Beaufort Avola User Manual page 6

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11 Password/Speed limit set
: The location
16 Assist proportion:
of speed display symbol PSd, remind to input
displays symbol SAr, the location of mileage dis-
passwords, press UP/DOWN buttons to setup
plays assist proportion value, press UP/DOWN
password value (0~9), press LEFT/RIGHT buttons
buttons to modify the value.
to switch the password item, password is 4
17 Throttle
set: The location of speed displays
digits, the default password is "1919". Press
symbol HAd, press UP/DOWN button display
POWER button when password adjustment is
symbol 0~1 to change the throttle OFF or ON.
completed. Display will return to the Voltage
18 Throttle 6KM set:
set item if the password is incorrect. Correct
displays symbol HAr, press UP/DOWN button
password will enter the Speed limit set item.
display symbol 0~1 to change the throttle 6km
12 Speed limit set
: The location of speed
OFF or ON.
displays symbol SPL, the location of mileage
19 Slow startup parameters:
displays speed limit value, the default value is
of speed displays symbol Sdr, the location of
25km/h. Press UP/DOWN buttons to modify the
mileage displays value, press UP/DOWN button
value, the value can be set from 10 to 41km/h.
to modify the value.
Press RIGHT button to enter the next item.
20 MAX Current set:
Note: The maximum speed is restrict by the
displays symbol CUL, the location of mileage
motor and controller, probably couldn't reach
displays current limit value, the default value is
the setting value.
15A. Press UP/DOWN button to modify the value.
13 Magnetic Pole numbers of speed
21 Range of assist level setting:
The location of speed displays symbol HAL,
of speed displays symbol PAS, the location of
the location of mileage displays magnetic pole
mileage displays assist range, the default is UBE.
number, the default value is 1, press UP/DOWN
Press UP/DOWN button to change the value
buttons to modify the value, the value can be
from0-3 to UBE.
22 Battery Pack Temperature:
set from 1 to 15.
14 Direction of speed
sensor: The location of
of speed displays symbol ETE, the location of
speed displays symbol ASd, press UP/DOWN
mileage displays the temperature of the battery
button rotate display symbol 0/1, 0 indicates
pack. Unit: °C.
forward, 1 indicates backward.
23 Battery Pack Voltage:
15 Over a few grains of magnet start:
speed displays symbol bSU, the location of
location of speed displays symbol SAd, the
mileage displays the voltage of the battery pack.
location of mileage displays pole number, press
Unit: mV.
UP/DOWN buttons to modify the value.
24 Real-time
The location of speed
displays symbol CUr, the location of mileage
displays real-time current value. Unit: mA.
25 Percentage of relative
capacity: The locati-
on of speed displays symbol rCP, the location of
mileage displays percentage of relative capacity
value. Unit: %.
26 Absolute Percent
Capacity: The location
The location of speed
of speed displays symbol ACP, the location of
mileage displays absolute percent capacity
value. Unit: %.
27 Remaining Capacity:
The location of speed
The location
displays symbol SCA, the location of mileage
displays remaining capacity value. Unit: mAh.
28 Full Capacity:
The location of speed
displays symbol FCA, the location of mileage
The location of speed
displays full capacity value. Unit: mAh.
29 Battery cycle times:
The location of speed
displays symbol CYC, the location of mileage
displays the cycle value. Unit: times.
The location
30 The current charging interval:
of speed displays symbol PCH, the location of
mileage displays the current charging interval
value. Unit: hr.
31 Maximum charge time interval:
The location
tion of speed displays symbol bCH, the location
of mileage displays the maximum charge time
interval value. Unit: hr.
The location of
(This function is optional)
The display can remind maintainance informa-
tion according to mileage (ODO) and battery
current: The location of speed
cycle times.
1 display will display symbol MAINTAIN when
the ODO accumulated more than setting
mileage (this parameter can be set by dealers),
the mileage symbol will flash for 4 seconds
when the display power on, the buzzer beep for
2 seconds at the same time.
2 Display will display symbol MAINTAIN When
the battery cycle over setting times, the symbol
of battery will flash for 4 seconds when the
display power on, the buzzer beep for 2 seconds
at the same time.
You can shutdown maintain reminding message
by parameter setting. Parameter setting / Main-
tain reminded / MA / 0
The location
The loca-
800U can give a warning message when the E-bike encounters an error. The LCD displays the
ERROR icon and the error code in speed position. Error codes go from 01 E to 07 E, the definitions
are explained in the table below:
Error Code
0x 21
Current abnormal
0 x 22
Turn error
Check turn to connect.
0 x 23
Motor phase lost
0 x 24
Hall error
Check the hall connection
0 x 25
Brake error
Check the brake connection.
0 x 30
Controller communication error
0 x 31
Battery communication error
24V/36V/48V battery supply
Rated operating current : 10mA
Max operating current : 30mA
Off leakage current < 1uA
Max output current to controller : 50mA
Operating temperature : -30°C to 70°C
Storage temperature : -40°C to 70°C
1. The display is waterproof but may not be immersed in water completely
2. Do not leave the display in full sunlight when not using it
3. Check the communication between display and controller on a regular basis
4. Do not disassemble units by yourself.
5. Do not use thinner, alcohol or fuel to clean the display or other electrical units.
6. Concentrate on the road and not on the display while driving. Safety first!

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