GGP SBC 425 H Operator's Manual page 13

Table of Contents


laws  can  restrict  the  minimum  age  of  the  op-
3)  The  machine  must  never  be  used  by  more 
than one person.
4)  Never use the machine:
–      w hen  people,  especially  children  or  pets  are 
–      i f the user is tired or unwell, or has taken medi-
cine, drugs, alcohol or any substances which 
may  slow  his  reflexes  and  compromise  his 
–      i f  the  user  is  not  capable  of  holding  the  ma-
chine  firmly  with  two  hands  and/or  remaining 
standing on the ground whilst working.
5)  Bear  in  mind  that  the  operator  or  user  is  re-
sponsible  for  accidents  or  unexpected  events 
occurring to other people or their property.
1)  Always  wear  adequate  clothing  which  does 
not  hamper  movements  when  using  the  ma-
–      A lways wear slim-fitting protective clothing, fit-
ted with shear-proof protection devices.
–      A lways wear a helmet, protective gloves, safe-
ty goggles, dust masks and safety anti-shear 
boots with non-slip soles. 
–      A lways  wear  ear  and  hearing  protection  de-
–      N ever  wear  scarves,  shirts,  necklaces,  or 
any hanging or flapping accessory that could 
catch in the machine or in any objects or ma-
terials in the work area.
–      T ie your hair back if it is long.
2)  WARNING:  DANGER!  Petrol  is  highly  flam-
–      k eep  the  fuel  in  containers  which  have  been 
specifically  manufactured  and  homologated 
for such use.
–      n ever smoke when handling fuel;
–      s lowly open the fuel tank to allow the pressure 
inside to decrease gradually;
–      t op  up  the  tank  with  fuel  in  the  open  air,  us-
ing a funnel.
– add fuel before starting the engine. Never re-
move the tank cap or add fuel while the engine 
is running or when the engine is hot.
–      i f  you  have  spilt  some  fuel,  do  not  attempt  to 
start  the  engine  but  move  the  machine  away 
from  the  area  of  spillage  and  avoid  creating 
any source of ignition until the fuel has evapo-
rated and fuel vapours have dissipated.
–      i mmediately clean up all traces of fuel spilt on 
the machine or on the ground;
–      n ever start the machine in the same place you 
refilled it with fuel.
–      m ake  sure  your  clothing  does  not  come  into 
contact with the fuel, on the contrary, change 
your clothes before starting the engine.
–      a lways  put  the  tank  and  fuel  container  caps 
back on and tighten well.
3)  Replace faulty or damaged silencers.
4)  Before  using  the  machine,  check  its  general 
condition and in particular:
–      t he  throttle  trigger  and  the  safety  lever  must 
move  freely,  they  must  not  need  forcing  and 
should  return  automatically  and  rapidly  back 
to the neutral position;
–      t he throttle trigger must remain locked until the 
safety lever is pressed;
–      t he engine stop switch must easily move from 
one position to the other;
–      t he electric cables and in particular the spark 
plug  cable  must  be  in  perfect  condition  to 
avoid  the  generation  of  any  sparks,  and  the 
cap must be correctly fitted on the spark plug;
–      t he  machine  handgrips  and  protection  devic-
es must be clean and dry and well fastened to 
the machine;
8)  For  safety  reasons,  never  use  the  machine 
with  worn  or  damaged  parts.  Damaged  parts 
are to be replaced and never repaired. Only use 
original spare parts. Parts that are not of the
same  quality  can  seriously  damage  the  equip-
ment  and  compromise  safety.  The  cutting  tools 
must always bear the manufacturer's trademark 
as well as a reference to the maximum working 
5)  Check  the  correct  position  of  the  handgrips 
and the connection point of the harness, and the
proper balance of the machine.
6)  Before  starting  work  make  sure  that  the 
guards are suitable for the cutting tool being
used and are fitted correctly.
7)  Thoroughly inspect the entire work area and 
remove  anything  that  could  be  thrown  by  the 
machine  or  damage  the  cutting  unit  or  engine 
(stones, branches, iron wire, bones, etc.). 
1)  Do not operate the engine in a confined space 
where  dangerous  carbon  monoxide  fumes  can 
2)  Work only in daylight or good artificial light. 
3)  Take on a firm and well-balanced position:
–      w here  possible,  avoid  working  on  wet,  slip-
pery ground or in any case on uneven or steep 
ground  that  does  not  guarantee  stability  for 
the operator;
–      n ever  run,  but  walk  carefully  paying  attention 
to the lay of the ground and any eventual ob-
–      a ssess  the  potential  risks  of  the  ground  you 
are  working  on  and  take  all  necessary  pre-


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Sbc 425 hdSbc 435 hSbc 435 hd

Table of Contents