.upper link point 4.16.5 动力输出装置的操纵...
  • Page 104   操作说明 Operator Instruction operation. The operation of the power take-off shaft is totally independent. When stepping on clutch pedal, the tractor stops, but power output shaft can go on working. If take up the auxiliary clutch handle, the output shaft will stop working, but the tractor will continuously run forward.
  • Page 105   操作说明 Operator Instruction 拖挂架 Towing stand 拖挂架适用于各种类型挂车,不可与摆式牵引杆同时安装。 Towing stand applies to all kinds of trailers, but is not equipped with the towing rod with oscillating type simultaneously. 警告: WARNING:  牵引作业和带挂车时不要超负荷。 Not overload during traction operation or with a trailer, otherwise, which may shorten machine service life or vehicle/person damaged/dead if seriously.
  • Page 106   操作说明 Operator Instruction pressure in the air reservior shall not be lower than 0.44MPa; otherwise, you cannot drive until the air pressure raises to the required value.  平时储气筒内的平衡气压应不低于 0.70MPa(7kgf/cm2),否则,应调整气压调节器。当发动机停 止工作时,如果气压表上读数迅速下降,表明有漏气现象,应及时检查排除。 In normal times, the balanced air pressure in the air reservior shall not be lower than 0.70MPae When the engine stops running, if the barometre reading falls sharply, which shows that there is air leakage, check immediately and eliminate it.
  • Page 107   操作说明 Operator Instruction 沭河 SH90 系列拖拉机电气系统采用电压为 12V,硅整流发电机负极搭铁双线制。由发动机起动设备及 照明信号装置组成。 The electrical system of SH series tractor adopts the voltage of 12V, silicon rectification generator with negative pole grounded and double-wire system. It is composed of starting equipment of the engine, lighting and light signalling devices.
  • Page 108   操作说明 Operator Instruction 棕黄 粉绿 粉白 黄 Brown PinkG Pink Yello Yello 0.75 0.75 reen(V White w(Y) w(Br (VR) 红棕 绿 棕 白 Brown White Green 0.75 0.75 0.75 Brown (Br) (RBr) 浅兰 棕白 兰绿 蓝 Lightb Brown Blue Blue( 0.75 0.75...
  • Page 109   操作说明 Operator Instruction 后照灯、后尾灯 Rear light,tail lamp 后照灯、后尾灯总成(转向、位置、刹车)位置图 Position diagram of rear light and tail lamp assembly(steering, position,braking) 图 4-45 后照灯和后尾灯 Fig. 4-45 Rear light and tail lamp Socket for rear trailer 后挂车插座接线位置图 Connection position of the rear trailer is shown in Figure 4-46, among which the sockets not marked in the figure will not be used.
  • Page 110   操作说明 Operator Instruction 顶工作灯 Roof lamp 驾驶室的顶工作灯共有 4 个, 分别位于驾驶室前上部和后上部, 驾驶室前工作灯如右图所示 There are 4 roof lamps in the cab in all, lying on the front upper/rear upper part separately. The front roof lamp in the cab is shown in the right figure. 可根据工作时需要左右转动工作灯灯体,以满足改变光照方向...
  • Page 111   操作说明 Operator Instruction 刹 车 灯 转 向 灯 雨 刮 器 附 件 电 额定工作 大灯 大灯 源 位置 灯 光 继 和 喇 报警 空调 电流 顶照灯 Turn Wipe 近光 近光 Power 小灯 电器 叭 Protected light and High Position Lighting...
  • Page 112   操作说明 Operator Instruction 图 4-49 电气原理图 Fig.4-49Electrical schematics  ...
  • Page 113   操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.17 拉机的磨合 Tractor running in 拖拉机在投入使用前,要在规定的润滑、转速、负荷条件下运转一段时间,同时进行必要的检查、调整 与保养,使技术状态正常化,这一系列工作称为磨合。 Only when the plough out of the soil, the tractor can steer. Before starting to use, the tractor should run for a certain period under the condition of specified lubrication, rpm and load. And the tractor should be checked, adjusted and maintained to make technical status normal.
  • Page 114   操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.17.3 动力输出轴空载磨合 Power output shaft idling running in 将发动机油门操纵手柄置于中油门位置,发动机以中速运转,分别使动力输出轴以低速、高速各运转 5min,检查有无异常现象。磨合后须使动力输出轴处于空档位置。 The engine throttle control handle is set at medium position, and the engine runs at medium speed. Make power output shaft run at low speed and high speed for 5min, respectively. Then check if there is any abnormality.
  • Page 115   操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.17.5 拖拉机空驶及负荷磨合 Tractor driving without load and running in with load 当发动机空转磨合,动力输出轴及液压系统磨合后,确认拖拉机的技术状态完全正常时,方可进行整机 磨合,其磨合顺序和时间按表 4-5、4-6、4-7 规定地磨合规范进行,总计磨合 60h。空驶磨合时,在低 速下进行转弯操作和适当地使用单边制动器,并在高速下试验紧急制动。 After idling running in of engine and the running in of power output shaft and hydraulic system and confirmation the tractor technical conditions are completely normal, you can start to conduct the entire engine running in whose running-in procedure and time shall be in compliance with the running-in specifications in Table4-5, 4-6 and4-7, with a total running in time of 60h.
  • Page 116   操作说明 Operator Instruction 4.17.6 磨合后的技术保养 Technical maintenance after running-in 拖拉机经过磨合后, 在传动系统、 润滑系统和液压系统中将有一些金属屑末或脏物混在润滑油中。 因此, 必须清洗并更换全部的润滑油和液压系统用油,进行必要的技术保养后,才能转入正常使用。 After running-in, there will be some metal chip or filth mixed in lube oil of the drive system, lubrication system and hydraulic system of the tractor. Therefore, it is necessary to clean and replace all lubricaion oils and hydraulic fluids and conduct the necessay technical maintenance, then you can put the engine into normal operation.
  • Page 117   操作说明 Operator Instruction will shorten its service life.  驾驶人员必须首先学会并熟悉掌握拖拉机的操纵和使用方法以后, 才能对拖拉机进行磨合, 以免造 成机器损坏。 Tractor can not be run in until driver has been familiar with and has mastered how to operate and how to use a tractor. 表 4-6 沭河 SH90 系列轮式拖拉机的磨合规范 Table 4-6 SH90series tractor running Specifications [8F+4R&...
  • Page 118   操作说明 Operator Instruction   0.5h       高档 倒档 0.5h       H-gear R-gear 0.5h       0.5h       总时间 Total hours(h) 表 4-7 沭河 SH90 系列轮式拖拉机的磨合规范 Table 4-7 SH-series tractor running Specifications ( 16F+8R shuttle gear shift) 牵引负荷...
  • Page 119: 拖拉机常见故障和排除方法 Common Fault And Troubleshooting For Tractor

      操作说明 Operator Instruction       0.5h           低档 倒档       L-gear R-gear       倒退档       BCK-gear 0.5h       高档 倒档 0.5h       H-gear R-gear 0.5h  ...
  • Page 120   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 踏板自由行程过大, 工作行程过 (1) 调整踏板自由行程至 25-30mm 小 Adjust the pedal free travel t0 25-30 mm 2. 离合器分离不彻 Free pedal travel too large, or 底、挂档有响声 operation travel too small The separation (2) 更换从动盘...
  • Page 121   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 变速联锁拉杆过短 (1) 将变速联锁拉杆适当调长 Gearbox interlocking pull rod too Properly adjust the gearbox short interlocking pull rod to be longer (2) 拨叉轴定位槽磨损严重 (2) 更换拨叉轴 Replace shift fork Locating slot of shift fork severely worn 2 自动脱档...
  • Page 122   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 齿轮磨损过大, 齿面剥落或轮齿 (1) 更换齿轮 折断 Repalce gear The gear wear exceeds the normal 5. 变速箱内有杂音 value, the tooth surface is peeled or 或敲击声 wheel tooth is broken (2) 更换轴承 Noise or knocking (2) 轴承磨损严重或损坏...
  • Page 123   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 行星架固定螺栓松动, 止退垫片 (1) 按要求拧紧行星架固定螺栓, 更换止退 3. 最终传动声音异 损坏 垫片 常 The set bolt of planetary bracket lose, Tighten the set bolt of planetary The final driving and ther thrust washer damaged bracket, and replace thrust washer (2) 轴承、齿轮或轴损坏...
  • Page 124   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法   Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) )球销、油缸、转向摆臂紧固螺母、 (1) 校正前轮轮辋或辐板 螺栓松动 Calibrate front wheel rim or spoke Front wheel rim or spoke severely deformed. (2) 调整前束 (2) 前束调整不当 Adjsut toe-in Toe-in of front wheel is abnormal 1 前轮胎磨损严...
  • Page 125   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 前中央传动齿轮啮合印痕不好 (1) 重新调整啮合印痕 Engagement trace of front central Readjsut meshing impress drive gear is abnormal (2) 调整或更换 (2) 中央传动轴承间隙过大或损坏 3 噪声大(四轮驱 Adjust or replace Clearance between centeral drive 动型拖拉机) bearing is too large or distroyed Large noise (the...
  • Page 126   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 各管道接头处胶圈损坏或螺栓松动 (1) 更换胶圈或拧紧螺栓 Rubber rings or bolts at various pipe joints Replace the rubber ring or damaged or loose tighten the bolt (2) 液压转向器阀体、 隔盘、 定子及后盖 (2) 清洗更换胶圈 结合面胶圈损坏...
  • Page 127   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 齿轮油泵供油量不足, 齿轮油泵内漏 (1) 检查齿轮油泵是否正常,清洗滤网 或转向油箱内滤网堵塞,慢转轻,快转 Check if gear oil pump is normal. Clean the 重 filter screen. Oil delivery of gear oil pump is not   enough. Gear oil pump leaks inside or oil  ...
  • Page 128   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 拨销折断或变形 (1) 更换拨销 Gear shifting fork locating slot worn Replace fork pin (2) 联动轴开口折断或变形 (2) 更换联动轴 3. 转向失灵 Linkage shaft opening broken or deformed Replace coupled axle (3) 转子与联动轴相互位置装错 (3) 重新装配...
  • Page 129   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 提升器壳内油面过低 (1) 加油到规定油面 Oil level inside lifter too low Add oil to the specified oil level (2) 滤油器滤网堵塞严重 (2) 清洗或更换滤油器滤网 The strainer of oil filter severely blocked Clean or replace the strainer of oil filter (3) 吸油管路进气...
  • Page 130   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 吸油路吸空或进气 (1) 检查吸油路及滤油器 The oil suction line sucks air or air enters Check oil suction line and oil filter the line 2. 轻负荷提升,重 (2) 调整或更换系统安全阀 (2) 系统安全阀调整压力过低 负荷下不能提升 Adjust or replace system safety valve The adjustment pressure for system safety 或提升缓慢...
  • Page 131   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 调整不正确,内提升臂顶提升器 (1) 首先测量此时农具提升高度,然后 5 手柄在提升位 壳体,使安全阀开启 重新调整、 缩短力位调节杆, 使提升最高 置时分配器处发 位置低于原来位置 Because improper adjustment, the inner 出尖锐响声 lifting arm props aginst lifter case to make First measure the lifting height of farm When the handle safety valve open tool at this moment, then readjsut , shorten...
  • Page 132   操作说明 Operator Instruction (1) 管路漏气 (1) 检查漏气处并排除 Air leakage in pipeline Check air leakage and make fault and troubleshooting (2) 气泵进排气阀片磨损或弹簧损坏 (2) 更换 Air exhaust valve plate of air inlet Replace 1. 气压不足 pump worn or spring damaged (3) 更换活塞环、汽缸套 Air pressure not (3) 气泵活塞环、气缸套磨损严重...
  • Page 133   操作说明 Operator Instruction (5) 调整碳刷弹簧压力,清理整流子 (5) 碳刷与整流子接触不良   Adjust press of carbon brush spring, and The contact between carbon brush in clear commutator. invalid (6) 检修起动电动机 (6) 起动电动机内部断路、短路 Repair starting motor Interior of start motor opened shorted (1) 蓄电池容量不足 (1) 向蓄电池充电...
  • Page 134   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting (1) 接线错,接线断,接触不良 (1) 检修线路 Wiring wrong, broken or contact no good. Check & repair the circuits (2) 转子线圈断路 (2) 检修或更换发电机总成 1 发电机不发电 Rotor circuit broken Repair or replace generator set (3) 整流二极管损坏...
  • Page 135   操作说明 Operator Instruction (1) 添加蒸馏水或密度为 1:l 的稀硫酸溶 (1)电解液液面过低 液 The electrolyte level too low Add distilled water or dilute sulphuric acid solution with a density of 1:1 (2) 极板间短路 (2) 清除沉淀物,更换电解液 1. 蓄电池电量不足,起 Short circuit between electrode Remove deposits and replace electrolyte 动发动机困难...
  • Page 136   操作说明 Operator Instruction 故障现象 故障原因 排除方法 Fault Fault reasons Troubleshooting 1. 水温表指针总指 (1) 线路出现断路,插接处接触不良 (1) 检修线路,清除插接处赃物 低温 Circuit opened, and contact at the Check and repair circuits. Remove dirt at finger of water pug-in portion poor plug-in portion Temperature gauge (2) 水温传感器损坏...
  • Page 137: 5.附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, Spare Parts And Consumables

      附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, spare parts and consumables 5.附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, spare parts and consumables 5.1 附件 Accessories 拖拉机附件主要包括暖风机、内饰件、地板垫、挡泥板垫、摆式牵引杆等。 Tractor accessories mainly includes warm air blower, interior decoration, floor mat, swing traction rod, etc. 5.1.1 暖风机(选装): Warm air blower(option) 拖拉机上暖风机装在驾驶室内前上部,暖风机开关布置在暖风机上,打开电源,即可使暖风机工作,保 证驾驶室内舒适的工作温度。 Tractor upper warm air blower is on the cab front top, warm air blower switch is on the blower. which can make warm air blower to work when turn on, in order to ensure comfortable work temperature in the cab.
  • Page 138: 随机备件 Spare Part

      操作说明 Operator Instruction Applied PVC foaming surface adsorption material and molding, the whole fender gasket is fixed on right/left fender by plastic buckles. 5.1.4 摆式牵引杆(选装): Swing traction rod (option) 摆式牵引杆仅用于牵引式农具。牵引杆的后端通过牵引销与农具联接。牵引杆可以横向摆动,挂接农具 比较方便。工作中牵引杆可以左右摆动,但在拖拉机牵引农具倒退 时,必须将定位销 1 插入牵引板的孔中,使牵引杆 2 不能摆动。 Swing traction rod is just used for traction type farm machine .Traction rod rear end connected with farm machine by traction pin Traction rod can transversally swing, which will be more convenient for mounting farm amchine Traction rod can swing to right/left.
  • Page 139   附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, spare parts and consumables 序号 代号 名称 数量 备注 Sequence code description Quantity remark     保险片 20A Fuse 20A   来自发动机配套厂 发动机随机备件 From the engine Engine Spares supporting plant 与后挂车七孔插座 后挂车插销总成 总成配对使用 SH400.48.050 The rear trailer plug assembly Paired with rear trailer socket assembly  ...
  • Page 140   操作说明 Operator Instruction 一字螺钉旋具 1X5.5 125P   QB/T 2564.4 Flat screw driver ,lx5.5x125P 十字螺钉旋具 2—150 X 6   SH800.96-08 Cross slotted screw driver. 6X150P 手动套筒扳手套筒 18X 12.5   GB/T 3390.1 socket for socket wrench, 18x12.5L 手动套筒扳手套筒 21 X 12.5  ...
  • Page 141   附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, spare parts and consumables factory 5.2.3 用户自备维修工具 Facilities provided by the customer 表 5-3 用户自备维修工具 Table 5-3 facilities provided by the customer 序号 代号 名称 数量 备注 Sequence code description Quantity remark 钢丝钳   GB/T 6295.1 Wire cutter 活扳手...
  • Page 142   操作说明 Operator Instruction 注: Note: 发动机随机工具、随机备件、随机文件请按照柴油机装箱单验收。 The facilities, spare parts and documents provided with the engine should be acceptance tested according to the packing list for the diesel engine. 5.3 易损件 Wearing part 沭河 SH90 系列轮式拖拉机的易损件包括:11.4 中所列的所有轴承;附录 11.3 中所列的所有油封;附录 11.5 中所列的所有密封圈;下表所示的整机使用的所有保险片、灯泡;各种橡胶护套、各种玻璃制品、...
  • Page 143   附件、备件及易损件 Accessories, spare parts and consumables 地板防尘罩 SH900.45.201   Seal boot 油门防尘套 SH400.26.116   Sealing boot for accelerator pedal 保险片 5A     Fuse 5A 保险片 10A     Fuse 10A 保险片 15A     Fuse 15A 保险片 20A  ...
  • Page 144   操作说明 Operator Instruction 使用性能及使用寿命。 When maintaining and repairing the machine, the original spare parts required by .the supplier should be applied, otherwise, the machine function, operation performance and work life may be affected.  ...
  • Page 145: 维护保养说明 Instruction On Maintenance

      存放 Storage  6. 维护保养说明 Instruction on maintenance 定期地对拖拉机各部分进行清洁、检查、润滑、紧固、调整或更换某些零件等一系列技术维护措施, 总称为技术保养。做好技术保养工作,可以减缓各零部件技术状态恶化的速度,减少故障,延长使用 寿命,确保拖拉机经常在良好的状态下工作。 Technical maintenance includes a series of technical maintenance measures, such as regularly cleaning and checking, lubricating, fastening and adjusting Every parts of the tractor or changing some parts, etc. Regularly maintenance can reduce the degrading speed of technical condition for Every part and component reduce fault, extend work life, and keep the tractor working in good status.
  • Page 146   存放 Storage  To maintain the diesel engine according to the requirement of daily-shift technical maintenance described in diesel engine operation and maintenance manual;   6.1.2 50h 技术保养 Maintenance for every 50 work hours  完成每班技术保养的全部内容; All content of technical maintenance after Every shift working ...
  • Page 147: 技术维护保养操作 Operations For Technical Maintenance

      存放 Storage  Maintenance for every 800 work hours    完成 400h 技术保养的全部内容。 All items for technical maintenance after Every 400 work hours  更换液压转向系统用传动液压用油。 Replace hydraulic steering system with hydraulic transmission oil.  更换传动系统和提升器用传动液压用油。 Replace transmission and lifter with oil which can use for hydraulic and transmission. ...
  • Page 148   存放 Storage    Table 4-1 SHUHE SH series Tranctor Maintainenance 序 点数 保养周期 维护保养部位 操作内容 号 Number Maintenance Maintained parts Operating items of points period 发动机油底壳 检查液面高度 每班 Fngine oil pan Check oil level Every shift 油浴式空气滤清器 检查液面高度 每班 Oil bath air filter Check oil level Every shift...
  • Page 149   存放 Storage  序 点数 保养周期 维护保养部位 操作内容 号 Number Maintenance Maintained parts Operating items of points period 提升器液压吸油滤清器 清洗或更换滤芯 每工作 200h oil filter type air separator Clean or replace filter Every 200h element 提升器液压回油滤清器 清洗或更换滤芯 每工作 200h oil filter type air separator Clean or replace filter Every 200h element...
  • Page 150   存放 Storage  序 点数 保养周期 维护保养部位 操作内容 号 Number Maintenance Maintained parts Operating items of points period 喷油泵 调整喷油压力 每工作 800h Oil injection pump Adjust oil injection pressure Every 800h 传动系及提升器 更换润滑油 每工作 800h Drive system and lifter Replace lube oil Every 800h 发动机冷却系统...
  • Page 151   存放 Storage  Storage battery should be stored in clean, dry and ventilated warehouse within temperature of (0-40)℃ (Celsius degree). Be careful while carrying, prevent collision and keep upright;  蓄电池端子与电源接头应连接牢固,以防起动时熔化腐蚀,应在接线端子外涂凡士林; The connection between storage battery terminals and power connection should be firm to prevent melting and corrosion while starting, and apply vaseline on the terminal blocks exterior;...
  • Page 152   存放 Storage  检查时应系统查验液压转向油缸、油管及接头各处均不得漏油,否则易造成转向不灵,油箱内滤网应定 期清洗或更换。 Hydraulic steer oil tank mounted on the right side of engine hood. Open the oil tank cover (with dip stick), inspect if there is any oil mark on the dip stick. If not, it indicates the insufficient oil in the steer oil tank and locate the specific reason for oil leaking, then repleshing the oil to the central mark of dip stick, and reinstall it.
  • Page 153   存放 Storage   空气滤清器的正确使用保养直接关系到发动机的使用寿命, 因而必须始终保持其清洁。 在农田作业 时,每班作业都要检查清洗换油。拖拉机在配套收割机时,加高一级滤清器的位置使用效果更好。 干式空滤器在保养时禁止用油水冲洗滤芯。 Proper use and maintenance of air filter is directly related to the life of the engine, and therefore must always keep it clean. In agricultural operations, the class work should check the cleaning oil. When the supporting harvester tractors, heightening a filter used in place better.
  • Page 154   存放 Storage  燃油滤清器见图。发动机采用 2 级滤清器串联,左边为第 l 级,右边为第 2 级。纸质滤芯不允许清洗,发动机每工作 200h 后更换第 1 级滤芯,更换时 可将第 2 级滤芯装在第 1 级内,在第 2 级内换上新滤芯。 See the diagram for the fuel filter. The engine adopts two-level filters connected in series. The left one is the first level and the right one is the second. Washing the paper element is prohibited.
  • Page 155   存放 Storage  图 6-3 放油螺塞 图 6-4 加注孔螺塞 Fig.6-3 Oil drain plug Fig.6-4 Filling hole plug 前轮润滑油加注 Lub oil filling of the front wheel 沭河 SH90 系列拖拉机前轮的润滑在前轮的内侧轮毂油杯处加注润滑脂。 Fill lubricating grease in the oil cup of the inner hub of the front wheel. 前驱动桥主销的润滑...
  • Page 156   存放 Storage 燃油箱的保养 Fuel Tank Maintenance   将拖拉机停放在水平地面上,发动机熄火,卸掉燃油箱下面的放油螺塞,放出油箱底部的沉积物。油箱 具有贮存油料、沉淀水分和杂质的作用,使用中应定期进行清洗,清除污物。 Parking the tractor in flat ground, extinguishing engine, take off the drain plug on the fuel tank drain the used oil in the bottom Oil tank functions reserve oil, subside wet and impurity.  ...
  • Page 157   存放 Storage  the idle speed, avoiding cooling water freeze to split. 各种呼吸器的维护保养 Maintenance of various respirators 拖拉机停机后,将各种呼吸器逐个拆下,用干净的柴油清洗,清洗后再装回车上,装配时注意要排除 油路中的空气。 Afte tractors stop, remove respirators one by one and clean them with diesel before installing. During assembly, be sure to remove the air in the oil circuit. 燃油系统的排气...
  • Page 158: 拖拉机底盘的调整 Tractor Chassis Adjustment

      存放 Storage  制动系统油管经拆卸后,或进行制动平顺性(同步性)检查调整时,都必须对制动系统进行排气。 Air release of braking system is needed after the pipeline of the braking system is dismantled or braking synchronization check or adjustment is made. 制动系统排气应当由训练有素、经验丰富的人员按下列步骤进行: 先将制动油箱加满油,缓慢踩下左制动器踏板到底,使之建立制动 压力。制动系统排气应当由训练有素、经验丰富的人员按下列步骤 进行:先将制动油箱加满油,缓慢踩下左制动器踏板到底,使之建 立制动压力。 Air release of braking system should be carried out by trained experienced personnel according to the following steps: first fill the brake oil tank top up, slowly tread down the left brake pedal so as to 图...
  • Page 159   存放 Storage                                              图 6-7 离合器空行程调整 Fig.6-7adjustment on clutch pedal free path 1.副离合操纵手柄 2.踏板 3.限位螺钉 4 上拉杆 5.连锁拉线 6.螺母 7.中间杆 8.下拉杆...
  • Page 160   存放 Storage  重要事项: IMPORTANT:  应经常检查及调整离合器自由行程,确保踏板自由行程在 30mm~40mm。 The free stroke of the clutch should be often checked to ensure that the free stroke of the pedal is (28~ 40) mm so to prevent abnormal clutch wear.   6.3.2 制动器操纵机构的调整 Adjustment of brake control gear 制动器的调整见图。...
  • Page 161   存放 Storage    注意: Note: (1)拖拉机左、右制动踏板的自由行程必须调整一致,否则在紧急制动时,拖拉机将会向一边急剧偏转, 造成事故。 If the trace of right and left drive wheel on the road is consistent. such as the two side trace is in straight line, parallel and same long, it means that the adjustment is suitable. Otherwise, re-adjustment is necessary. If it is still not good even after repeated adjustment, the brake should be checked from interior.
  • Page 162   存放 Storage  小圆锥齿轮轴轴承的调整见图。 Small bevel gear shaft bearing adjustment shown in Figure. 小圆锥齿轮轴 1 上的 2 个圆锥滚子轴承 5 和 9 是预紧的。 使用过程中由于轴承的磨损使小圆锥齿轮 轴产生轴向游隙。重新调整时,先减少调整垫片 7(减少的垫片应保存好,备用),使圆螺母 4 旋紧后单 独转动小齿轮时产生 1.5N.m~2.5N.m 预紧阻力矩。然后测量尺寸 A,选择不同的垫片 6 厚度 δ, 以保证尺寸 A-δ=156 -0.03 The two tapered roller bearings 5 and 9Small bevel gear shaft 1 of is preload. Use due to bearing wear make small bevel gear shaft produces axial clearance.
  • Page 163   存放 Storage  差速器轴承的调整见图。 Shown in Figure differential bearing adjustment 差速器左、右轴承 8 和 16 也是预紧的,使用中由于轴承磨损,使大锥齿轮 2 产生轴向游隙,预紧 力减小。因此应定期检查。调整时将差速器总成放在平台上,加 80N 的轴向力,测出大圆锥齿轮背面 到轴承 16 端面的距离 y 和左、右轴承端面间距离 y 。选择调整垫片 17 的厚度 δ1=61.6-Y (mm), δ =213.3-(Y +δ )(mm)。 Differential left and right bearings 8 and 16 are also preloaded, the use of the bearing wear, so that generated large bevel gear two axial clearance, preload decreases.
  • Page 164   存放 Storage    中央传动锥齿轮的啮合调整见图。 Central drive bevel gear meshing adjustment shown in Figure. 在使用过程中,由于齿轮磨损而引起的齿侧间隙增大是不会影响齿 轮正常工作的。 而轴承磨损使锥齿轮副离开原来 的啮合位置时,一般来说,只要不影响齿轮的正 常工作,在使用过程中可以不调整。但在大修和 齿轮出现不正常工作时或更换轴承(差速轴承和 小圆锥齿轮轴承)和弧齿锥齿轮副时,应进行啮 合调 整(应在轴承预紧之后)。 During use as gear wear caused by the increase of the backlash will not affect the normal operation of the gear.
  • Page 165   存放 Storage  gear shaft 4 by force, the red lead oil onto a large convex bevel gear 6, and then turn the gear, you can in the small bevel gear meshing get prints. Prints should be correct meshing tooth pitch cone near the high school and was a bit higher than the small end from the end edge of not less than 3mm ~ 4mm, its length not less than 60% of tooth length, height of not less than 50% of tooth height.
  • Page 166   存放 Storage  Figure 5, align planet frame component with the driveshaft spline and fit it on the shaft; then tighten planet frame pressure plate fixing bolt l, and lock it with floor clip 2.   6.3.5 前轮轮毂轴承的调整 Adjustment of front hub bearing 沭河...
  • Page 167   存放 Storage  前驱动桥中央传动的调整见图。 Front drive axle center drive adjustment to the Figure. 前驱动小锥齿轮轴上的 2 个圆锥滚子轴承及 差速器壳上左、 右 2 个圆锥轴承都是预紧的, 使用过程中,由于轴承的磨损,小锥齿轮轴 及差速器壳产生轴向游隙,因此应定期检查 (每 1600h 保养时)。 小锥齿轮轴轴承的调整靠 调节螺母 l。调整时,先将螺母 1 拧紧,然后 退回 l/10~1/6 圈,最后将螺母锁紧。差 速器壳轴承的调整,应同时调整左、右调节 螺圈 6,使中央传动锥齿轮副的啮合间隙在 0.15mm~0.3mm 范围内,最后将调节螺圈 6 图 6-15 前驱动桥中央传动调整 用锁片...
  • Page 168: 液压悬挂系统调整 Hydraulic Hitch System Adjustment

      存放 Storage  前驱动桥最终传动的调整见图。 Final drive system adjustment of front axle refers to the figure. 前驱动桥最终传动的 2 个圆锥滚子轴承 7 是预紧 的。检查调整时先拆下螺栓 1,取下行星架 2, 将调节螺母 3 拧紧, 然后再退回 l/10~l/6 圈, 使前轮毂 6 转动灵活, 最后将拆下的零件重新装 配拧紧。 Two tapered roller bearings 7 of final drive system of front axie are pretightened.
  • Page 169   存放     Storage      拖拉机出厂时,提升器已调整好,   用户一般无 需调整。 但在使用过程中,   由于杆件传动副的磨损和紧固件的松   动, 提升器原始调整状态被破坏而引起   工作不正常,或提升器修理后装配时,   均需进行提升器的调整。 提升器的调整     方法和顺序如下(见图):   The hydraulic hitch system has been   adjusted in factory. Generally, users do   not need to adjust it.
  • Page 170   存放 Storage  When machinery with power output is needed, to avoid the equipment is lifted too high, resulting in damage due to large angle in drive shaft connecting the power output and machinery, it is required that the equipment be Iifted far from the ground and the headland turn not be affected.  ...
  • Page 171   存放 Storage      6.4.3 强压式液压系统的调整 Adjusteznent of hydraulic system with separated units 强压提升器高度限位使调整方法 Adjustement of raiser with separated units (1)沭河 SH90 系列拖拉机高度限位装置,功能及结构简图如下 Shuhe SH90 series tractors height limit device, function and structure diagram is as follows 通过对限位装置的调整(件调整方法) ,可任意控制农机机具的提升高度。为了防止在使用过程中,由于操 作不当使农机局提升过高而导致动力输出轴断裂的现象发生,请各位用户在使用过程中参照下图,按第二条...
  • Page 172   存放 Storage  4, 调整完毕,紧各处紧固件。 The adjustment is completed, tighten fasteners throughout. 强压油缸使用调整方法: Forced cylinder use and adjustment method: (1)强压油缸简图: Forced cylinder diagram: (2)调整方法: Adjustment 转运状态的调整:为保证农具在运输时安全可靠,当农具上升至最高点应调节定位卡箍把定位调节阀 8 压到底,通过定位阀,闭塞油缸下腔的油路,使之不能再下降。 Transshipment state adjustment: To ensure safe and reliable tools in the transport, up to the highest point when the tools should be adjusted to locate positioning clamp pressure regulating valve 8 in the end, by positioning the valve, blocking the oil cylinder lower chamber, so they can not be dropped .
  • Page 173: 全液压转向系统使用注意事项 Precaution When Using Full Hydraulic Steering System

      存放 Storage Adjusting the height of the cylinder down 下降高度由油缸上的定位阀及定位卡箍挡块来实现。定位卡箍挡块可在活塞杆上做上下调整,越靠 下,下降量越小,反之,下降量越大。在下降过程中,当定位卡箍挡块压下定位阀时,则停止下降。注 意:在调整定位卡箍挡块与定位阀的距离时,要保持两油缸调整一致,误差为 0~0.5mm。 Drop height from the cylinder valve and positioned on the positioning clamp stopper to achieve. Positioning stopper clamp may adjusted up or down on the piston rod, the closer, the smaller the amount of decline, on the contrary, the greater the decline.
  • Page 174   存放 Storage  clearance should be. After installation check whether the steering wheel back to the bit flexible. (5) 必须保证油液清洁。为此应经常检查滤清器滤芯和油液的情况。检查方法:将油液滴一滴到吸 墨纸上,如油迹有一黑色中心,即应更换油液。 Cleaning fluid must be guaranteed. This should always check the oil filter element and the situation. Inspection methods: the oil droplets drop into blotter, such as traces of oil with a black center, which should replace the oil.
  • Page 175: 拖拉机存放期损坏的原因 Reasons For The Damage Of Tractor During Storage

      存放 Storage  7 存放 Storage 拖拉机在完成农田作业以后,或因某种原因需要较长时间(超过一个月)停放时,必须妥善保管和 封存。拖拉机应保管在良好的环境内,以防止机件锈蚀、老化、变形。 After tractor completing farmland works or due to some reasons for long time (over one month) of storage, must carry out safekeeping and sealing. Tractor should be kept in good environment to be away from corrosion, ageing and deformation.
  • Page 176: 拖拉机封存 Tractor Sealing And Storing

      存放 Storage  蚀、腐烂。 Ageing: under the sunniness for parts of rubber, plastic, etc, due to ultraviolet affection, will cause ageing, deterioration, embrittlement, no-action or corrosion and decomposition. ● 变形:传动胶带、轮胎等零件长时间受力,产生塑性变形。 Deformation: long term of force on driving belt, tyre, and other parts will generate plastic deformation. ●...
  • Page 177: 拖拉机封存期间的保养 Maintenance For Tractor During Sealing Up

      存放 Storage  Support up the tractor with wooden frame to take off load of tyre, and regularly check tire pressure. ● 拖拉机应停放在机库或车棚内,环境应通风干燥。严禁与具有腐蚀性的物品、气体一起存放。如果 条件不具备露天停放时,必须选择地势较高而干燥的平台,并用防雨布盖好。 Tractor should be placed in machine warehouse or carport with an environment of ventilation and drying. It is strictly forbidden to store with mordant goods and gas.
  • Page 178   存放 Storage  ● 按规定加入冷却液、机油、柴油,向各润滑点加注润滑脂。 In accordance with provisions to fill cooling liquid, machine oil and diesel oil, and fill lubricating grease into every lubricating point. ● 清除风扇皮带轮槽内的防锈剂,安装皮带。按技术要求调整传动皮带松紧度(见发动机使用保养说 明书)。 Clean away antirusting agent within the inside of fan pulley tank, and install belt. According to technical requirements, adjust the degree of tightness of transmission belt (See motor operation &...
  • Page 179: 交货、验收、运输 Delivery, Inspection And Transportation

      交货、验收、运输 Delivery, inspection and transportation  8 交货、验收、运输 Delivery, inspection and transportation 8.1 交货、验收 Delivery & inspection 用户购买拖拉机时,应对所购买的机器进行验收,着重检查以下几个方面: In case of purchasing tractor, user should make acceptance for purchased machine focusing on the points as follows: 1. 随机文件是否齐全 1. Accompanying documents are complete or not 随机文件包括:《拖拉机使用说明书》、《产品合格证》、《三包服务凭证》、《随机物品装箱清...
  • Page 180   交货、验收、运输 Delivery, inspection and transportation 2.装卸车时应借助专用卸车台。 3.必须有助手在现场引导,且不要让无关人员靠近。 4.装车后将悬挂杆件放至最低位置,拉上手制动,挂上倒档,拔出起动钥匙,锁上车门,关闭电源总 开 关。 5.用铁丝将四个轮胎前后“八”字固定,轮胎前后用楔块可靠堰牢,并将后桥梁用铁丝拉住。 6.将后视镜尽可能往里扳,必要时可将其取下,同时必须确保机罩、驾驶室门窗处于关闭状态。带安 全 架机型,如有必要,可将安全架置于折叠位置并将其固定牢靠。 7.过涵洞、桥梁时,要充分注意是否超高,拐弯时要充分减速。 8.卸车时应先解除手制动,挂上前进档,用最低速度缓慢开下。 1. Select flat place for loading or unloading tractor. 2. Use dedicated unloading platform when loading & unloading 3. There must be assistant for guidance on the scene without allowance for un-related personnel to be close. 4.
  • Page 181: 拆散和处置 Disassemble And Dispose

      拆散和处置 Disassemble and dispose  9 拆散和处置 Disassemble and dispose 当整个机器使用寿命到期后, 为了您的人身安全及保护社会环境, 请将机器总交给有专业许可拆解 的回收公司处理。 When the service life of whole machine expires, considering your personnel safety and protection for social environment, please deliver the machine to recovery companies owning professional disassembly permit for dispose.
  • Page 182: 保修事项 Warranty Term

      保修事项 Warranty term  10. 保修事项 Warranty term 10.1 产品保修的依据 Product warranty basis 沭河 SH90 系列:SH800/804、SH850/854、SH900/904、SH950/954、SH1000/1004 轮式拖拉机,依 据下列文件及法规进行保修。 The warranty service for the wheeled tractors SHUHE SH series: SH800/804、SH850/854、SH900/904、 SH950/954、SH1000/1004will be undertaken according to the following documents and regulations. 《农业机械产品修理、更换、退货责任规定》2010 年 6 月 1 日起实施; “Rules of Obligation for Repair, Replacement and Reimbursement of the Agro-Machinery Products".
  • Page 183   保修事项 Warranty term  1. Showing "Three Guarantees Service Certificate" is necessary in case of maintenance for user, so keep it into safety; 2.如果机器发生故障,联系保修时必须告知经销商以下内容:机器产品型号,出厂编号,发动机型号 和型式等产品铭牌内容,已使用多长时间,详细说明故障情况; 2. In case of fault to machine, following information must be provided while contacting dealer that machine model, factory serial No., nameplate content of motor model and type, service time, and detailed description for fault.
  • Page 184: 11. 附录

      附录 Appendixes  11. 附录 Appendixes 11.1 拖拉机的用油和溶液 Oils and solutions used on the tractor 表 11-1 拖拉机的用油和溶液 Table 11-1 Oils and Solutions Used on the Tractor 用油、 溶液 部位 油和溶液 Application locations of Oils and solutions oils solutions 20℃以 4℃~...
  • Page 185   保修事项 Warranty term  发动机油底壳、喷油泵、调速器机油及油浴式空气滤清器均采用粘度级 别       符合美国汽工程师学会 SAE 粘度分类,-5℃以下用 SAElow,-5℃以上用四 季通用的 SAEl5W/40 多级油。质量级别符合美国石油学会 API CD 级 标 国际 准。 标准 Engine sump, injection pump, governor and oil bath air cleaner use the oils with International their viscosity grades compliant with SAE viscosity classification. Below -50C, standard use SAE 10W oil;...
  • Page 186: 主要螺栓、螺母拧紧力矩表 Tightening Torque Table Of Major Bolts And Nuts

      附录 Appendixes  Internationa     standard 制动 国内 Nl00D 传动液压两用油,执行标准:JB/T7282 系统 标准 Triple-purpose hydraulic/transmission/brake oil. Implementing Braking system Domestic standard: JB/T7282. standard 国际 可采用 SAE10W 油料, 质量级别符合美国石油学会 API CD 级 标准 标准。 Internationa SAE 10W oil with quality class compliant with API CD grade standard standard can be used.
  • Page 187   保修事项 Warranty term  发动机和变速箱壳体连接螺栓、螺母   200~260 M16x1.5 Bolt connecting engine with gearbox, nut 变速箱和后桥箱连接螺栓   90~110 Bolt connecting gearbox with rear axle 变速箱和后桥箱连接螺栓   200~260 M16x1.5 Bolt connecting gearbox with rear axle 发动机与离合器壳体   25~30 Engine and clutch housing 大圆锥齿轮固定螺栓  ...
  • Page 188   附录 Appendixes    11.3 油封     Reinforced seal 表 11-3 油封 Table 11-3 reinforced seal 安装部位 规格 标准号/图号 件/台 Installation location Specifications Standard code quantity 分动箱轴承座 FB30x52x7D GB/T9877.1 Transfer case bearing seat 变速箱输入轴轴承座 FB50x72x8D GB/T9877.1 Bearing block for the input shaft of 动力输出轴...
  • Page 189   保修事项 Warranty term  Bearing block for the input shaft of gear Single-row radial ball bearing       单列圆柱滚子调心轴承       变速箱输入轴后端 Single-row self-aligning roller 20209 special Rear end of the input shaft of gear box bearing 副变速中间轴前端 单列向心球轴承  ...
  • Page 190   附录 Appendixes        变速箱中间轴后端 单列向心球轴承 6211 GB/T 276 Rear ends of gearbox countershaft Single-row radial ball bearing 变速箱中间轴前端 单列向心球轴承       6210N GB/T 276 Front ends of gearbox countershaft Single-row radial ball bearing 分动箱中间齿轮轴 圆柱滚子轴承    ...
  • Page 191   保修事项 Warranty term  变速箱 III 档主动齿轮内孔处       滚针轴承 At the bore of driving gear for the third KK64x74x41 JB/T7918 Rolling needle bearing shift of gear box 变速箱 I 档从动齿轮内孔处       滚针轴承 At the bore of driven gear of the first KK64x74x41 JB/T7918 Rolling needle bearing...
  • Page 192   附录 Appendixes  分配器下降阀       19x2.65G GB/T3452.1 Lowering valve of the distributor 分配器单向阀       19x2.65G GB/T3452.1 Non-return valve of the distributor 分配器单向阀堵塞       20x1.8G GB/T3452.1 The non-return valve of distributor is blocked. 制动泵螺塞    ...
  • Page 193   保修事项 Warranty term  Bearing block for the front drive semi-axle       前驱动桥后安装座       99.6x5.3G GB/T3452.1 Rear base for the front drive axle 前驱动桥前安装座       52.6x3.55G GB/T3452.1 Front base for the front drive axle 分配器进油接头  ...
  • Page 194: 配套农机具 Supporting Farm Machines And Implements Of The Shuhe Sh 90Series Tractors

      附录 Appendixes  11.6 配套农机具   Supporting farm machines and implements of the SHUHE SH 90series tractors 表 11-6 配套农机具 Table 11-6 Supporting farm machines and implements of the SHUHE SH series tractors 配套机具名称   类别 拖拉机型号 机具型号 主要技术参数 配套企业 Name of supporting Category Tractor model...
  • Page 195   保修事项 Warranty term      Manufacturing Co, Ltd 悬挂七铧犁 深耕(20-26)厘米 哈尔滨沃尔科技有限 Suspended seven-furrow 1L-427 Tilling depth (16~20)cm Harbin Woer Sci-Tech Co, Ltd plough 广西南宁邕江机械有限公司 液压翻转犁       深耕(20-26)厘米 Nanning Yongjiang Machinery Co., Ltd. Hydraulic reversible 1LF-430/335 Tilling depth(20~26)cm 黑龙江省嫩江农业机械厂 plough Heilongjiang NenjiangAgricultural Machinery Factory 悬挂四铧犁...
  • Page 196   附录 Appendixes  西安市旋耕机厂     Variable-speed rotary   large tyre tractor   tiller The height at the center is(450-510)mm Xi'an Rotary Sower Factory 驱动耙   深耕(12-20)厘米 青岛马斯其奥公司 DS2000 Driving harrow Tilling depth(12~20)cm Qingdao Maschio Corporation 整地机械 20 片悬挂中耙 佳木斯北方机械制造有限公司  ...
  • Page 197   保修事项 Warranty term          联合整地机 耙深(8-10 厘米   Combined leveling 1LZ-3.0/3.6/1LZ-4.2 Harrow depth(8~10)cm machine 液压中耙               hydraulic 2BJ-3.4 黑龙江讷河机械厂   耙深(12-14)厘米 Levelling medium-harrow All series Heilongjiang Province Nahe 液压中耙 Harrow depth(12~14)cm machinery  ...
  • Page 198   附录 Appendixes      machine       播种施肥机   Seeding and 2BFXZ-24 fertilizer-spraying machine 气吸精量播种机 玉米、大豆 播种 7/8 行 Air-suction exact 2BQ-7/8 seeding machirie: Seeding Maize 7/8rows 邯郸诚工亿众植堡机械厂     药箱容量:1200 升       悬挂式打药机 Handan Chenggong Yizhong Plant protection 喷幅:21 米...
  • Page 199   保修事项 Warranty term  灭茬三行,起三垄;配套           轮胎机型:箱体中心高 SH850/SH854 SGTN-200/210       450-510 毫米       Turn aside stubbles for       three rows, form three                 ridges;  ...
  • Page 200   附录 Appendixes  山东兖州卢仝机械研究所                 Shandong yunzhou lutong machinery research institute           连云港市旋耕机厂   作业幅宽 1.8 米/2.0 米 路面机械 全系列 公路拌合机 Lianyungang Rotary Tiller Factory LBJ-180/200 Working width:1.8m/2.0m Road machinery All series On-the-high way mixer 江苏省太仓众信机械制造有限公司...
  • Page 201   保修事项 Warranty term  特别提示: Important issues:  选购农机具前,依据将要作业区域的作业条件(土壤阻力、农艺要求等)参考本明细表,初选配套农机具的种类、型号,并咨询经销商、机具厂商,详细阅读 农机具的“使用保养说明书”,熟悉农机具的结构、性能、使用方法、适用范围等。 Before shopping farm machines and implements, select types and models of the matching ones roughly, consult dealers according to the operational conditions (soil resistance, agricultural requirements, etc.) of the areas where you will work on and referring to this Iist. ...
  • Page 202   亲爱的用户: Dear customers 非常感谢您的惠顾,选购、使用沭河 SH90 系列轮式拖拉机,我们愿意竭诚为您服务,及时有效地 解决您在使用中出现的问题,最大限度地满足您的要求,做好用户服务工作。 Thank you for your shopping, choosing and using SHUHE SH series wheeled tractors We are willing to provide you with best service by serving you wholeheartedly, solving the problems that you encounter during use promptly and effectively, and meeting your demands to the maximum extent.
  • Page 203: 用户信息反馈单 Customer Information Feedback Form

      保修事项 Warranty term  用户信息反馈单 Customer Information Feedback Form 拖拉机出厂编       号 发动机生产厂家 Product model Tractor 产品型号 Engine Manufacturer identification number       发动机编号 出厂日期 购买日期 Engine number Delivery date Purchase date 驾驶工龄         用户姓名 年龄...
  • Page 204 Agrison 2098 Hume Highway Campbellfield Victoria Australia 3061 P: 1300 651 830 Fax: 1300 854 830 Intl: + 61 3 9357 8867 *All rights reserved.

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