Vertu SIGNATURE RM-466V Reference Manual page 23

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enables various settings when sending the
S e n din g op tio n s
M e ss ag e pr i or i ty
can be set to
enables you to request a delivery report for
D e li ve r y re po r t
this and all other text messages
S a ve se nt m e ss ag e
message in the Sent items folder
M e s s ag e va li di ty
enables you to select the length of time that
the network attempts to deliver your message
M e s s ag e s e n t v ia
Te x t
P a g in g
Fa x
leaves the text entry environment (you will be asked if
E x it e d ito r
you want to save any incomplete messages).
6. To add a file to the text message, scroll down and choose a file type
from the icon list at the bottom of the screen. Choose from the
following file types:
Text field
Sound clip
Calendar note
7. Select
to browse to the required file.
I n s e r t
8. Select
to add the file to the message.
I n s e r t
9. Once the message is complete, press
R e a d i n g an d re p l y in g to te x t m e s s ag e s
When you receive a message, you will receive an information note,
and an envelope icon
will appear on the status line. By default
there is also an audible message alert.
If your Vertu phone memory is full, you may have to delete
messages from your Inbox or Outbox before you can send or
receive further messages.
To read a new message as soon as it is received:
1. Press
S h ow
2. To ignore the message and view it later, press
If you have unread messages in your Inbox, the
remain on the stand-by display.
To read a stored message:
1. From the stand-by display, press
2. The most recently received message will be highlighted. Scroll to the
message you want to read and press
N or m al
H i gh
enables you to save a copy of the
enables you to send the message via
Gallery file
Business card
S e n d
E x i t
M e n u
M e s s a g e s
O pe n
To view the list of available options while reading a message:
1. Press
2. Scroll to the required option and then press
R e p ly
R e p ly a s
D e l e te
C a ll se n de r
U s e de t a il
addresses from the current message
Fo r w ard
E di t
M o ve
C op y t o C a le n d a r
C op y a s te m p la te
when composing future messages
M e s sa ge d e t ai ls
number, the message centre used, and the date and time sent.
To reply to a message being read:
1. With the message open, press
2. Scroll to the type of message you want to send and then press
S e le c t
3. The
Refer to the Text message, Multimedia message, Flash message
and Audio message sections of this guide to complete and send
your reply.
Multimedia messages
A Multimedia message (MMS) can contain text, sound, video and
pictures. Your Vertu phone supports Multimedia messages that are
up to 296 KB. If the maximum size is exceeded, the phone may not
be able to receive the message. Depending upon your network, you
may receive a message that includes an Internet address where you
can go to view the Multimedia message. Pictures are scaled to fit
the display area of the phone. Your Vertu phone has a Multimedia
message viewer for playing messages and an Inbox for storing all
saved messages.
icon will
Copyright protections may prevent some images, ringing tones, and
other content from being copied, modified, transferred, or
I n b ox
Multimedia messaging supports a wide range of standards for each
of the following formats:
Picture: JPEG, GIF, animated GIF, WBMP, BMP, and PNG
Sound: SP-MIDI, AMR audio, MP3 and AAC
Video: clips in H.263 format with SubQCIF image size and
AMR audio
If a received message contains unsupported attachments, these
may be replaced with a message.
O p ti on s
to reply to the message
to reply and change the type of message to be sent
removes the message you are viewing from your Vertu
to call the sender of the message
makes use of any numbers, e-mail addresses or Web
sends the message to another recipient of your choosing
enables you to edit the message before sending or saving
enables you to move the message to another selected folder
creates a reminder note in the calendar
saves the message as a template for use
displays the sender's name and phone
R e pl y
field displays the sender's number.
Multimedia messaging functions can only be used if
supported by your service provider. For availability and a
subscription to the Multimedia messaging service, contact
your service provider. Only compatible devices can receive
and display Multimedia messages.
S e le c t


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